Chapter 338 The second piece of historical text

“By the way, there is a piece of historical text on Sky Island. Do you know where it is?” Mukuro also remembered another purpose of coming to Sky Island, and asked aloud.

“Historical text!?”

Enel showed a thoughtful expression. After a long while, his expression seemed to be a little enlightened, and he said, “Sir, are you talking about a stone with countless weird patterns? If it is, then I know where it is.”

Enel can’t understand ancient characters, and the ancient characters are very complicated and weird. It is not surprising that they are considered to be strange patterns.

“Yeah! That’s right, that’s the historical text. Can you take me over and take a look?” Robin said hurriedly.

Enel glanced at Mukuro first, and when he saw Mukuro nodding for permission, he said:

“no problem.”

Fortunately, the location of the historical text on Sky Island is on the edge of Apayador, which was not affected by the battle between Mukuro and Enel just now.

Otherwise, Mukuro will be knocked down and Sky Island will fall into the sea, that would be funny.

Even though Mukuro has the eyes of Kagura and super strong Observation Haki, it is very, very difficult to search for a broken rock in the vast ocean. After all, no matter how long the history is, this text is just an ordinary stone, without any breath, it is naturally very difficult to find.

Several people followed Enel, turned a few turns, and arrived at the place where the historical text was archived.

“My lord, that’s it. Its texture is very hard. I have tried to smelt it with lightning metallurgy, but there is no way. I just left it here.”

Enel said, Mukuro was speechless for a while, Enel was really nervous.

When Robin on the side heard this, he gave Enel a vicious look, and then focused all his attention on the historical text.

It took about half an hour before Robin finished interpreting the historical text, and slowly stood up, his expression a little joyful and a little disappointed.

“How is it? Is there any gain?” Mukuro asked.

Looking at Mukuro, Robin smiled weirdly, and said: “The content recorded in this historical article is similar to the one on Alabasta. It is also one of the three Ancient Weapon, how about it? My white dragon Admiral, you are interested ?”


Seeing Robin’s appearance, Mukuro raised his brows and said with a smile: “”Poseidon”-Poseidon! Only one mermaid princess with the ability to communicate with Sea Kings will appear for hundreds of years. Am I right? ”


Robin was stunned, how could Mukuro know! ? It was the same when I was in Alabasta last time, knowing exactly the information recorded in the historical text.

“Do you really don’t know ancient characters?” Robin couldn’t help but ask again.

“Naturally, I don’t know each other, but I just happen to know these two Ancient Weapons better.” Mukuro shrugged and said innocently.

However, seeing the joy on Robin’s face, he asked with some doubts: “Um… Robin, since it’s not the blank hundred years of history you want to know, why are you so happy?”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Robin hesitated, but after thinking about it, he said, “Roger, one piece, left information about a hundred years of blank space…”

“What?” Mukuro asked knowingly.

“Raftel!!! Roger said that he left all the information in Raftel. If you want to know everything about a hundred years of blankness, then let Raftel look for it.”

Robin finished speaking in one breath, and then stared at Mukuro tightly with a pair of beautiful eyes, a little nervous.

Raftel is the dream place of pirates, but Mukuro’s identity is a Marine, or Marine Admiral! Let him go to Raftel.


The more I think about it… The more Robin feels a little unrealistic, his expression can’t help but dim.

But I am not reconciled. It is my dream to interpret the blank one hundred years of history! I have been floating on the sea for more than 20 years and finally found a glimmer of hope!

Could it be…

Could it be…

Are you going to give up like this! ?

At this moment, Mukuro’s voice sounded: “Raftel, the end of the Grand Line? Hmm…Although I am a Marine, I am also very interested…”

“It’s decided! For the next voyage, the goal is Raftel! Anyway, I’m on vacation now.”


Robin looked surprised, his mouth opened slightly, obviously he couldn’t believe it.

“Really!?” Robin reacted with a look of expectation and asked eagerly.

“Of course it’s true. The next thing we are going to is New World in the second half of the Grand Line, so let’s stop by Raftel.” Mukuro smiled and nodded to confirm.

“Too… great.”

Robin was a little excited, but his mature personality quickly calmed down Robin, looking at Mukuro with beautiful eyes.

His expression hesitated for a moment, his face flushed slightly, and he walked directly to Mukuro’s face.

Just as Mukuro had some doubts and was about to ask.

Robin stood on tiptoe slightly, his eyes closed, his eyelashes trembling unceasingly showed Robin’s inner restlessness, and his red lips were directly attached to Mukuro’s mouth.

Robin’s seductive breath was blown across Mukuro’s face, and Mukuro’s heart was itchy. With sensitive hearing, Mukuro could even hear Robin’s faster heartbeat!

After a few seconds, I felt that Robin wanted to step back. How could Mukuro follow Robin’s wishes and put his arm around Robin’s waist with his backhand…

It took a few minutes before Mukuro put down Robin.

Seeing Enel and Nami standing aside, Robin was a little embarrassed and said softly:

“Mukuro…this is a reward for you. If you can reach Raftel, there will still be a bigger reward.”



Mukuro’s eyes straightened, and he swallowed.

Mukuro is not a first-time brother who doesn’t know anything. If he can’t guess what the bigger reward Robin is talking about, then he can really die.

The lure of Hong Guoguo is in front of him, and Mukuro can’t wait to fly directly to Raftel now!

And Nami on the side…

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