Chapter 367 Acid hell

“Huh!! My strong acid can corrode even seastone! Open your eyes and show me…how your magma is corroded by my strong acid…how…how is it possible!” ?”

Halfway through speaking, Five Elders with a round face and Baihu suddenly stopped his voice and looked at the direction in mid-air with a dull face!

The magma fist collided with the strong acid slime ball.

Round-faced Baihu Five Elders imagined that the magma was corroded by the strong acid slime ball did not happen, and on the contrary… Mukuro’s magma giant fist directly melted his strong acid slime ball!

This… how is this possible! ?

The round-faced white Hu Five Elders was stunned for a moment, but in this moment of his stunned moment… Mukuro’s magma fist had already blasted in front of him.

not good……! ! !

Feeling the heat wave, Five Elders, the round face and white Hu, reacted. But… it’s too late to escape now! The giant fist of magma has completely swallowed Five Elders, the round-faced Baihu!

“Old fourth!!!”

Five Elders in a blond suit yelled, anxiously.

Although Mukuro’s magma fist was very powerful, it failed to make the blonde suit Five Elders feel any threat of death, but it was not the same when placed on the body of the round face and white Hu Five Elders.

The reason why I don’t think Mukuro’s attack poses a death threat is because my Conqueror’s Haki has broken through the boundaries of humans and gods. Although the round-faced white Hu Five Elders is also Grandmaster Haki, and even Armament Haki has reached the third level. But compared to the strong after Haki broke through the boundaries of humans and gods, there is an essential difference between the two!

Although I am very upset with the round face and white Hu Five Elders, after all, we have been together for more than 800 years. It is absolutely false to say that there is no feeling between them!

It turns out… Five Elders, a blonde suit, was a little worried.

Although the round-faced white Hu Five Elders is much weaker than himself, Five Elders is still Five Elders after all! Being able to stand at the apex of the world for more than eight hundred years is not just for fun.

And because Conqueror’s Haki, who broke through the boundaries of humans and gods in a blonde suit, Five Elders, naturally restrained Devil Fruit. As a result, Five Elders in the blonde suit really looked down on Devil Fruit’s ability, so he didn’t even know that Devil Fruit’s ability would be…how terrible after reaching the state of third awakening! ! !

Under the attack of Mukuro’s magma giant fist, Five Elders, a round face, white hu, melted directly into a pool of strong acid… Gradually, a person stood up slowly in the strong acid…

A person composed entirely of dark green strong acid mucus…

Although it is Paramecia’s Devil Fruit. However, after reaching the level of third-degree Devil Fruit awakening, it possesses an ability that surpasses Paramecia Devil Fruit-elementalization! ! !

Perhaps it cannot be called elementalization, because it is compared to Logia’s elementalization. The elementalization of Paramecia Devil Fruit after its third awakening is more thorough!

“I want you to die! Bailong!!!”

The round face and white Hu Five Elders, no…should be said to be a strong acid Five Elders roared: “Strong acid…Hell!!!”

Then, from the feet of Five Elders, the round-faced white hu, a dark green mucus flowed out, and then it spread to the sea. The sea water gradually changed from azure blue to disgusting dark green…

“No…Quick! Abandon the ship! All members go ashore!!!”

Whitebeard was the first person to notice that the situation was not good, his expression changed drastically, and he looked aside and shouted loudly at his sons who still didn’t know what was going on.

“Abandon the ship! Everyone abandon the ship! Can’t stay on the sea!!!”

The red hair also changed his complexion, without hesitation, he shouted immediately. Then he leaped and stepped out frequently, but he used Moonwalk and hurried towards the shore.

Just a few breaths…

The entire seawater of Malin Vandor Bay has all turned into dark green strong acid mucus!

The Moby Dick, the Red Force, the Song of Songs… even the One Piece’s Pirate Ship, the Oro Jackson, which is all made of God-level wood such as the treasure tree Adam, has all been sour. Swallowed!

There is no scum left…

Regardless of the enemy and me, Five Elders with a round face and white beard destroyed all the pirate ships in the entire bay, or Marine battleships. Both the Pirates and the Marines suffered heavy casualties…

However, Five Elders, a round-faced white hu, still has no feeling of venting his anger!

All his attention was focused on Mukuro, who was on the side, for eight hundred years…Have he ever suffered the shame he is today! Five Elders with a round face and white beard now can’t wait to eat the meat from Mukuro’s body raw!

“Give me to death… the acid wave!!!”

The round-faced white Hu Five Elders roared, and then a thousand-meter-high dark green strong acid wave was instantly slapped in the direction of Mukuro!

Mukuro frowned, his eyes a little cold…

The Five Elders with a round face and white beard is really ruthless, a big wave formed by this kind of strong acid. If you really let it cover Ma Lin Fanduo like this, then let’s not say what impact it will have…First of all, in this horrible and acidic wave, without the strength of the peak Admiral, it is absolutely impossible to escape!

The entire Ma Lin Fanduo would die hundreds of thousands in an instant! ! !

After that, this strong acid will continue to corrode the earth!

Without more than a hundred years, it is impossible to recover… That is to say, the move of Five Elders, a round-faced white hu, is completely with the idea of ​​destroying the entire Naval Headquarters!

As Marine… How can Mukuro agree!

“Super·Shenluo Tianzheng!!!”

Mukuro slowly spit out a few words.

Then, a huge repulsive force poured out from Mukuro’s body…

The huge acid wave that rushed towards Ma Lin Fan Duo was directly pushed out by this huge repulsion, and even the slightest drop of strong acid did not fall on Ma Lin Fan Duo’s land.

He looked at Five Elders, a round-faced white Hu with a horrified and stunned face.

Mukuro faintly said: “Do you think that strong acid is your own unique ability? Then… I will let you see the more corrosive strong acid…”

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