Chapter 312 Rat Colonel

In a short while, the more than 80 million Baileys that Nami had accumulated over the past eight years were turned over by the Marine soldiers.

Picking up a pile of Bailey, which looked very shabby, Colonel Mouse curled his lips in disgust and said: “It’s about to rot, really, it’s so poorly preserved, but it looks like it’s still usable, so I’ll just accept it. .”

Then, Colonel Mouse waved his hand and said loudly: “Take all Bailey away!”

Seeing that all his subordinates have sorted out Bailey, Colonel Mouse looked at Nami who was sitting on the ground and sobbing weakly, and laughed arrogantly: “Squeak ha ha ha ha… Next time remember to keep it hidden.”

After speaking, he swaggered and left.

Looking at the leaving Colonel Mouse, Nami, who was sitting on the ground, had his eyes dull, and murmured unconsciously: “Bell-mère…what should I…what should I do!?” Nami sitting on the ground. I sobbed harder, and it didn’t make people feel distressed.

“We…we fought Arlong!”

“Yes! Don’t let little Nami be bullied like this anymore!”

“Let’s not tolerate Arlong anymore!”

At this time, a group of villagers rushed out, headed by a middle-aged man with a windmill on his head and stitched all over, it was Ajian, the mayor of Kokosia Village.

Looking at the people who appeared, Nami was a little dumbfounded, and his eyes were surprised: “You…how do you…know!?”

Nami always thought that after joining the Arlong Pirates, he was squeezed out by the villagers, and wanted to save up to 100 million Baileys to buy the entire Cocosia Village before telling everyone about it.

In fact, I didn’t know. Everyone knew about this from the beginning, but in order not to put Nami under too much pressure, no one said it.

Looking at Nami, A Jian said solemnly, “Nami, for our entire Cocoa Village, you have endured too much, and now it’s time for us to stand up! Let’s not be oppressed by Arlong anymore. Even if we die… this time we have to fight Arlong to the end!”

“Yes! Even if it’s dead!”

“Can’t let little Nami be wronged anymore!”

“We fought Arlong!”

The villagers hurriedly raised the long sticks, hoes and other weapons in their hands, appearing to be a little angry and loud.

Hearing this, Nami panicked. After joining the Arlong Pirates, Nami became more aware of the power of Arlong. If everyone rushed over like this, no one would survive!

He hurriedly said: “Everyone…Don’t go! It’s just 100 million Baileys. I will definitely be able to accumulate it again soon. Just wait patiently!”

Nami tried his best to comfort the villagers of Cocosia Village.

at the same time……

On the sea next to Cocosia Village.

On a Marine battleship of the colonel-level, the big mouse gaze greedily at Bailey in front of him, and said, “Hahaha…I made 100 million Baileys so easily, this Nami is really a fool.” ! But thinking about sharing half of that damn murloc to Arlong, it’s a bit heartache!”

“Big… Colonel! A warship in the distance is… driving towards us!”

The voice of a Marine soldier reached Colonel Rat’s ears, interrupting Colonel Rat’s joy at the moment.

Colonel Mouse said a little displeased: “Why panic, tell them this is the battleship of Colonel Mouse of the 16th branch of Marine, and let them give way! If you dare not give way, just sink it for me!”

“But… but this battleship is Bailong Admiral’s battleship!”

As a Marine, even if someone doesn’t know the Sengoku battleship, there is no one who doesn’t know Mukuro’s battleship!

“What about Bailong Admiral’s battleship… What are you talking about! Bai… Bailong Admiral’s battleship!?” Colonel Mouse was unhappy at first, but suddenly realized that something was wrong, so he reacted.

Looking to the sea, the white dragon flags flying on the huge battleships, one on top of dozens of his own Colonel-class battleships!

“White… Why did Admiral White Dragon come to East Blue?” The mouse colonel looked flustered, and hurriedly asked the marines on the side: “Is it time to return now!?”

The guilty Colonel Mouse naturally did not dare to meet Mukuro, but the marines on the side poured cold water on him: “It’s too late, we have all seen the Bailong Admiral battleship, and the Bailong Admiral battleship must also be seen. Here we are!”

“Ah…then…then go forward and say hello to Bailong Admiral…” Colonel Mouse said bitterly.

As a high colonel, if you see Admiral and still don’t say hello, it’s okay to say that you are at the general level. Those who are at the level of a school officer like yourself and who are also branch officials will directly reduce your rank. Of course, the mouse colonel is reluctant to bear himself. The rank of the colonel.

Colonel Mouse’s battleship slowly approached Mukuro’s battleship, with two trusted adjutants, and Colonel Mouse boarded Mukuro’s battleship.

Looking at Mukuro sitting on the deck seat, Colonel Mouse was a little cramped and nervously said: “White…Hello Bailong Admiral! I don’t know what happened to you when you came to the East Blue waters?”

Hearing the words of Colonel Mouse, Mukuro raised his brows and said, “Oh…Is it possible that I have done what the White Dragon is doing, and I have to report to your Colonel Mouse to report it!?”

Hearing Mukuro’s tone seemed to be a little unpleasant, the mouse colonel suddenly knelt on the ground: “Subordinates damn, subordinates, damn, you shouldn’t bother adults about your schedule. If there is nothing wrong, then the subordinates will tell you first. 0.4 retired.”

At this moment, the mouse colonel, can’t wait to slap himself a few big mouths!

“This is Cocosia Village, right? I don’t know what you are doing here? Colonel Mouse?”

Mukuro looked at the mouse colonel, and asked faintly that he had waited for a long time in this sea area, and what he was waiting for was this damn mouse, how could he let it go so easily.

“I…I…” Colonel Mouse didn’t expect this, and was speechless for a while.

“Come and collect the illegal funds.” Mukuro said lightly.

“Yes! Yes! The subordinates are here to collect illegal funds. Adults, you may not know, there is a famous pirate liar in Cocosia Village.” Colonel Mouse said hurriedly.

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