Chapter 371 Come to an end

“Is the strength of Five Elders so weak!? How do you feel that White Dragon Admiral killed these two Five Elders so easily!” A Marine Lieutenant Colonel on the side stared blankly at the battle before him and muttered.

“How could it be weak! How did Five Elders suppress the “Four Emperors” just now, don’t tell me you didn’t see it!” Another Marine colonel on the side retorted.

“That’s right… Bailong Admiral is too scary!”

“It’s worthy of being the strongest Admiral in Marine history!”

Slowly, there was a lot of discussion in the square of Ma Lin Fanduo. And the topic of discussion… Of course, only Mitarashi Mukuro has a possibility!

“This guy Mukuro… I didn’t expect to be so tough! Back then, the five elders, the blond suit that pushed our Roger Pirates into an almost extinct state, was so easy to clean up… But it is, I taught him back then. When Haki, he reached the point where he broke the boundary between man and god in an instant!”

Rayleigh couldn’t help but sighed, but it made the “red-haired” Shanks standing beside him startled and surprised.

I couldn’t help asking: “Deputy Captain, you actually taught 15 pervert guys!? Then why didn’t you teach me so well back then!?”

“Um… it’s just a short time.” Rayleigh said embarrassedly.

The real situation is… The time Rayleigh taught Mukuro was put together, and it was only half a day at most for full play, and the rest of the time was Mukuro’s own competition.

“As for you… your own talent is poor, don’t blame others…”

“Poor talent…Talent…poor!?”

Shanks was a little dumbfounded when he heard Rayleigh’s words. Poor talent! ? Among the pirates of New World, Shanks’ talent can not be overstated even if it is called the best.

Without taking any Devil Fruit, Shanks are on the sea of ​​New World. To be served with the strongest fruit of Paramecia, Whitebeard from Shock Fruit; Charlotte Linlin with the fruit of the soul and soul; Kaido with the fruit of the evil beast species and evil spirits… These terrifying big sea pirates are fighting for hegemony! ! !

Only relying on his own Haki and one-handed swordsmanship… to win the position of “Four Emperors” shows how terrifying Shanks’ talent is!


With a dry laugh, Rao couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed with the thick-skinned Shanks. He changed the subject hurriedly and said: “However, in this way, Five Elders will not be called the three elders in the future!?”

“Three old stars!? Haha…” Rayleigh chuckled twice.

“Mukuro…killed Five Elders!? And still…two!?” When Mukuro and Five Elders were fighting, Golden Lion Shiki didn’t know where to take advantage of Lion Fruit’s abilities and hide. went.

Sengoku looked worried now.

No one knows the consequences of killing Five Elders. After all, in the previous 800 years of history, no one has ever killed Five Elders! But thinking about it, Mukuro killed the two Five Elders in such a simple way, then the rest is not so terrible, and the big deal is left to Mukuro to solve it.

After looking around for a week, Mukuro said, “Everyone present…please give me…face…truce, if you still want to fight, then let me be your opponent!”

The surrounding battlefield was silent. Suddenly, a unique laughter sounded: “Koohahahahahaha…Mukuro boy, the truce is no problem, but I want to save Ace!”

Rayleigh on the side also frowned tightly and looked at Mukuro solemnly. As soon as he wanted to speak out, Mukuro’s voice rang out, ignoring Whitebeard, but looking at the execution platform, Ace said faintly:

“Ace, I made it very clear just now that I will not execute you. But…As a Marine, naturally, I will not release you as a pirate again! Now you have two choices:

First, be imprisoned forever in the Eternal Hell of LEVEL6 in the Great Undersea Prison; second, become a Marine! Now… tell me your choice! ”

“I…I…” Ace opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

“Koohahahahahahaha… My Whitebeard’s son, of course, cannot be imprisoned in the Great Undersea Prison! He will certainly not become a Marine! Boy Mukuro… let me be your opponent!”

Whitebeard was holding a large naginata and stood in front of all the pirates.

Mukuro frowned and looked a little displeased. Although he admired Whitebeard, Mukuro hated someone to refute what he said.

“Whitebeard, why didn’t the battle five years ago make you remember anymore!? Or do you think…you were rejuvenated by me and have the power to beat me!? Kaido…if Whitebeard dares to be presumptuous, Just give me the entire Whitebeard pirate group… wipe out all my members here!” Mukuro said.

“Yes, my lord.”

Kaido on the side of 220 responded immediately. At the same time, the evil spirit energy on his body escapes. As long as Whitebeard changes a little, Kaido is ready to attack it directly!

At this moment…

All the people on Ma Lin Fan Duo were in shock.

What Mukuro said just now, the amount of information contained in it is really huge! First, Whitebeard regained his youthful body… In the previous match, Garp and Sengoku had a deep understanding!

Definitely more powerful than Whitebeard at his peak! ! !

And all of this is done by Mitarashi Mukuro! ? How can it be! ? How could the world have the ability to reverse the years! ? Even the fruit of regression. It is impossible to restore the body to youth without changing the strength!

Secondly, Kaido, one of the “Four Emperors”, is known as the “world’s strongest creature” and the super big pirate is actually a subordinate of Mitarashi Mukuro! This is a joke! ?

“I chose to become Marine!!!”

When the authorities were in a stalemate, a loud roar suddenly came from the execution stage! Ace bowed his head heavily in Whitebeard’s direction with a crying face.

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