Chapter 313 Target Arlong Park

“Pirate liar, you are talking about Nami.” Mukuro looked at the mouse colonel and said suddenly.

“Ah…big…sir, do you know this pirate cheating… Nami?” The mouse colonel was taken aback, suddenly a bad premonition rose from his heart, and he stammered and asked.

“Oh… of course I know, she is the navigator on my ship.”

Mukuro looked at Colonel Mouse blankly and asked, “Also, since all the money obtained by swindling is the pirate’s money, what kind of law has been committed, and why should it be called illegal funds again!?”

“My lord… my lord your navigator!? I… my subordinate damn it, subordinate damn it, my subordinate doesn’t know that Nami is your navigator. Subordinate… Subordinate… This will return the money to Lord Nami!” Colonel Mouse cried bitterly while smoking his big mouth.

At this moment, I hate Arlong very much, and he actually provokes the people of White Dragon Admiral.

Mukuro waved his hand, and the Lieutenant Colonel 15 on the side brought a stack of documents. Mukuro flipped through it a few times, then threw it on the deck in front of Colonel Rat, and said: “Collaborate with the pirate Arlong. Bribery of superiors and subordinates… one by one, Colonel Mouse, you really are a smelly mouse in Marine!”

Every time Mukuro said something, Colonel Mouse looked desperate until his final face was ashen.

Glancing at Colonel Mouse in disgust, Mukuro said to the lieutenant colonel beside him: “Escort him to the nearest town to be hanged, and then inform the entire East Blue, and send a message to Naval Headquarters by the way for a thorough East Blue trial. Be sure to eliminate the entire Marine borers in East Blue!”

“Yes, Bailong Admiral!”

The lieutenant colonel replied with the spirit of Shifen. He didn’t dare to be sloppy. After following Mukuro for such a long time, he had not seen Mukuro’s anger like this.

“My lord is forgiving… my lord is forgiving… I will never dare anymore!”

Colonel Mouse knocked his head and yelled for mercy, but he was subdued by Mukuro’s lieutenant colonel, and then pulled down.

Although he is a colonel, let alone a lieutenant colonel, even the general major and the mouse colonel are definitely not opponents. What’s more, the lieutenant colonel next to Mukuro has definitely reached the Rear Admiral level!

After dealing with the matter of Colonel Mouse, Mukuro turned his attention to Cocosia Village not far away.

Muttered in his mouth: “Nami, I don’t know if you have seen the cruelty on the sea after this incident? Grow up so that you are worthy to stand by my Mitarashi Mukuro…become my woman!”

Coco West Village.

A cliff near the sea.

Nami sat on the ground exhausted physically and mentally, looking at a grave in front of him, with a desperate and sluggish look in his eyes, and muttered, “Bell-mère, what should I do now? How can I save Cocosia Village! ”

Nami is not stupid, on the contrary he is very smart. I just told Arlong through the phone worm that I had saved 100 million Baileys, and the Rat Colonel over there came to collect it. How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

Without thinking about it, Nami can also guess that Arlong is definitely in collusion with Colonel Mouse.

Although Nami said to the villagers of Cocosia Village, he could buy the village by saving another 100 million Baileys, and at the same time comforted himself in this way. But in the bottom of Nami’s heart, it is very clear that he will never save 100 million Baileys, and when he saves 100 million Baileys again, Colonel Mouse will still run out.

But other than that, Nami couldn’t think of any way, she just felt like she had fallen into an endless abyss of darkness! Can’t see any light at all!

“Bell-mère…” Nami sobbed weakly on the tombstone of Bell-mère.

At this moment, a faint voice came into Nami’s ears: “Who is it? The navigator who made me cry! What a sin to blame!”

Hearing this familiar voice, Nami stopped her sobbing a little, and looked up to follow the prestige.

A slender figure appeared in Nami’s eyes with a confident smile on his face. It was the Marine who gave himself 50 million Baileys on the ocean.

I don’t know why, seeing Mukuro in front of him, Nami suddenly gave birth to endless hope, and said slightly crying, “Help me.” He sobbed again.

“Of course, you are my navigator! My man… how can he be bullied like this!”

Mukuro stepped forward, gently hugged Nami into his arms, and said softly, but Nami in Mukuro’s arms felt a sense of relief for the first time.

“Mukuro, are you sure on earth? Arlong is very powerful, and it also raises a very huge sea beast!”

Seeing the front immediately rushed to Arlong Park, Nami said with a worried expression. Although Mukuro has told himself that he is much stronger than Arlong, Nami still doesn’t believe it at 147.

“Um…” Mukuro was helpless, really didn’t know how to answer Nami’s question.

The lieutenant colonel next to Mukuro naturally noticed Mukuro’s helplessness, and explained: “Miss Nami, you don’t need to worry. You don’t need an adult to offer a reward of 20 million Baileys to a pirate like Arlong. If you shoot, the next official will be able to defeat it.”

“Is he so powerful? He is so thin and looks very weak!” Nami pointed at Mukuro suspiciously, with a questioning expression on his face. Mukuro was so angry that he didn’t hit him.

The lieutenant colonel on the side was shocked when he heard Nami’s words.

You know, since the Lieutenant Colonel followed Mukuro in the G-1 branch five years ago, no one has ever dared to question Mukuro like this, and the most important thing is that Mukuro still doesn’t care.

From this, the lieutenant colonel could also perceive Mukuro’s emphasis on Nami, and naturally did not dare to be scornful in his words.

“Ms. Nami don’t worry, let alone the little pirate with 20 million Baileys. Five years ago, at New World, the adults beat the big pirate with a reward of one billion Baileys!”

The lieutenant colonel explained that the big pirate with a reward of one billion Baileys was the “Drought” Jack of the Kaido Pirate Group!

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