Chapter 334 200 Million Volts Thor

The shock wave formed by the six-type Tempest Kick·Devil passed through the body of the elemental Enel, with a trace of blue thunder and lightning, and blasted directly on the wall of the palace behind him!

There was a loud bang!

A large hole with a diameter of tens of meters was blasted out of the wall of the palace!

Enel, who dodges, was startled in a cold sweat. If he hadn’t been elementalized just now, then such an attack would fall on him, and he would definitely be seriously injured if he didn’t die!

“Dare to violate God’s majesty…Unforgivable!!!”

“One hundred million volts·discharge!!!”

Enel roared, and the golden rod in his hand continuously beat the thunder drum behind him! The thick thunder pillars formed in an instant, and then rushed towards Mukuro!

“Um…what do you think I should do to you!?” Mukuro said calmly as he watched the thunder pillars hitting him.

Although it is 100 million volts, it still does not cause any substantial damage to Mukuro, at most it makes Mukuro a little bit painful.

But Mukuro is not a masochist.

Since there is a way to deal with it, it is natural not to directly use the body to bear this kind of damage.

“Hungry Kidō·Seal of Sealing!”

183 Mukuro’s eyes are the embodiment of the bloodline of the Ōtsutsuki clan in Naruto World! So whether it is Byakugan, Mangekyō Sharingan, Tenseigan, or Rinnegan’s abilities are all included!

Naturally, Penn’s Six Paths capabilities are also available.

In the next second, the huge thunder pillar that invaded Mukuro’s front began to twist and deform in an instant! Then it contracted sharply, as if being controlled by an invisible force! In the end, it was directly compressed into a small azure blue electric light, which disappeared in Tenseigan, the reincarnation of Mukuro.

“Is that the power of 100 million volts? Is there anything else?” Mukuro asked faintly, looking at Enel with a look of surprise.

“How… how could it be possible!? It’s a lie.”

Enel swallowed subconsciously and murmured a little hard. He eliminated his 100 million volt attack without even lifting his hand. How could this be possible! ?

“Enel…the superficial and poor person who describes himself as a “god”, how can you realize the vastness of this world?” Mukuro said lightly, without any sarcasm or contempt, just in Just state a fact.

But these words are a great insult to Enel’s ears!

“Damn it… Damn it… People of Qinghai… You will be punished by God!”

“Ahhhhh…200 million volts… Thor!!”

Enel seemed to stare out, glaring at Mukuro, and roared loudly. Then countless thunder and lightning overflowed from the body, and then intertwined and condensed in the void!

I saw Enel’s entire body was getting bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally formed a huge thunder and lightning giant composed of thunder and lightning!

The impact of such a sound can be described as not small.

The whole Apayaduo heard this movement, especially the four priests who followed Enel!

“The state of Thor!? This is the strongest mode for adults! What happened!?”

“No! Your lord is angry! Can’t make it… Maybe the entire Apayaduo will become the second Birka!”


Looking at the hugely transformed Enel, Mukuro finally raised a little interest on his face, and muttered: “This is more fun! Otherwise, it would be too disappointing.”

In fact, it is reasonable to say that Enel’s strength cannot be said to be weak. Even if Thunder Fruit is placed among all Logia Devil Fruits, it is still one of the best fruits.

Without being taught by anyone, I was able to develop the fruit to this level, and I also cultivated Observation Haki myself, and even combined with Thunder Fruit’s abilities to develop applications such as “Mind Guide”.

The difficulty of this is not small, as you can see from the original work. Luffy has cultivated Haki and he has been teaching under such masters as Rayleigh for two years!

Enel’s comprehensive strength level has definitely reached the quasi-Admiral level!

One of the reasons why the story of the original story is so unbearable is…I met Luffy, a rubber man who ate Rubber Fruit, who is completely a large insulator! Using thunder and lightning to deal with him can be said to directly weaken ninety-nine percent of his power. Second… it’s all about the plot. Third… the physical skills are too poor.

If you are unlucky, drinking cold water will suffocate your teeth, and you are talking about Enel in the plot.

As a Logia Devil Fruit capable person who can use Observation Haki, he was defeated by a Paramecia Demon fruit power that does not have any Haki.

If this kind of thing is heard by others, it will definitely be regarded as a joke.

“Hmm…actually, it seems that it would be good to accept you as a subordinate. A little sharpening, Thunder Fruit’s ability should be able to enter the state of awakening, so it is also an Admiral-level combat power! It’s so decided!”

Mukuro thought suddenly, as he thought.

“In that case…then I will beat you until you are served!”


The cyan Chakra flame instantly poured out from Mukuro’s body, and then lifted Mukuro into the air. The gradual cyan Chakra flame condenses the shape of a human!

Susanoo, the ultimate complete body wearing ancient armor, a tengu mask and huge wings on his back, appears!

Enel, who was in the state of a lightning giant, obviously did not expect that Mukuro also had the ability to become a giant, and a trace of surprise flashed through his huge eyes.

But Enel doesn’t think Mukuro can be compared with himself!

“Go to hell! Go to hell and confess!”

Enel raised a fist full of blue lightning and slammed at Mukuro, with 200 million volts of lightning wrapped around his arm! Crackling, the sound of thunder and lightning can be heard in the air!

“Repent? I hope you won’t regret what you said later, Enel…”

Mukuro also raised a huge fist, and the fist wrapped in cyan Chakra flames rushed towards Enel’s fist!

Fist of the Giant VS Fist of the Giant! ! !

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