Chapter 348 Sarcophagus

The battleship slowly sailed towards the island. The island looked no different from an ordinary island. If you hadn’t witnessed the amazing scenes just now, no one on the battleship would think that this was the legendary Raftel.

The battleship was docked on the shore.

Mukuro, Robin, and Nami set foot directly on Raftel’s beach. The golden sand and the gentle sunlight made everything seem so pleasant.

But Robin was not in the mood to pay attention to this kind of comfort.

In the middle of the island, twenty huge cuboid stone pillars stand tall! From a distance, I can feel a long sense of existence. Without even thinking about it, Robin ran over.

Looking at the erect stone pillars.

Mukuro only felt a sense of disharmony, as if these twenty stone pillars were incompatible with this world.

Of course, Mukuro didn’t think too much, because it wouldn’t be dangerous anyway.

There is no other reason…

Just because I am here!

Along with Nami, Mukuro also walked right behind Robin.

The island is not big, and within a few minutes, Mukuro came to the side of these twenty huge cuboid stone pillars. And Robin has already opened Shikai to read the text carved on the cuboid stone pillar.

He didn’t look away from the stone pillar, but he seemed to hear Mukuro’s footsteps 197.

Robin said, “Mukuro… guess what these twenty rectangular stone pillars are!”

There was a touch of shock and disbelief in Robin’s voice.

“What!? Can it be the coffin?” Mukuro said casually. He was not interested in the 100-year history of the blank at all.


Hearing Mukuro’s answer, Robin was taken aback, his eyes turned away from the stone pillars, and he looked at Mukuro and said, “Yes, these twenty stone pillars are twenty coffins! The coffins belong to Celestial Dragons!”

After speaking, Robin’s gaze was once again placed on the text on the stone pillar.

“Huh!?” Mukuro suddenly got such a hint of interest.

Robin slowly said, “We…the world of the dragon…because of the ultimate fear…come…the world collapses…the eve of the collapse…the world is assembled…twenty world choosers…flee from the sky The world of dragons… As for the sarcophagus… cast into the unknown void… Never forget your mission… Reshape the world of dragons in my heaven…”

“This is a stone pillar, no, it should be said that it is the text carved on the sarcophagus. I didn’t expect Celestial Dragons to be humans in this world. Are there other worlds?” Robin’s voice was a little surprised.

“Not a human in this world!?”

Hearing Robin’s words, Mukuro was taken aback.

After a long while, an inexplicable smile appeared on his face: Is it an intruder in another world? It is a logical existence with Ōtsutsuki Kaguya in Naruto World! This…Is it considered that I have met a colleague?

Reshape your original world! ?

That’s not the meaning of grabbing the origin of the world with yourself. It seems that the last time you perceive the origin of the world is swallowed, it is probably the ghost of these Celestial Dragons.


Suddenly, a doubt arose in Mukuro’s heart: He could stay in the world of One Piece by relying on the ability of the system. But what about Celestial Dragons? How did they escape the prying eyes of the origin of the world?

As soon as the doubts in his mind rose, the cold voice of the system sounded from Mukuro’s mind:

“This is due to the uniqueness of the sarcophagus and Raftel. First of all, the meaning of Raftel’s existence in this world can be understood as the end point, the final… meaning, which was the location of the origin of the world eight hundred years ago.

Secondly, there is a soul in every sarcophagus. Using the sarcophagus to imprison the soul in the place of the origin of the world is equivalent to merging into the world.

Because of these two, Celestial Dragons can hide from the prying eyes of the origin of the world. Also… Please don’t randomly compare the system with that kind of garbage, this is a serious insult to the system! If there is another next time, although the system has no right to punish the Host, the system has the right to remain silent. ”

Hey…You have the right to remain silent, please make me funny! ?

Mukuro’s black lines all over his head can’t help but spit out slightly.

Suddenly thinking of what the system had just said, my heart moved, and he looked to the side of Robin and asked, “Robin, do you still use these twenty sarcophagi?”


Robin was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t understand why Mukuro asked about this. He shook his head: “It’s useless. The text on the twenty sarcophagi is exactly the same. And it’s not a historical text that records a hundred years of blank space, so it doesn’t matter to me. Any use. The information is on the stele carved by Roger over there!”

As he said, he pointed to a moss-covered rock beside him.

“That’s good.”

An inexplicable smile appeared on Mukuro’s face, Tenseigan reincarnation flashed, and a huge black canopy suddenly fell from the sky, directly on top of the twenty sarcophagi!

Has the ability to destroy any substance!

Even this sarcophagus that can travel through time and space is the same. Under the Truth-Seeking Ball, it was directly annihilated and turned into nothingness!

at the same time……


The depths of a luxurious palace.


The three sleeping Celestial Dragons suddenly opened their eyes together, each vomiting a large mouthful of scarlet blood, and their faces instantly turned pale.

The old man headed by Celestial Dragons roared: “Damn! How could we be backlashed by the origin of the world at this time? How could it be possible!? Obviously we have almost completed the devouring of the origin of the world!”

The other two Celestial Dragons elders were also gloomy.

Suddenly, another Celestial Dragons said, “Could it be that the soul we stayed in Raftel dissipated!? Although that soul does not help our strength, it is an important thing for us to deceive the origin of the world. It will affect the judgment and definition of the origin of the world! If it dissipates, then why we backlash can also be explained.”

The headed Celestial Dragons frowned and said, “Rozwald, you go to Raftel to check if it’s the ghost of those five old things.”


Celestial Dragons, the only silent among the three, replied.

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