Chapter 1428 Body

With that said, standing at the door, Knicks looked at the people in the room, her gaze swept over, and finally fell on Mukuro’s body, and then there seemed to be a little surprise in her expression:

“You are… you are… uh, then why are you here?”

The words of the Knicks in the face, Mukuro was quite speechless, “You don’t want to fool it because you forgot my name.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Knicks showed an awkward expression. Then she rubbed her eyes and said languidly, “No, no more, I’m going to fall asleep again.”

With that said, Knicks really seemed to fall down like this. Before falling down, her mouth was whispering, “Just now, I seemed to hear Alice calling me, well, no matter…”

With that said, the Knicks seemed to have fallen asleep before falling down.

At this time, fortunately, Phantasos on the side hugged her in a hurry. Looking at Knicks who had fallen asleep, Mukuro sighed and said helplessly to Phantasos, “Take her down. Let her go back to the room to sleep.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Phantasos nodded quickly, “Yes!” With that said, she hugged Knicks and left.

After Phantasos and Knicks left, Pandora couldn’t help but said, “Alice, is this the daughter of Erepos, the god of darkness?”

Her words fell. At this moment, Aaron smiled slightly and said, “Yes, neither.”

Aaron’s words fell, and Pandora, and Radmandis and their expressions were even more puzzled.

So Aaron continued, “There are two kinds of gods. There are physical and non-physical gods. The so-called physical gods are like Pluton Hades, Sleeping God Shupunos, Shinigami Tanathus, and not From the god Athena, even the god king Zeus, the ancient god king Cronus. These are gods with physical bodies.”

“And a god without a body, I believe you have seen it before. Erepos, the god of darkness, is such a god without a body. He is darkness, and darkness is him. So where he exists is this world, the oldest The darkest place, and the darkness at the same time, is his body.” Aaron said.

When his words fell, Hui Huo showed his original gaze, thinking: “That’s why Erepos, the god of darkness, needs to seize the real body of Pluton Hades. He wants to seize the real body of Pluton Hades. , Use it as one’s own body.”

Huihuo’s words fell, and Aaron nodded, “Exactly.”

But at this time, Radamandis couldn’t help but speak, “The goddess of night and the god of darkness, legends are both ancient gods born from the creation of heaven and earth. Since the god of darkness Erepos has no body, Then why does Nix, the goddess of the night, have a body?!”

When his question fell, Aaron did not answer, but looked at Mukuro.

Mukuro nodded and said, “The Goddess of Night should have no form. It’s just that she suddenly had her own form at some point. As for the reason, it’s hard to tell this kind of thing. A god without a body suddenly has a body. There are many reasons for this situation. But I can be sure that she is harmless, at least she will never help the dark god Erebus. ”

“And the Goddess of Discord is indeed the daughter of the Goddess of Night and the God of Darkness. It’s just that she was born from the night and the darkness, which is equivalent to the girl of the Dark Night and Darkness without a body, and the current Nix is Another person with a physique. To some extent, Alice can be regarded as the daughter of the current Knicks. In another sense, Alice, the goddess of dispute, can be regarded as the sister of the Knicks.”

“Because Alice, the goddess of strife, was born out of darkness and night. The shape of Knicks was born out of the night. From this point of view, the goddess of strife Alice and Knicks are the same, even better than This physique Knick is even older.”

Facing Mukuro’s words, Pandora and the others showed thoughtful eyes.

According to legend, Chronos, the god of creation, was a god without a body.

Kairos is a god with a body.

But in the original plot, more than two hundred years later, after Athena Saori defeated Pluton, it was time to go to the gate of time and space under Olympus.

At that time, Chronos had a body. The reason is really incredible.

But these are not important for the time being. The important thing is to defeat Erepos, the god of darkness, and his followers. Of course, from the time Erepos seized Pluton Hades’s real body, it already meant his defeat. Using the real body of Pluton Hades as a trap to attract Erebus was fooled, which Mukuro did not expect.

In other words, he thought about it. It’s just that he thought that Erebus couldn’t be so stupid.

But contrary to Mukuro’s opinion, Aaron expressed a different view. “Erebus is too arrogant. So he will definitely be fooled, even if he knows this is a trap, he will step on it without hesitation. Because in his opinion, even a trap does not matter. His power is enough. Overwhelm all traps and conspiracies. And this is doomed to his failure.”

Sure enough, it was the same as Aaron thought. Erebus was really fooled. From this point on, Erepos, the god of darkness, had no threat. What is left now, for Aaron, is just a little bit of the power that cannibalize the dark god Erebus. For Mukuro, a dark god Erepos, this is just the beginning.

Canon Island.

A small island located in the Mediterranean Sea. Since the end of the holy war between the Pluton Army and the Sanctuary, the Pegasus has been the Bronze Saint Seiya of Pegasus, the Yeren the Bronze Saint Seiya of the Unicorn, and Jean of the Silver Saint Seiya of the Crane Ye, the three of them have been practicing here for almost a month.

As for the master who trained them, naturally he left the sanctuary and took his brother’s corpse and holy clothes, and lived here in seclusion.

When he was a child, Deftelos was often bullied.

At that time, his brother Aspros told him. One day, he will become the pope, and then let Deftelos live in the eyes of the world.

Deftelos has always believed in his brother’s words.

But after Aspros died, Deftelos gave up. Give up the idea of ​​wanting to live honestly in the eyes of the world.

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