Chapter 1433 Moya

“Yes…Is that so?!” Facing the words of Maeso, it was obvious that the Ye people were a little bit daunted.

In his mind, he began to recall the appearance of Jean Ye. In his previous impression, he had basically never imagined Jean Ye as his partner.

But recalling this now, he suddenly realized that Jean Ye was also a girl, and that she was actually quite pretty!

“Fuck! Why didn’t I realize this before?! Is it because she always hits my head with her knee?!” Yeren groaned, with a thoughtful look on his face.

“It’s just that, if I have to choose, it really is like Master Athena, which is more in line with my aesthetics.” In his own heart, Yeren seemed to think about it.

But suddenly, he saw the smile of Tokusa.

Seeing this, he still didn’t understand why he was fooled by this cliff!


Looking at Tokusa, for a while, Yeren really didn’t get angry.

He was ashamed and angry. For a while, he pointed his finger at Tokusa, really didn’t know what to say.

Seeing the embarrassment of Yeren, Tokusa finally couldn’t help laughing.

But while he smiled, he said: “Well! You can be considered an honest person. If this is the case, then my sister asks you to give it to you, and I am relieved. After all, for her, I But such an ineffective Odoudou!”

“Please don’t please! If it is to take care of Rang Ye, she is not the kind of weak woman who needs someone to take care of! As for you, what is the problem? As a younger brother, you should not go directly to yourself. Sister said?!” Yeren said.

His words fell abruptly, but at this moment, Tokusa’s face changed suddenly.

Immediately he opened his mouth and said:


When the voice fell, the Yeren was still a little dazed, but at this time, the dangerous perception from the body’s instinct caused him to jump out all of a sudden.

As soon as the Yeren jumped out, the place where he was standing was punched through by a punch.

This punch was carried through, and a small hole about two fingers wide was punched out where the Yeren originally stood. The small hole goes deep into the ground, and I don’t know how far it is.

As the fist light fell, Tossao did not hesitate at all. He already shouted and punched out with one move:

“Accumulated corpse qi underworld wave!”

The pale flame burned at the fingertips of the grass, turning into an astonishing ray of light.

The direction he attacked was exactly the direction from which the punch came. However, in the face of Tokusa’s attack, what followed was just a voice full of indifference and arrogance:

“Rapid Lightspeed Fist!”

The words fell, and in an instant, fists shot down like rain.

Bring the accumulated corpse qi underworld to life and extinction!

Then from the source of the fist light, a figure had jumped down and landed on the ground.

This person is a male.

He was dressed in dark blue armor. His hair is also dark blue.

His expression was cold and arrogant, as if he hadn’t paid attention to the Tossa and Yeren in front of him at all. After landing on the ground, the person said casually, “Although it is impolite to disturb others. It’s just that you are endlessly talking about such meaningless things, which is really annoying.”

With that said, he paused slightly, staring at Tokusa and Yeren, and then said, “The first time I met, the saint of Athena, and the underworld of the underworld, my name is Magic Arrow. It was originally Athena of the mythical age. Under the seat, the Arrowhead Silver Saint. As for now, I am the Arrowhead undead fighter who is loyal to the goddess Alice.”

“Arrows Undead Warrior Demon Arrow!”

Hearing this name, Yeren’s expression was slightly shocked.

As Aspros said, it was indeed those former heroes who were summoned.

It was just the name Mo Shi, he had never heard of it.

This is also normal. There are too many saints in the past. Some saints have even inherited a name all the time, and the real name is buried in history, which is naturally a normal thing.

Just looking at the enemy in front of him and feeling the aura of the potential small universe radiating from his body, the Yeren would know that this person is definitely a terrifying expert.

But I couldn’t help it, the Yeren still said to this person, “You are a Saint Seiya?! Since you are a Saint Seiya, why do you still have to take refuge in the goddess of strife Alice after you die?!”

His words fell, and Demon Arrow’s eyes closed slightly, and he just said calmly, “Because death is a terrifying thing. In my lifetime, I also vowed to fight for the guardian goddess Athena and the earth. In the battles, no matter what kind of enemy I encounter, even if the opponent is also a god, I have never been afraid. However, until the moment I was killed by the enemy, I understood what I really wanted thing.”

“What I really want is eternal, immortal life! At that moment, I secretly prayed, no matter who it is, as long as it can give me eternal life, whether it is the evil god, even Pluton of the underworld, I am willing to be willing. Allegiance. It’s that simple.”

When his words fell, Yeren’s face became quite ugly.

He wanted to refute the magic arrow in front of him, but he couldn’t say such a thing.

Because many times, he was also afraid of death. I was terribly scared. In Yeren’s heart, he always felt that the biggest difference between himself and Erhuo Tianma was probably that he was afraid of death. And Tianma is not afraid at all.

At this moment, Tossao was also solemn.

Mo Shi’s thoughts are actually very similar to him.

He was also afraid of death. That’s why he surrendered to Shinigami Tanath, and finally betrayed Shinigami Tanath, and took refuge in Pluton Aaron. Mo Shi’s words can be said to resonate with him.

But what about this? ! The corners of Tokusa’s mouth curled up, “Yes, death is such a terrifying and sad thing. I’m just sorry, although you just woke up, but as my enemy, then I can only let you Died once.”

With that said, the small universe in Tokusa’s body was burning, and the purple aura rose. He stretched out a finger, and around him, the white corpse gas turned into a terrifying white flame and burned.

“In order to show my respect to you, let you see for a while, my greatest and most ultimate profundity, and let it bury you! Profound corpse Qi Ruyi Ling Lin!”

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