Chapter 376 Mukuro’s will

“Then I really want to thank you, Mukuro kid…” Garp looked at Mukuro with fire in his eyes. He has been miserable for a lifetime, and neither Sengoku nor Sengoku can do anything about himself.

This is what Garp has always been proud of.

How could Garp not be aggrieved.

“Oh… then Garp Admiral, you have to do your job well, otherwise I will dismiss you from Marine Admiral’s position. Of course, the position will also be transferred along with it.” Mukuro said lightly.

Garp’s face flushed, and after a long while he suffocated a sentence:

“Huh! Mukuro boy, don’t worry! When the old man caught the pirates in the sea, I’m afraid you haven’t come into this world yet!”

Mukuro looked at Garp with a smile on his face. I silently thought in my heart: I really didn’t come into this world at that time, because I was in the world of Naruto at that time.

“Boscart Rear Admiral, I hope you can study Marine’s rules seriously, not like the previous pirate period. Of course, with Garp Admiral, don’t just learn his ability to sleep 15 times and eat doughnuts at any time. .” Mukuro turned his head and looked at Ace aside while exclaiming.

“Yes, Master Marshal!”

Seeing Mukuro staring at him, Ace couldn’t help but be shocked. After all, the strength that Mukuro showed just now was really shocking, and it would make people daunting.

After being promoted to Sengoku and Garp, Mukuro turned his attention to Marine III Admiral.

Qingzhi and Kizaru are pretty good to say…

Qingzhi was only injured while fighting with Whitebeard, and there was nothing serious about it.

And Kizaru, who participated in such a big battle, didn’t even have a slight wrinkle in his yellow earth-colored suit. For Kizaru, this battle was nothing more than projecting eight-foot jade, or a laser beam, to the ground from a high altitude.

It is most appropriate to describe it in two words, and that is-paddling! ! !

The most miserable was Akainu, who first suffered a furious blow from Whitebeard and was directly abolished of all combat power. Then, just now, Doflamingo secretly used Haki to come back viciously.

Collapsed on the ground, it can almost be said that there is no air in the air.

Take a look at Akainu, also Marine Admiral. Intuitively speaking, Akainu didn’t do anything wrong, but in terms of his understanding of justice and his attitude towards pirates, Akainu was too paranoid and extreme.

Raising his hand, a mark was made on his hand, and a majestic life force penetrated into Akainu’s body. After a quarter of an hour, Akainu’s injury had completely recovered.

“This…this is the power of Devil Fruit!?” Sengoku said in astonishment.

“Mukuro boy, what did you eat Devil Fruit!?” Garp asked directly.

“Um… this is not the power of Devil Fruit, but a kind of energy called Chakra. I haven’t taken any Devil Fruit.” Mukuro shrugged and said casually.

“Not the power of Devil Fruit!?”

“Check… Carat!? What was it then!?”

Both Sengoku and Garp were shocked, a little bit unconscious. But Akainu, who had just recovered intact, did not have a trace of gratitude for being saved.

Instead, he glared directly at Mukuro and said sharply:

“Mitarashi Mukuro! Who allowed you to set up the so-called Pirate Wuhai Troops in private!? All the pirates are evil and can only be wiped out! And…”

Akainu cast his gaze to the side of Ace, and said with a grim look: “The most sinful bloodline in the world, the child of One Piece Roger must be put to death! If you can’t do it, then… I will do it for you! ”

Great Eruption! ! !

Without any hesitation, Akainu punched directly! ! !

A huge fist of magma rose up with billowing black smoke, and suddenly attacked Ace, who was unprepared aside! ! !

At this time, Ace’s body did not maintain elementalization. If he is hit by such a terrifying attack by Akainu, his ending will definitely not be any different from the original!

However, with the presence of Mukuro on the side, is there a possibility of this kind of thing happening! ?

Of course… no more.

The moment Akainu started his hands, Mukuro had already noticed his intentions.

Kamui! ! !

Tenseigan, the reincarnation in Mukuro’s eyes, flashed, and the magma fist that hit Ace suddenly disappeared. Akainu was surprised at first, and then full of anger! ! !

Without the slightest hesitation…

Dark Hound! ! !

Akainu’s strongest move! ! !

The entire arm was transformed into a crimson arm of magma, and it was compressed sharply, almost condensing the magma into substance, and then bombarded it out, thus forming a huge destructive force!

In the plot, Akainu used this trick to smash half of Whitebeard’s face! Although it is Whitebeard who is almost exhausted, it still cannot be underestimated!

Of course, Akainu’s attack is not towards Mukuro, but 213 is still… Ace! ! !

Seeing Akainu’s behavior, Mukuro’s face turned gloomy, and he said coldly: “I said… Starting today, Boscart will be Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, Sakazuki Admiral… In front of me, the same is true. Marine’s Boscart shot, are you blatantly provoking my majesty!?”

At the same time, Mukuro also shot!

God air strike! ! !

With a punch, the dark blue fist blasted directly at Akainu! The dark blue Chakra giant fist hit Akainu’s body firmly! The Dark Hound on my arm has not disappeared…

Akainu was directly bombed on the ground of Marin Vatican Square!

On the ground of the square, a huge deep hole with a diameter of hundreds of meters and a depth of hundreds of meters with the imprint of a fist was directly blasted out!

Akainu lay half-dead at the bottom of the pit…

The injuries on the whole body are definitely not much lighter than those on the execution bench just now! ! !

“Sakazuki Admiral, this is the first time, if there is a second time…Even if you are Marine Admiral, I will kill you without hesitation! Remember, I am Marine Marshal! My will… The will of all Marine, you…understand!?”

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