Chapter 326 Upside down the mountain

“Upside-down Mountain!? But…sir! Our battleship is too large to pass through the upside-down mountain passage!” The lieutenant colonel said hesitantly.

Red Line and Grand Line are two loops respectively, so there are two intersections. The first intersection is the upside-down mountain!

Upside Down Mountain is an incredible and dangerous mountain, and it is also the entrance to the Grand Line. There are a total of five water channels on the upside-down mountain, which are X-shaped, with water flowing in and out.

Four of the waterways flow toward the top of the mountain. These four waterways connect East Blue, West Blue, South Blue, and North Blue, respectively. These four different sea areas, and the last waterway flows into the Grand Line.

To enter the Grand Line, apart from crossing the Calm Belt, the only way to go is through the upside-down mountain.

However, because of Vegapunk’s technology, the bottom of Marine warships will be installed with seastone through certain means. This allows the warship to reveal the breath of the sea, and will not be attacked by the Sea Kings in the Calm Belt.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Marine warships will choose to pass through the Calm Belt when entering the four seas.

What’s more, the width of the upside-down mountain channel is very limited, and warships like Mukuro can’t pass the upside-down mountain at all, so the lieutenant colonel would question it.

“Don’t worry, of course I thought about it.” Mukuro smiled and said while looking at the lieutenant colonel’s adjutant.

“Yes…Yes, my lord!” The lieutenant colonel replied in a daze.

Then the lieutenant colonel began to summon the seamen and start the battleship. After all, a battleship of this size can’t be moved by just a few people.

“Mukuro… Brother Mukuro!? The sea… the sea actually flows upstream along the mountain!?”

Nami pointed to the water in front of her with a bit of dumbfoundedness. His expression was totally incredible. The scene before her simply broke her common sense!

Touching Nami’s hair, Mukuro explained aloud: “The Grand Line is an incredible sea! In this sea, anything that is impossible will happen. For example, the wind was blowing in the first second, and the next second. It may be calm; the last moment it was still snowing, the next moment it may be scorching sun…”


Nami murmured, with an indescribable brilliance in his eyes. For a navigator, the unknown sea is always full of endless attraction!

Just when Mukuro and Nami were talking.

Suddenly endless storms and waves were set off on the surface of the sea that was still quite calm!

It seemed like something was gushing out under the sea. Then a whale that was several times larger than Mukuro’s battleship emerged from the sea! There were hideous scars all over the huge head, and the huge whale roared, and then resolutely slammed its head into the 10,000-meter-high Red Line!

Under the impact of the whale head, it seems that the entire Red Line is shaking!

“So big… what a big whale!”

Nami stared at the whale dumbfounded. She only felt that the shock she had encountered in just a few minutes was more than the shock she had encountered in the past decade or so combined.

“It’s the largest island whale in the world!”

Mukuro also sighed. Even the giant Sea Kings that I have seen in the Calm Belt do not have such a huge body. Of course, if it is more brutal, a hundred island whales are not comparable to a Calm Belt. Of giant Sea Kings.

Mukuro also knows something about the island whale in front of him.

Laboon-a little whale born in West Blue Laboon was bullied by various beasts on the sea, until one day he met the Rumba Pirates who loves music and found support. However, one day, the Rumba Pirates decided to enter the Grand Line for an adventure. Because the Grand Line was too dangerous, they could only leave Laboon in front of the Upside Down Mountain, and agreed to go around the world once before they could meet again.

However, fifty years later, the Rumba Pirates still did not appear. Laboon, a very smart whale, naturally guessed what was going on, but it didn’t want to believe it. It started to hit the Red Line with its head every day, hoping to break the Red Line and go to the Grand Line to find the Rumba Pirates… …

Standing on the battleship, Mukuro looked at Laboon not far away, and said loudly, “Laboon, stop. I know…the current situation of the Rumba Pirates.”


I saw Laboon, who had hit the Red Line fiercely, stopped suddenly and looked at Mukuro and yelled eagerly.

At this moment, the lighthouse on the side came out alone, and was surprised to see Mukuro.

Marine Admiral White Dragon! ? How would it appear here! ?

However, he heard what Mukuro said just now. The most important thing now is to ask about the situation of the Rumba Pirates, and he asked aloud: “Your Excellency Bailong Admiral, do you know the information about the Rumba Pirates? If possible, also please tell me.”

“Korokes!? The ship doctor on the Roger Pirates, it seems that you are as comfortable as the old man Rayleigh?” Mukuro said with a smile when he saw the person who made the noise.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Kolax’s mind suddenly tightened, and then he looked at Mukuro’s eyes with full alertness! Roger’s identity as a member of the pirate group was not only captured by Marine, but also coveted by various large pirate groups!

“Don’t worry, I don’t have time to catch you.” Mukuro shrugged and said, “As for the Rumba Pirates, all of them died on Grand Line 2.6 fifty years ago.”

Laboon screamed, but hit the Red Line harder.

Kolax on the side also had a bleak look. He had already guessed the answer when he went to sea with the Roger Pirates more than 20 years ago, but he dared not tell Laboon.

“However, Brook is alive again because of Devil Fruit.” Mukuro said lightly.

“Brook… is still alive!?” Kolax’s expression was stagnant, and he reacted and asked eagerly: “Then where is he now!?”

Mukuro did not answer the question of Korex, but said: “In a few days, there will be a pirate group coming, and Brook will join the pirate group in the future. If you have any questions, just leave it to him. !”

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