Chapter 339 Return to the g-1 branch

From the moment Robin kissed Mukuro, Nami was in a sluggish state.

There is a blank in my mind…

She couldn’t imagine… Robin would be so bold, and completely ignored his own existence.

It wasn’t until Robin said the words “Greater Reward” that Nami came across.

This… how can this be possible! ! !

Nami was about to furious in an instant. However, it suddenly occurred to me that he just said that he would allow Mukuro to accept Robin, but he could only suppress his anger.

He looked at Robin with a bit of irritation, and then Nami ran to Mukuro and said directly:

“Brother Mukuro, you turn your head around!”

“Huh? How…”

At this moment, Mukuro was very excited. He didn’t think of anything else in his mind, and turned his head subconsciously when he heard Nami’s words.

But the words have not been spoken yet, but they are already speechless.


Nami stood on tiptoe and held Mukuro’s head with both hands, but directly blocked Mukuro’s mouth with his lips!

It took nearly ten minutes, but it was longer than Robin’s kiss to Mukuro, and then Mukuro was released. Finally, he gave Robin a demonstrative look.

It seems to say again: what you can do, I can do the same.

Although Nami and Robin got along for a few days, the relationship between them was pretty good. But this is related to Mukuro, and we still have to fight for it!

Robin just smiled and didn’t care at all in his eyes.

After all, the age is different. Nami is only eighteen years old, while Robin is twenty-eight years old. There has been a ten-year difference between the two, and their treatment of feelings is naturally different. Nami tends to be vigorous, while Robin tends to be steady and intellectual.

For Nami, the person I love must love me more. For Robin, as long as he can stay with the one he loves is enough.

But… the biggest beneficiary is still Mukuro. At this moment, Mukuro smiled silly.

The blessing of the Qi people… It really is so cool…

Three days later…

Wearing a thick furry coat, Nami stood at the forefront of the battleship deck with a bright face, looked at the tumbling sea in front of him, and then looked to the side of Mukuro and asked:

“Big Brother Mukuro, is this New World? The waves are so big! And the weather changes so fast. I was wearing a bikini just now, so I’m going to put on a thick fleece!”

Tightening Nami’s clothes tightly, Mukuro said, “Yeah, this is New World, but it’s the harshest sea area in the world! Don’t worry, you will get used to it slowly.”

“Well, okay, Brother Mukuro.” Nami nodded heavily.

“Well…there’s a place.”

Looking at the MarineG-1 branch that looked like a huge fortress on the sea not far away, Mukuro spoke.

And in the port of the G-1 branch.

At this moment…Huoshaoshan, Daubman, Stoka Berry, Zhan Taomaru, Vegapunk… The generals and soldiers of the branch have been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Mukuro’s battleship coming in, they all stood up and stood up straight and said loudly:

“White Dragon Admiral!!!”

In the hearts of everyone, Mukuro is simply a belief-like existence!

The sound of Qi Qi’s roar at this moment even suppressed the sound of the slamming waves!


Mukuro nodded in satisfaction, and then walked off the battleship.

Before everyone could speak out, Vegapunk was the first to step forward and asked eagerly: “White Dragon Admiral, where is the “Pluton” battleship?”

Let Vegapunk abandon research experiments and come to welcome Mukuro’s return. It is not only because of Mukuro’s identity, but more importantly, what Mukuro promised to bring back!

Ancient Weapon-“Pluton”! ! !

“Relax, Doctor. Not only did I bring back the “Pluton” battleship from 800 years ago, I also brought back the design drawings of the “Pluton” battleship that has been annotated in modern text!” Mukuro said.

“Too…too good…”

Vegapunk was overjoyed when he heard Mukuro’s words. He really didn’t expect Mukuro to be so great! I was able to bring back all such complete information on the “Pluton” battleship!

With such detailed information, let alone his world’s number one scientist. Even a bunch of idiots can fully understand the technology!

Of course, the idiot Vegapunk thinks is any scientist in the world except him.

“White Dragon Admiral, then… Where is the “Pluton” battleship now?”

Vegapunk is a little confused. According to the information he knows, the “Pluton” battleship is very huge! It is definitely bigger than any warship on the sea right now!


Looking towards the sea, how come there is only one Mukuro battleship alone! ?

Mukuro smiled, did not say anything, just pointed to the sea where the harbor was gradually calming down.

Nothing! ?

Just as everyone was wondering, a huge monster suddenly appeared on the sea in the harbor, and the waves that slid out directly overflowed to the dock!

“This…is this the “Pluton” battleship…”

Vegapunk looked at the “Pluton” battleship with a look of fascination, and murmured.

Grim weapons, cold steel, even warships from 800 years ago. But it still looks so deterrent! So terrible!

After a while, Vegapunk looked away from the “Pluton” battleship, looked at Mukuro, and said excitedly, “White Dragon Admiral! Half a year! Half a year later, I will give you a weapon capable of destroying the world!”

There is no hesitation in Vegapunk’s words. As the world’s number one scientist, he is indeed qualified to say so!


Mukuro nodded and said.

For the weapons developed by Vegapunk, although Mukuro has great expectations, its impact on Mukuro is not particularly large.

After all, Mukuro’s strength has reached a limit!

Enough to ignore the boundaries of any threat in Pirate World!

Provide Vegapunk with the “Pluton” battleship and let Vegapunk develop weapons. This is just to strengthen its own power.

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