Chapter 335 Rolled Enel

Two giants over a few hundred meters in height blasted their fists at the same time, the Thunder Giant Fist and the Chakra Giant Fist met in mid-air, and then they collided fiercely!

next moment……

Rumble rumble rumble…

After the endless thunder and the giant fist collided, the fist strength that dissipated was raging around, and the surrounding sea of ​​clouds tumbling, forming waves of clouds surging outward!

I don’t know how many trees on the Apayaduo have been lifted off, and the earth is shaking! Robin and Nami who were on the edge of Apayador, of course, discovered the two fighting, and directly felt the shock.

“Two… such big giants!? One of them should be Big Brother Mukuro, right.” Nami murmured while staring in the air with a stunned mouth.

“Um…it should be that armor giant. Bailong Admiral’s aesthetic is not that weird. If he is really a lightning giant, I am afraid he would be embarrassed to use it.” Robin smiled and said aloud.

At this time, the scattered fist strength also invaded!

Both Nami and Robin were blown into the air, Robin didn’t even have time to use the Flower-Flower Fruit ability!

“Ah! We are going to fall into the clouds now!?” Nami exclaimed.

“Do not!!!”

Robin’s face was embarrassed, and he exerted the Flower-Flower Fruit’s abilities hard, his arms stretched out one after another like bamboo. Wanting to grab the land on Apayador, he said at the same time: “The clouds can’t bear the weight at all. If we fall in…then we will fall directly into the sea below 10,000 meters!”

But even though Robin had fully used the Flower-Flower Fruit’s ability, he still couldn’t seize the land on Apayador.

“Ten thousand meters down…the sea!?”

Nami murmured, froze for a moment, then his eyes were full of fear.

Fall from a height of 10,000 meters! ?

What a collision force of gravitational acceleration will be this! Whether it is Devil Fruit capable or not, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving!

“No…no! Brother Mukuro, help!” In panic, Nami could only call Mukuro’s name.

“It’s useless… White Dragon Admiral is fighting!”

There was a glimmer of gloom in Robin’s eyes. Is his life going to end like this? But I just saw a little hope of surviving, and I haven’t seen the history article on Sky Island yet!

At this moment, the figures of Nami and Robin suddenly stopped in mid-air, and then slowly landed on Apaya!

“This is!?” A hint of surprise flashed in Robin’s eyes.

“Hey…this is Mukuro’s ability. He said he can control the repulsion!? What kind of force is this!?” Nami breathed a sigh of relief, and explained to Robin who was looking aside.

“Induction… Repulsion!?”

Robin has beautiful eyes. As an Ohara scholar, Robin naturally knows what kind of force field attraction is, but he didn’t expect Mukuro’s ability to be so powerful!

Such violent fighting is not only affecting Apayado, but also the Angel Street on the side! The whole Angel Street seems to have an eighth magnitude earthquake!

“What’s wrong…what happened!?”

This is 10,000 meters in the sky. How could an earthquake occur? The residents of Angel Street who had been slowed down all fled in panic.

“Look there! Apayaduo! Lord God… is fighting with others!”

“what’s going on!?”

“who is it!?”

“They are all amazing, I don’t know if I can defeat God!”

The residents of the whole Angel Street also gradually noticed the battle on Apayador, and each put down the work in progress in his hands and looked at the midair of Apayador! At this moment, their hearts are full of contradictions. As former residents of Apayado, they long for the brutal Enel to be defeated, but at the same time they don’t want Apayado to be destroyed.

After all, the movement of the two of them fighting is really…too big! ! !

The screen returns to the fighting Mukuro and Enel.

Although Enel in the form of a lightning giant is only an elemental body, when Mukuro fisted against Enel, Susanoo’s fist was wrapped in Armament Haki!

This punch directly smashed Enel Thunder Giant’s arm, and then hit the Thunder Giant’s chest!

There is a muffled sound!

The huge thunder and lightning giant was directly blown away at a distance of several kilometers! On the land of Apayador, a huge gully of several kilometers long appeared. The land had become scorched black, and some places were still shining with blue electric lights!

“This…how is it possible!?” Enel’s eyes were dull.

“Let’s give up resistance… Enel. The gap between us is even greater than the distance between Qinghai and Baibaihai! Become my subordinate, and then I will let you see the vastness of this world, which is definitely better than There are so many wonderful waves in your so-called infinite land, Sky Island is too limited…your vision!”

Looking at Enel who fell to the ground, Mukuro said lightly.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Enel’s expression became a little savage, and he shouted, “No!!! Surrender to you!? Impossible! I am the God of Sky Island, Thor! How could I surrender to others!”

Although he had faintly realized that his strength was not as good as the person in front of him, Enel selectively ignored it. How could Enel, who thought he was a god, admit that he was defeated like this! ?

“In that case, let me personally crush your ridiculous dignity as a “god”!”

“Eighty…Shen air strike!!!”

Susanoo gradually dispersed, revealing Mukuro’s original body, then slowly floated into the air under the support of the repulsive force, and then slammed out with a punch!

Countless dark blue Chakra fists suddenly appeared densely, like a big screen covering the sky, bombarding the thunder and lightning giant that fell on the ground!

“what is this!?”

There was a look of error in Enel’s eyes, but before Enel had time to think, these countless fists had already fallen!

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