Chapter 1432 Discord Domain

Having said this, Aspros took another look at Pegasus deeply. Bringing Pegasus is probably the greatest insurance, and it also represents the sanctuary’s fear of Alice, the goddess of strife.

After all, once the critical moment is reached, Tianma awakens and wears sacred clothes, let alone the existence of the Master’s ninth sense, even a god at the main god level will be killed by him.

As the biggest god-killing weapon in Athena’s hand since the age of mythology, this name is not for nothing.

Among the saints of the past, as long as there is the reincarnation of Pegasus, the one who can fight most is definitely Pegasus, without any exception.

He is the biggest insurance in this crusade.

Of course, as far as Aspros is concerned, he naturally does not want to encounter an opponent who must be awakened by Pegasus to be able to win.

With the blood of Aaron, the current Aspros can basically be said to have reached the pinnacle of the Gemini Golden Saint Seiya in the past. In terms of combat effectiveness, even Pope Itia more than two hundred years ago is probably nothing more than that.

Add Tossou, Deftelos, and the rest of Jean Ye, Yeren, and Chrissy.

This combat power is actually very luxurious.

In general, the sanctuary to deal with some evil gods is at most dispatching a golden saint. This is a special situation like the Pluton Army and the Holy War in the Sanctuary. After all, Pluton, like Athena, is also a god with the power of the main god. Moreover, the underworld fighters are also masters in an endless stream, and there are even many underworld gods.

This is also the reason why the holy war in the sanctuary and the underworld requires every effort.

From Canon Island, head to the shrine of Alice, the goddess of strife.

It is naturally impossible to walk over with your feet. In fact, now this temple does not simply appear on the earth, but appears between the human world and the underworld. It is impossible to walk over with your feet.

Only by using the power of the space system can you break through the space and directly lead there.

“You guys, get ready.” Aspros said as he looked at everyone.

His words fell, and Tossao and Chris nodded.

While Ye did not speak, Tianma and Yeren showed nervous expressions.

Immediately from Aspros’ body, the small purple universe burned. The small universe burned and turned into a purple radiance, reflecting the whole body of Aspros, and then he stretched out his hand and shouted sharply:

“The Milky Way Starburst!”

His words fell, the space was shattered, and everyone’s figures fell and fell directly into the void.

Falling in the void, I don’t know how long it has been falling. At this time, the Yeren and the others could see clearly. At the end of the void, there appeared a group of magnificent palaces standing in the gap between the void. And around this palace complex, there is actually a golden light shrouded in brilliance, that is the breath of a small universe belonging to the gods.

Seeing the brilliance of this small universe, the yemen and they all subconsciously shouted loudly, “There, that’s there!”

And just as their words fell, abruptly, from the palace complex, from the tallest palace, a golden light soared into the sky, unexpectedly directly impacting everyone, as if it had already I noticed the arrival of the jewelers.

In the face of this ray of light, in the void, the small universe on Aspros was burning, and he punched it out directly:

“The Milky Way Starburst!”

The terrifying fist light exploded, and instantly crushed the golden light of the small universe skyrocketing.

Then everyone’s figures fell towards the palace group, one by one, like a series of meteors, they smashed into all directions of the palace group fiercely!

The Yeren smashed to the ground fiercely, and the terrifying force impacted, smashing the ground to pieces, piercing through a sinkhole.

“It hurts! It hurts!”

It was smashed down fiercely, and Yeren’s tears of pain came down on the spot, but he quickly crawled out of the sinkhole.

The temple complex of the goddess of strife is very large and magnificent.

When it fell from above, it looked like it was nothing.

But now that it has fallen, it can be seen that this palace complex is magnificent and huge. I’m afraid that the entire palace group as a whole, even if compared with Sanctuary, is not inferior at all.

And after the Yeren crawled out of the sinkhole, his eyes searched around.

This group of palaces, although very large and magnificent.

The shapes of the surrounding palaces and pillars are also very exquisite, but being there, the Ye people feel an inexplicable bleak feeling. It’s too deserted here.

It is different from Sanctuary.

In the sanctuary, there are only eighty-eight saints.

All kinds of alternate saints below the saints, as well as sanctuary guards, plus the maids of various palaces, the number is even more. Especially in the training ground of Sanctuary. Almost Tenten is very lively.

But here, looking around, there is no figure at all.

However, the more deserted the atmosphere, the more ominous the Ye people. And suddenly it was here, abruptly, a hand silently resting on the shoulder of the Yeren.

At the moment when his shoulder was touched, without the slightest hesitation, Yeren turned back and punched:

“Unicorn shock!”

At the moment his fist hit, the figure behind him jumped out flexibly. Then this figure turned a parabola in the air, and landed on the ground. It was Rang Ye’s younger brother, Tocao 540!

He looked at Yeren with a weird smile on his face:

“Brother-in-law, don’t be so nervous, it’s me.”

His words fell, and the Yeren subconsciously said, “How can you not be nervous, this is the enemy’s base camp! Who knows where the enemy will come out from.”

And this sentence fell, and suddenly, as if realizing something, the Yeren blurted out on the spot:

“Wait a minute, what does brother-in-law mean?!”

“What does brother-in-law mean? Brother-in-law, naturally my sister’s husband.” Tokusa smiled weirdly, and then he said thoughtfully, “Looking at you, you are still a virgin. Well, this is normal. After all, my sister is a very conservative person. It is difficult for you to get started. This is also normal.”

“What…what to get started! You…what nonsense are you talking about! I have never thought about letting Ye have anything that shouldn’t be!”

Faced with Tokusa’s teasing, the Yeren stammered nervously, “I just consider her a good friend, or a comrade-in-arms! There is absolutely no other meaning.”

“Is that right?!”

The words of the Yeren fell, and Tokusa deliberately asked, “But you are meaningless, it doesn’t mean that my sister is meaningless. In my opinion, my sister may have a good impression of you.”

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