Chapter 377 miracle

When Mukuro said the last sentence, the direction he was facing was no longer Akainu’s position, but facing… all Marines on the huge Malinfandou Square!

In the words, Mukuro mixed in a little bit of Conqueror’s Haki!

Although for Mukuro, it is only a negligible, or even negligible, Conqueror’s Haki, for Marine in Marine Vatican Square, it is a sense of pressure that cannot be breathed!

“Ming…understood, Marshal Mukuro!”

The sparse sound of Marine sounded in Marine Vandor Square.

“Give me a louder voice, I didn’t hear it.” Mukuro said loudly with a serious expression. At the same time, he put away the suppression of Conqueror’s Haki that was overflowing on his body, otherwise most Marines would not be able to speak loudly under such pressure.

“Understood, Marshal Mukuro!”

The sound was a little bit uneven at first, but after a few times, the sound gathered together. Hundreds of thousands of Marines shouted hoarse in unison!

The sound seemed to become a torrent, resounding through the world!

The clouds in the sky seemed to be washed away in such a roar. Mariejois and Sabaody Archipelago, hundreds of nautical miles away, heard the sound faintly.

After a few sounds…

Mukuro nodded slightly with satisfaction, and said: “Okay, you can stop.” Although Mukuro’s voice was not loud, everyone in the room could hear it clearly.

The crowd stopped roaring and looked at Mukuro.

None of the hundreds of thousands of people in the huge Malinfandou Square made a sound, only the sound of the wind blowing and the sound of light breathing.

Sengoku, the Buddha on the side, saw this scene, and couldn’t help being shocked in his heart:

Mukuro has just taken up the position of Marine Marshal, not even a quarter of an hour has come! However, looking at the current control over the entire Marine, it is definitely not a difference compared to yourself, and even slightly stronger!

Although, this is inseparable from Mukuro’s own strength.

But more is the majesty of Mukuro in Marine, and the aura that Mukuro showed in this short half-quarter of an hour, belonging to the superior!

Even Sengoku couldn’t help but feel a little impressed, let alone a group of Marines.

“Okay, the battle is over. Then the next job is to repair Marin Vandor, and then proceed with Marine’s various matters.” Mukuro said.

“Well, okay. I will immediately post to the world to recruit the best craftsmen. I will try to complete the restoration of Ma Lin Vandor within two years.” The crane standing on the side opened his mouth.

At the same time looking at the sight of Ma Lin Fanduo, I couldn’t help but feel a little headache.

It was almost the same as a sinking island. This battle was nothing compared to the battle where the Golden Lion smashed Ma Lin Fanduo. Not to mention the round-faced white Hu Five Elders and the blonde suit Five Elders, just Whitebeard alone, Shock Fruit’s ability can completely destroy the entire Ma Lin Fanduo!

Of course, Ma Lin Vandor was not destroyed by Whitebeard, not because the ability of Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit was too weak, but because Whitebeard’s target against the enemy was not Ma Lin Vandor.

The entire Ma Lin Fanduo can be completely repaired in two years. This is the fastest and fastest construction period that Crane has calculated!

“Two years? Is it so long!?” Mukuro was a little surprised.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Crane’s face was a little helpless, and he could only explain out loudly:

“Marshal, you may not know very well. Now the entire Ma Lin Vatican has broken in many places. First of all, these cracks must be filled, but this is a big project, and then there are ports, docks, houses, streets… many facilities. The construction of these projects. None of these projects can be simply completed. The two years I said were completed, but with the help of Marine…”

“Okay, stop and stop…”

Mukuro quickly stopped Tsuru’s next long talk, and then scratched his head in anguish. After a long while, he said: “Forget it, leave it to me to fix Ma Lin Fanduo’s work, just wait a while.”

“Uh!?” Crane looked puzzled.

Mukuro looked sad, and muttered: “Um…what is the original appearance of Marlene Vatican? Forget it, I don’t want to, anyway, now I am the Marine Marshal, so all the buildings of Naval Headquarters are owned by me. Let’s make the decision!”

Suddenly, Mukuro’s eyes condensed, his aura suddenly raised!

A complicated handprint was formed on both hands, and the reincarnation Tenseigan in his eyes was revealed, and a light gray-black chaotic energy radiated from Mukuro’s hand!

The power of yin and yang-yin and yang escape! ! !

The ability to grow out of nothing, and then create everything! ! !

The gray-black energy quickly covered the entire broken Ma Lin Fanduo! ! !

The large cracks that had been poured into seawater gradually closed, and then the seawater was repelled out; the ground was compacted, and the broken buildings were also wiped out; buildings of different styles were uplifted for a few seconds The time has already taken shape; on both sides of the street, the tender green tree buds sprout, and then grow rapidly as if they have been beaten with auxin…

Everything is so incredible! ! !

“This…what the hell is going on!? Am I dazzled!?”

“It’s a lie, or… I haven’t woken up yet!?”

“Is this… a miracle!?”

The Marines in Marlene Vatican Square, as well as the people who saw this scene through the video phone worm, were all surprised from ear to ear.

Afterwards, everyone who reacted all looked at Mukuro on the execution stage with amazement…

Is he… God! ?

This thought arose in everyone’s hearts…

Looking at one of the most majestic buildings, it is like an ancient palace, but it gives people a majestic feeling. Mukuro nodded in satisfaction, and said:

“From now on, this will be the Marine headquarters!”

After a pause, Mukuro continued: “Okay, now we will start an important matter for Marine. I named it… the World Conscription Plan!”

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