Chapter 349 Rozwad

Rozwad! ! !

One of the three Celestial Dragons that survived the final battle eight hundred years ago.

At the same time, they are also the ancestors of the Rozvard family who often haunt the Sabaody Archipelago. They survived the final battle that made Five Elders feel terrified even thinking about it, showing that Rozvard’s strength is tyrannical.

“Quickly go back, and then it’s time to clean up those five old guys. Eight hundred years… It is estimated that even they themselves have forgotten the world… They shouldn’t belong to them!” Celestial Dragons said calmly.

Did not consider the question of Rozwad’s defeat in the slightest.

Rozwald did not even consider the question of his defeat. In their eyes, there were three of them in this world, and the most powerful one was the Five Elders of the World government.

But in Five Elders, the only thing that can cause yourself a little trouble is… the five Elders with flat hat and curly hair, Yamato’s bald head and white beard, the great swordsman of Five Elders!

But… it just caused a little trouble.

It is precisely because of their self-confidence in their own strength that Celestial Dragons completely ignores the small movements of Five Elders. Because of disdain… In their opinion, no matter how Five Elders plans, it will be nothing more than nothing in the end.


Rozwald replied faintly.

Then disappeared into the depths of this luxurious palace directly out of thin air.

The three old Celestial Dragons swallowed the origin of the world, and naturally they were endowed with all kinds of magical powers by the origin of the world. Under certain conditions, it is possible to shuttle in the world of pirates.


Seeing Mukuro wipe out the sarcophagus, Robin asked in a puzzled manner: “Mukuro, what happened? What happened…or did you find something!?”

Robin knows Mukuro’s character very well.

It is definitely not profitable and can not afford to be early.

If there is no certain reason, Mukuro will never do such meaningless things. Although it’s very simple for Mukuro, this guy is a bastard who doesn’t even bother to eat.

Mukuro didn’t explain, but smiled and said: “There may be a very fierce battle in the future. I will put you in another place first, and then release the two of you after the battle.”

“Fight!? Brother Mukuro, who are you going to fight with!? There is no one else here!?” Nami first looked around, then looked at Mukuro with a puzzled face and asked.

“The enemy… will come soon.”

Then I couldn’t help but put Nami and Robin and the battleships in the sea not far away directly into the space of the heavenly empire·Sand. Then he stood on the spot, waiting for the arrival of the old ghost of Celestial Dragons.

After a quarter of an hour…

Mukuro, who was standing blankly, suddenly cracked a smile at the corner of his mouth. Raised his eyebrows, he said, “Since it’s already here, why hide it anymore?”

But… no one appeared.

Mukuro looked helpless, and said lightly, “In this case… let me pick you out!”

Suddenly… Mukuro folded his hands together!

With a dignified expression, he looked straight in one direction and muttered:

“Earth Burst…Zeostar!!!”


Ten fingers to hold…

A pitch-black sphere the size of a pinpoint appeared in the gap between the palms. It is not the pitch black of Truth-Seeking Ball, but a kind of emptiness without any substance.

Earthburst Planet…Reincarnation is the embodiment of Tenseigan’s ultimate power!

The one that devours all time and space… is completely a big killer that shouldn’t exist in the world, and finally revealed its fangs in the world of One Piece!

Mukuro pushed forward with both palms.

The black sphere in the palm of his hand was pushed to a position hundreds of meters in front of him by Mukuro. A weird smile on Mukuro’s face, his upper and lower lips slowly separated, and a word was slowly spit out from his mouth:


Then Mukuro directly used God Pro and disappeared in place.

And at the same moment… the power of the earth-blasting planet raged! Within a few kilometers of the surrounding area, all time and space have been frozen at this moment.


All were absorbed into the black sphere the size of a needle.

There is no way for time to escape. This state has been maintained for four or five seconds, and it may take… longer. Because the Earthburst Zeus has absorbed the time.

So in this area… there is no way to measure it by time.

But after all, the Earth-explosive planet is not a real black hole. A real black hole is constructed from high-density matter, which is the Ultimate material planet with powerful attraction.

Earthburst is a force field created by Mukuro’s gravitational force that is as high as an Ultimate state. Since it is a force field, there is also dissipation.

After the gravitational force fails to reach this level, the earth-explosive planet will naturally decline.

Shaped… Earth Blast Yuxing! ! !

Earthburst Yuxing is also a terrifying move to the ultimate!

The power of annihilating space!

How can it not be scary?

The surrounding space was all absorbed by the earth bursting stars, and the entire sky was broken into pieces. The environment that looked beautiful just now, now seems to have entered the end in a sudden change.

“Damn! Damn! Damn!”

“Don’t let me catch you, otherwise I must break every piece of your bones to eliminate my resentment! Ah ah ah ah ah ah…”

An old man wearing a weird costume suddenly appeared in the air…

It was Rozwad! ! !

At this moment, I was embarrassed to Ultimate, my right leg and right arm had disappeared, and the right half of his body had almost disappeared. Blood permeated all the clothes!

There was a hideous expression on his face!

Clenched a fist with his right hand, and then directly blasted Yuxing with a punch!

Endless Armament Haki poured into the earth-burst universe. In Rozvard’s opinion, his full-strength punch was definitely able to break this weird black ball.


“How… how is it possible!?”

Rozvard was a little stunned, he couldn’t believe that his punch with all his strength was useless! ?

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