Chapter 1375 Jean leaves

Here, it now exists as the base camp of the Pluton Army. It’s just that it’s some distance away from this base camp. In a broken ground, a figure suddenly emerged from the broken stone.

He looked embarrassed and his whole body was wounded, but only his eyes were burning with firm will and vitality.

After he got out of the broken stone, he was panting violently, from his body, the broken unicorn seat bronze saint clothing, constantly peeling off the pieces.

At this moment, the Yeren’s eyes were filled with a lingering look.

Until now, he can still recall the previous situation.

Countless beams of light rose from the earth, and the whole earth was shattered. He turned around, trying to retrieve the body of Tianma, but the earth was broken, and he was completely buried in the shattered earth.

The situation at that time was really like the end of the world.

Although a saint as a goddess, he vowed to fight to protect the goddess and the earth.

Even if the opponent is Pluton Hades, he is absolutely not afraid.

But when I think of the previous situation and feel the terrifying power of Pluton Hades, Yeren feels a little heart beating in fear! This level is no longer something humans can deal with!

Pluton Hades!

This kind of power, 293 let the Saint Seiya deal with it, it’s too nonsense!

Although the Ye people have also seen the power of the Golden Saint Seiya.

But even if the power of the Golden Saint Seiya is compared with Pluton Hades, it is almost like the moon in the sky, and the fireflies on the ground, there is no comparison at all.

Pluton, a god of this level, cannot be challenged by humans at all.

Unless it’s the goddess Athena who does it herself…

But when this thought fell, the Yeren couldn’t help but think of Sasha.

Sasha’s soft look appeared in his mind, and the Yeren smiled bitterly.

Merely recalling the appearance of Sasha as Athena, he did not think that Sasha was the type that could fight head-on and defeat Pluton Hades.

Thinking about this, he immediately smiled wryly, “I am a bronze saint, what do I want to do so much?! There is silver on bronze, and gold on silver, even if it is gold, there is also the pope! If it is not possible, this This kind of thing, leave it to those big people to worry about it.” Thinking about this, Yeren looked around, looking for Tianma’s body.

He remembered that he rushed back at the time, and indeed caught Tianma’s body.

At that time, the Yeren really didn’t understand why he rushed back.

Even he himself cannot understand why he did this at the time.

Perhaps, there is only one reason, I care too much about Tianma.

As an opponent, and a friend. Thinking about this, Yeren sighed. But at this moment, his heart trembled, and he found the body of Tianma.

The corpse of the Pegasus, who was also wearing the broken Pegasus sacred garment, was half buried in the gravel like himself.

Seeing this, the Yeren hurriedly rushed forward. He moved away the stone where the Tianma was buried. Then he picked up the Tianma and shook it vigorously, but Tianma did not respond.

He really died. Died in the hands of Pluton Hades.

“Damn it! This guy, how can you just die like this! If you die, won’t the victory or defeat between me and you never end!” Yeren roared like this, and he shook Tianma vigorously. It is a pity that Tianma still has no response. In the end, Yeren gave up. He let go of the Pegasus, just bowed his head and sighed, and then sat down in the ruins.

But just as the Yeren was decadent, a woman’s voice sounded abruptly, “Oh, is there anyone still alive?”

The voice fell, and the originally decadent Yeren’s heart jumped without any hesitation. His eyes followed the voice, but there was a figure of a woman wrapped in a cloth robe!

“Who is it?! When did it appear there! Could it be the Underworld Warrior?!” Countless thoughts flashed from his heart, without the slightest hesitation, the Yeren clenched his fist, and subconsciously wanted to burn his own small universe. , Make a desperate fight.

But at this moment, the woman shouted sharply, “Idiot, put away the small universe, and be careful to be noticed by the Underworld Warrior!”

Hearing the woman’s words, Yeren’s heart was startled, and he subconsciously hurriedly put away his small universe.

“You are……?”

“Warriors from Camille, by the order of the elders, come to bring the Revolving Heaven horse seat.”

The woman said this, and then as she said, she reached out and pulled her cloak down, which surprised Yeren a little. She had fair skin, long dark green hair, and two cinnabar dots around her eyebrows, which looked like beans. The eyebrows are the same, but the appearance is very beautiful, and different from what he imagined, very heroic.

Generally speaking, although it does not meet his taste, it is very in line with his aesthetics.

In his own heart, Yeren believes that he still likes that kind of weak girl, so that he can stimulate his desire for protection.

For example, like Athena Sasha.

However, looking at the woman in front of him, for an instant, the Yeren still stared blankly. Even looking at her, Yeren had a vague illusion that this woman might become my wife in the future.

But soon, he shook his head vigorously, and in his heart, he secretly cursed himself.

Under the circumstances like this, he still has this kind of thought of being foolish! Withdrawing the distracting thoughts in his mind, he asked sternly, “Tianma is dead! Besides, who are you, and what is Camille!”

His words fell, but the woman was a little speechless.

However, she replied, “I am a fighter of Gamir. As for my name, my name is Jean Ye. Listen, the Pegasus over there is not dead! But there is only one breath left, now , You must quickly take him to see the elder, only the elder can save him. You go and put him on your back!”

Faced with the indisputable order from Jean Ye, the Yehren was very excited.

He subconsciously wanted to say something, but as soon as he thought about it, it was near the Pluton Army’s lair.

He hesitated, but gritted his teeth and hurriedly carried Tianma’s body on his back. But when the Yeren carried Tianma on his back, an amazing light lit up under Ye’s feet. Then the light lit up, directly opening a space channel. The Yeren carrying Tianma and Jean Ye’s body directly Fell in.

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