Chapter 370 Double kill

“Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie… This is something we Five Elders prepared specially for the three old monsters of Celestial Dragons… This is the first time I have used it… Sure enough… It’s really an Ultimate-like powerful feeling. !”

Five Elders in a blonde suit said with a grinning face. His current appearance can no longer be seen as a human figure. It is estimated that he has swallowed Zoan Devil Fruit.

“Three Celestial Dragons old monsters…Are you sure!?”

Mukuro looked at the blonde suit Five Elders with a playful look, and asked.

“The ignorant kid, let me give you some science! This world is not as simple as you think. The twenty kings of the World government founded 800 years ago…that is, twenty Celestial Dragons, but survived. Three people. The strength is as powerful as our Five Elders!”

I don’t know if it is because I am very confident in Haki’s awakening state, or his original personality is like this, the blonde suit Five Elders seems to have a lot of words.


Mukuro suddenly realized, and said, “Are you talking about… the boss of your Five Elders, the twenty different worlds rescued by Raftel? Then in order to fight for control of the entire world, What about the three old guys who survived a battle with the royal family at the time!?”

“You… how could you possibly know!?”

Five Elders in a blonde suit opened his eyes wide, pointed Mukuro with one finger, and asked in disbelief. Perhaps through the interpretation of historical texts scattered around the world, or through other means, Mukuro was able to learn some information from eight hundred years ago.

But… Celestial Dragons came from another world, but it was not long ago that Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair told him and the others! How would he know.

“Um… Then among the three old Celestial Dragons you call, is there a guy named Rozvard!?” Mukuro asked suddenly.

“Yes…” Five Elders in a blond suit nodded subconsciously and replied.

“Then, I have to correct you a mistake…” Mukuro said.

“What’s wrong!?” The blonde suit Five Elders puzzled.

Mukuro’s face suddenly overflowed with a smile, and he said, “That fellow Rozwald has been killed by me, so…the three old Celestial Dragons in your mouth. Now… there are only three left… …”

The news that Mukuro said was for Five Elders in a blonde suit… No, it was tantamount to fabled news for any Five Elders.

“No! Impossible…huh! I understand, you must have made up this information without knowing where you came from, so I won’t be deceived by you! Go to me to die…Bailong !!!”

The blonde suit Five Elders first had a look of disbelief, and then he came up with an explanation that he thought was more reasonable. The more I said… the blond suit Five Elders believed in himself, which was simply self-comfort.

After all, it was the whole person who invaded Mukuro!

The speed is definitely more than a hundred times faster than the speed of sound, and the black wings behind him have transformed into a form, each of them is like a sharp spear, piercing the air! ! !

“Sorry…I am not interested in fighting with you anymore, because you are…too weak!”

Mukuro said faintly. At the same time, there was no sluggishness in his offensive, and his hands were fast enough to seal, and the time was not up to an instant, and dozens of complicated handprints had been completely printed.

“Xianshu Wood Style· Shin Su Senju on top of the Buddha!!!”

The horrible Shin Su Senju Buddha statue appeared in Ma Lin Fanduo. Without a moment’s pause, the Senju Buddha statue opened his eyes directly, and countless arms behind him blasted the blonde suit Five Elders!

Although, the blonde suit Five Elders in Haki’s awakening state has swelled hundreds of times in size. But compared to the Senju Buddha statue, which occupies almost half of Ma Lin Vatican, it is still very small…

The Senju Buddha statue infused with the power of Yang escape by Mukuro, the strength of every arm behind it is definitely more than a hundred times stronger than the legendary tree Adam in Pirate World!

And…this is the celestial ninjutsu released by Mukuro with all his strength!

With every punch or palm of the Senju Buddha statue, its strength is definitely reaching the point where it breaks the mountain! It is enough to see how terrifying Mukuro’s attack is!

There are thousands of arms behind the Senju Buddha statue, and each arm is blasted with hundreds of punches per second!

In other words, in every second, Five Elders, a blonde suit, has to withstand the tremendous force of breaking the mountain hundreds of thousands of times! Although Haki’s awakened blonde suit, Five Elders, is very powerful!

But… in the face of the more terrifying Mukuro, there is only one result that can be said of the leader…

Shin Su Senju’s attack on top of the Buddha continued for several minutes.

In these few minutes, Five Elders, a blonde suit, withstood hundreds of millions of attacks! At this moment, he has long been unable to see what he looked like a few minutes ago.

Naked to the upper body, no trace of skin can be seen at all, only the white bones and bright red flesh and blood can be seen! The two arms have also disappeared completely because they stood in front of them to resist the attack…

The blonde suit Five Elders just lay half-dead on the ground…

5.2 If you feel angry, you may die at any time! ! !

Mukuro didn’t mean to let go of the blonde suit Five Elders.

In the eyes of Samsara Tenseigan turned, raised his arm, a dark Truth-Seeking Ball appeared in front of Mukuro’s palm, and then changed its shape to form a huge curtain covering the body of the blonde suit Five Elders!

The Truth-Seeking Ball curtain wraps the blonde suit Five Elders on the ground. Then, under the control of Mukuro, the Truth-Seeking Ball mantle shrank extremely quickly, and finally restored to the original shape of the Truth-Seeking Ball!

Of course… the blonde suit of Five Elders has disappeared at this time.

The moment his body touched the Truth-Seeking Ball, it was completely annihilated! After killing Five Elders, the round-faced white hu, Mukuro once again killed the blonde suit Five Elders!

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