Chapter 1429 Hell training

He just wants to give up on himself, become a demon, and live alone where the demon should live. And this place is Cannon Island, full of active volcanoes.

But now, Deftelos, who came to Cannon Island, was obviously not forgotten by the sanctuary.

So he has one more task, which is to train the three people of Tianma in Canon Island, in a ruthless hell-style practice method.

“Persevere! Hold on to me!”

In a magma pool, the three of Tianma soaked in the magma pool like this, and on the edge of the magma pool, covered with cloth strips, Devertlos shouted loudly like an evil spirit. Accompanied by his words, the whip held in his hand continued to slap the three Tianma in the magma pool fiercely.

“It’s hot! I’m burning to death!” Yeren screamed constantly in the magma pool.

I subconsciously wanted to stick out of Vice Admiral’s body in the magma pool, but as soon as his head came out, Defertros’ whip was slashed, and a whip hit him in the face, knocking him completely into the lava on the spot. In the pool.

While torturing the Jeremy, Deftelos said sharply, “Too weak! Now you are soft like a limp bug, you will be crushed to death by the enemy at will! Such a little temperature, it will I can’t bear it, so how to fight the enemy 453! In the battle between real saints, some tricks can even create millions of degrees of high temperature in an instant, or can create an attack comparable to the power of a supernova explosion. ”

“If you can’t temper your body to such a level of tempering, how can you resist the enemy’s attack! How can you defeat the enemy!” Sternly, Defertros grabbed the whip in his hand and fiercely. Slashed at the Yeren.

After taking care of the Yeren for a long time, Deftelos took another whip, hit the Tianma with his head and face, and cleaned the Tianma to death.

In contrast, Jean Ye, among the three, was rarely taken care of by Deftelos.

As a result, Ye’s performance is obviously better than Tianma and Yeren.

Secondly, Deftelos is also considered a gentleman who inherited his brother. For men, he can act mercilessly, but for women, he is somewhat reluctant to do so.

After letting the three people of Tianma soak in the magma pool for several hours, Defertros said, “Now, get out of me. Your next task is to give me your full strength to make a fight. Ten thousand attacks!”

Deftelos’ words fell, and the Yeren, who had just crawled out of the magma pool before he could breathe a sigh of relief, immediately showed a crying face again.

And looking at the way the Ye Ren looked, Deftelos said nothing, the whip in his hand had already been mercilessly beaten up, hitting the Ye Ren crying and screaming like his father and mother, and then rushed to practice.

Three people stood on the deserted ground. The small universe all over his body burned, and then he tried his best to strike out his own attack toward the front. However, they had just made less than two shots before Deftelos’ whip came down again!

“The soft, haven’t you eaten?! How about your strength?! What about your strength?! Burn all your little universes to me! Is this soft little universe kidding me?!”

With that said, Deftelos went down again with a whip.

Under his whip and drive, the Tianma trio had no choice but to make their own attacks.

They kept burning their own small universe time and time again, and displayed their full power.

But after only less than a hundred attacks, the three of them were so tired that they didn’t have the slightest strength at all.

But Deftelos, obviously, could not allow them to relax. When they were relaxing, he cracked his whip again. For this reason, they didn’t even have the strength to scream and howl, and they could only let Defertus push them.

“Okay! Stop it for me!”

I don’t know that after a long time, when the horses were so tired that they vomited blood and fainted, Defertus’ voice finally said this.

When this sentence fell, the three of Tianma seemed to collapse to the ground on the spot, like a puddle of mud.

Seeing them, Deftelos snorted and said immediately:

“You are still far, far away. It’s just a group of humble bugs, who don’t even have the qualifications to become humans! But now, Sanctuary has a new task for us.”

When Deftelos said this, the expressions of the three people who had been slumped on the ground were shocked.

They raised their heads subconsciously. While looking at them, Defertros continued, “Sanctuary’s order. It’s for us to fight against the goddess of strife, Alice, who has just awakened recently. She is among the evil gods who have troubled the earth, and the number of holy wars with the sanctuary is very high. There are many evil gods. Every time when there are frequent disputes on the earth, she will wake up, bring troubles to the earth, and cause wars.”

“This time, we are going to completely knock her down and seal her up, so that from now on, she will not be able to cause trouble to the earth.” That’s it. Defertros said slightly, “This time, in addition to the Saint Seiya of our sanctuary, the Pluton Army will also send people to join us to deal with the goddess of strife Alice.”

His words fell. At this moment, Tianma and the others showed incredible expressions, “Let us join forces with the Pluton Army?!”

But soon Tianma reacted, “It’s Aaron! It must be Aaron. Aaron sent someone to help Sasha.”

Looking at Tianma’s exhilarating expression, Yeren looked at Tianma with a weird look.

Then he said sourly, “Okay, okay. I know it. Athena-sama is your childhood sweetheart, and Pluton Aaron is your little friend. No need to keep yelling, I can hear the cocoons in my ears. coming.”

When the Yeren’s words fell, Tianma made a cut, and then he said triumphantly, “You are naked jealousy!”

“What?! I’m jealous! I’m not jealous of you!”

The Yeren said angrily like a cat with its tail stepped on.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Ye sighed, “Okay! How come you two have always looked like children, when will you be able to grow up?! Can you listen to Devert first? Mr. Lowes finished speaking?!”

Let Ye’s words fall, Defertus looked at Tianma and Yeren with eyes like an idiot, and then he said again, “This is the end of today’s training. Give me a good rest. Get up tomorrow morning. !”

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