Chapter 368 Kill Five Elders

Looking at the round-faced Baihu Five Elders with a puzzled look, Mukuro’s face was completely indifferent, with only the cold in his eyes, he slowly said:

“Heaven’s Royal Middle-Strong Acid!!!”

A pitch-black hole suddenly split from the space above the head of Five Elders with a round face and Baihu, and then the turquoise viscous substance poured out from it!

There are a total of six spaces in the Imperial Palace of Heaven-magma, supergravity, sand, ice, strong acid… five branch spaces, and a main starting ball space!

If a single round of strong acid space acid is acidic, it is indeed inferior to the strong sour fruit of Five Elders’ third awakening.

However, Mukuro’s control of the Heavenly Yuchu is not as bad as Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. Even if you are in a supergravity space, you can’t adjust the influence of gravity in the space on you.

Mukuro can freely control any space in the heavenly palace!

The same is true for the manipulation of the acid space. Mukuro can be diluted indefinitely, or it can purify any strong acid solution in the strong acid space!

After the purification of Mukuro, the corrosiveness of the released strong acid has reached a terrifying point!

If the acidity of the corrosive erosion released by Five Elders Release 287 of the round face white Hu is set to 100 points, then the acidity of the strong acid poured out from the strong acid space after Mukuro’s purification is absolutely horrible 10,000 points!

Then under the control of Mukuro, the strong acid that was dumped instantly turned into a giant dragon. Assaulting Five Elders, the round-faced white beard below, Mukuro didn’t dare to let such strong acid pour down.

Otherwise…Marin Vandor will definitely become a terrifying scene!

As a person with strong sour fruit ability, if Five Elders with a round face and a white face can’t recognize that the acid is in front of them, then it would be really laughable and generous.

Based on his knowledge of acid in the world. Just by looking at it and smelling it, you can accurately recognize that the viscous substance poured out is the strong acid that you are more familiar with.

Moreover, the acidity is definitely not low!

However, Five Elders, the round-faced white-faced Hu, stood up straight without any intention to dodge. At the same time, he looked at Mukuro disdainfully and said, “What a fool! Devil Fruit is a manifestation of the law of power in the entire world! And I , Which represents the strong acid and corrosion of the entire world…”

“So any acid in this world cannot cause harm to me. It will even turn into a stronger nourishment for me, hahahahaha…”

“I don’t know…who is the idiot…” Mukuro smiled sarcastically on his face.

Just when Five Elders laughed.

The strong acid dragon has already invaded him, just as Five Elders, the round-faced white beard, used the power of Devil Fruit to absorb the strong acid that Mukuro had attacked…

Suddenly it was stunned…

Normally, it is a harmless method for any acid, how can it not have any effect on these strong acids on your own body! ?

But Mukuro didn’t leave Five Elders with the round-faced white huh any time to think. A heart-wrenching pain first spread to his nerve center, and then spread throughout his body.

“Ah ah ah ah ah……”

Five Elders, the round-faced white Hu, yelled, obviously unable to bear the feeling. If it’s just a physical pain, it’s okay to say, with his mental willpower, there is absolutely no problem to endure it.

But Mukuro also guessed this, so when purifying the strong acid mucus, he put a trace of yin power into the strong acid solution.

The moment Five Elders, the round-faced white hu, came into contact with the strong acid mucus, the power of yin invaded his soul, and then the power of yin raged.

Under the erosion of the power of Yin, the body of Five Elders, a round face and white Hu, stiffened.

At this moment of time…

The acid dragon has completely swallowed Five Elders, the round-faced white beard, and the round-faced white beard Five Elders, which has just returned to its original shape, had to transform into a strong acid form again, trying to adapt to the surrounding strong acid environment.

“Strong acid… but it has no effect on me… what!? How come I can’t feel the presence of my right hand!? And… and the left leg is the same!?”

The look on the face of Five Elders, the round-faced white Hu, finally panicked, and even a hint of fear was faintly mixed in. A strong man of his kind, even if he became a group of strong acid, he did not feel it. Possibility of limbs!

Without feeling the limbs, there will only be one possibility… that is… your own limbs disappeared…

How can this be! ! ?

After taking a strong acid fruit, and reaching a state of third-degree awakening, oneself can already be said to represent all the corrosive substances in this world, how could it be possible that the strong acid will corrode the limbs! ?

But… this question has become a question that no one can answer to Five Elders.


Then his limbs…then his upper body…then his head…all corroded by Mukuro’s acid dragon. Even with his soul, he completely disappeared in this world.

So far… Five Elders, who controlled the entire world and lived for at least 800 years, finally died!


With a snap of his fingers, the acid dragon disappeared directly into the mid-air of Ma Lin Fando, and was retaken by Mukuro into the space of the heavenly imperial palace.

The people in the Marin Vandor Square were stunned.

This is… too powerful! ?

Just now, he beat five Elders, the round-faced Baihu Five Elders, who was a big pirate of the “Four Emperors” class. This would… just so easily lost to the hands of Bailong Admiral! ?

“This white dragon is too scary!? Fortunately, there is no contradiction with me.” Shanks couldn’t help but said a little bit.

“Mukuro boy… so much stronger again!?” Rayleigh couldn’t help sighing.

“Mukuro…” Sengoku looked at Mukuro with a complicated expression, and killed Five Elders! What a terrifying power this is, but at the same time Sengoku is also worried that it will cause more trouble in the future!

“You…you actually killed the fourth child!? I will kill you!!!”

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