Chapter 325 Three Ancient Weapon

Mukuro is a little puzzled. Regarding scientific research, he can be said to have mastered ten faculties and knows nothing at all! What I can provide to Vegapunk is just some resource help.

Now that Chakra is here and Devil Fruit is here, what else is needed?

Vegapunk, who only listened to the other end of the phone worm, said: “There is only one fruit of the door. Although the Chakra cannon after the fruit of the door is integrated, I believe it will never be inferior to the original Chakra cannon! But if it is limited to this, I will not Not very satisfying. I want to make a Chakra cannon far beyond the original! So I need something else.”

“What!?” Mukuro asked.

“The legendary horror battleship-“Pluton”!!! According to the part of the blank that Five Elders told me about one hundred years of history, I learned of its existence. It is said that it can destroy a huge one with a single blow. The power of the island is very powerful!

If I can integrate the technology on it into the Chakra cannon, I believe I will be able to create a weapon that destroys the world! Maybe…be able to surpass the legendary…”Uranus”! ! ! ”

Across the phone worm, Mukuro could feel the excitement of Vegapunk, but he couldn’t help but raise new doubts in his heart.

I couldn’t help asking, “Doctor, what kind of weapon is “Uranus”!?”

There are three Ancient Weapons in the world of One Piece. They are three Ancient Weapons with the title of “Gods” that have existed since ancient times and can destroy the world!

The three are: “Pluton”-Pluto, “Poseidon”-Poseidon and “Uranus”-Uranus! ! !

Pluton! ! !

The worst warship in shipbuilding history, the super warship built by the City of Seven Waters, a super weapon that can destroy a huge island in one blow, is now sleeping somewhere in the world!

Poseidon! ! !

The historical text on Sky Island records its location, which is on The fish men island one 10,000 meters under the sea. The real body of “Poseidon” Poseidon will only appear for hundreds of years. The mermaid princess with communication skills, the king of Sea Kings!

Possessing the tremendous power that can save countless lives or destroy the whole world, and when this mermaid princess appears, there will also be a guide. Now the mermaid princess with this ability is the princess Shirahoshi of The fish men island Dragon Palace Kingdom!

Mukuro knows both of them, but Mukuro does not know anything about “Uranus”-Uranus!

Hearing Mukuro’s question, Vegapunk was silent, as if he was organizing the language. It took a long time to speak, “I don’t know what kind of weapon “Uranus” is. At that time, Five Elders was telling me about the blank hundred. In the relevant history of the year, the description of it is also vague. Just to say that Uranus is a weapon that uses the entire world to attack!”

Use the entire world to attack weapons! ?

Mukuro’s heart moved, it is impossible to use the weapon to attack from the origin of the world! ? What exactly does Celestial Dragons exist! ? There is such a technological power! ?

After thinking for a moment, Mukuro said, “Well, I know. As for “Pluton”…I will find it as soon as possible and send it to the G-1 branch!”

“Okay… OK, Bailong Admiral!”

Vegapunk was a little excited, originally just trying to make a request to Mukuro. Unexpectedly, listening to Mukuro’s tone, it seems that he not only knows the relevant information of “Pluton”, but can also get it! ?

“Let’s do this first, if there is news, I will let you know.” Mukuro said.

“Okay.” Vegapunk said.

The call between Mukuro and Vegapunk was not encrypted, so the Lieutenant Colonel and Nami on the side naturally heard it really. The lieutenant colonel did not dare to ask himself, but Nami had no such scruples.

But he asked directly: “Brother Mukuro, what is “Pluton”!?”

Although the Lieutenant Colonel on the side looked straight ahead, his ears were involuntarily erected. His knowledge of “Pluton” was limited to the three legendary Ancient Weapons.

Mukuro did not evade the slightest, and said: “”Pluton” is a battleship built 800 years ago. Although it has a history of more than 800 years, even now it is still the most powerful in the world. Battleship!”


Nami nodded seemingly, then asked, “Then Mukuro, where are we going to find him now?”

“Alabasta!” Mukuro spit out a few words.

Mukuro, who has seen the original plot, naturally knows how to find “Pluton”. At present, there are only two places in the world where the information of “Pluton” is recorded. One is the historical text in the royal tomb under the Alabasta Palace, which records the place where the “Pluton” was stored 800 years ago!

The second is that in the City of Seven Waters, the design drawings left over from the construction of “Pluton” have been passed down for generations. Previously, it was in the hands of the shipbuilder Tom who built Roger’s ship, and now it is in the hands of Franky.

And whether it is to find the “Pluton” battleship 800 years ago, or to interpret the design drawings left over, it is inevitable that the text is 800 years ago!

This way you can’t get around one person!

Nico Robin!

The only survivor of Ohara Buster Call twenty years ago!

Except for Five Elders, there are only scholars in the world who can interpret ancient characters. After all, Mukuro’s current Observation Haki has not reached the level of Roger’s third level, and does not have the ability to listen to the sound of all things. If you want to find the “Pluton” battleship, or interpret the design drawings, you can only rely on Robin.

Moreover, for Robin, who is an imperial elder sister, Mukuro once loved him to his bones. Now that there is a chance, it is time to let her get rid of her nightmare!

Looking at the lieutenant colonel on the side, Mukuro opened his mouth and said: “Set sail and head to Alabasta! By the way, you don’t need to take the special expressway of the World government, and enter the Grand Line through the upside-down mountain.”

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