Chapter 1374 Bleak constellation

“Azha Poju, from now on, you are the General Marshal Ming Wang in the Pluton army. The status is equal to Pandora. But you belong to Yu directly, you only need to follow Yu’s dispatch.”

Seeing Azha po detained into the ranks of the Underworld Warriors, Aaron spoke again.

When his words fell, Azha put out her hands and folded her arms together, and bowed to Aaron, “Yes!”

This point is basically the same as before.

The former Azhabha was also independent of the Pluton Army for special mission reasons, and belonged directly to Pluton Hades.

It’s just that, in fact, he doesn’t listen to Pluton Hades at all. But now, his status remains the same. The only thing that has changed is that he, who was defeated horribly in front of Ashmeda, has completely lost his spirit, and because he was saved by Mukuro, he surrendered to Aaron.

Aaron’s words fell, and Pandora glanced at Azha inadvertently.

Although Azhabha has returned from prison, her rights have not changed in any way.

Do not! Not without any changes, but improved!

Thinking like this, her gaze retracted, and she looked at Gemini inadvertently, with a faint smile on her face. At least the Gemini God, who was above her head and arrogant to her, can no longer control her!

Although the current status of the Gemini God is still far above her in name. But now she no longer needs to obey Gemini’s orders, but only needs to belong directly to Pluton Hades, no, Pluton Aaron will do.

Pandora is not a fool.

She naturally understood Aaron’s situation.

But for her, who is Pluton and does it make a difference?

All she needs to surrender is Pluton.

Whether it is Pluton Aaron, or Pluton Hades.

Or maybe the current Aaron will lose to Hades in the future.

All she needs to do is whoever Pluton is, she listens to what she says, nothing more. As long as this is followed, even if Aaron loses to Hades in the future, she will still be Pandora. It’s that simple.

When Azha was detained and walked into the queue of the Underworld Warriors, Mukuro also walked back to his seat, and then sat down.

After Mukuro sat down, Aaron nodded slightly towards Mukuro, and then he held out a finger and pointed it at the ceiling of the hall.

Following Aaron’s actions, the ceiling of the hall disappeared, and replaced by a vast galaxy and universe. In this vast galaxy and universe, there are bright spots of light.

These light spots seem to be stars.

And these stars are connected, it seems to be a constellation.

And these constellations are all the guardian constellations of the Saint Seiya symbolizing Athena who guards the earth! Every Saint Seiya has a guardian constellation! Some of these constellations are bright, while others are dim.

Looking at this picture, in the hall, all the Underworld Warriors had doubts in their eyes.

“Is this a star?!”

“No, it’s a constellation. And all of them are Saint Seiya’s constellations!”

One by one, the Underworld Warrior spoke in a low voice.

And at this time, Pandora said, “These are the guardian constellations of Saint Seiya under Sanctuary Athena. Every Saint Seiya has a guardian constellation. What you see now is the situation of Sanctuary Saint Seiya. These are. The dim ones are the dead saints, while the ones that are lit indicate that the saints are still alive.”

“Auriga, Hell Dog, Wagtail… Pegasus, these are all dead saints!”

As Pandora’s words fell, another Underworld Warrior couldn’t help but speak. His words fell. At this moment, abruptly, in the eyes of many underworld warriors, a constellation that was clearly dimmed suddenly lit up again, but it was emitting a faint light.

This scene was seen by all the Underworld Warriors in the hall.

“Is this?! The constellation lights up again?!” A ghost fighter couldn’t help but said.

“Could it be that……”

When the person’s words fell, Aaron said, “It’s just that. In the Pluton army, no matter how many times the Pluto fighters are killed in battle, they can recover you. Athena’s Saint Seiya does not have this power. Once they die, they cannot be resurrected, and even his soul will mostly fall into the deepest hell of hell, and will never be transcended. However, the Saint Seiya can inherit it!”

“After the death of the previous generation of Saint Seiya, the alternate Saint Seiya used as a substitute will inherit everything from the previous Saint Seiya. Therefore, the guardian constellation that has dimmed will reappear again for this reason.” Aaron That said.

Then he stretched out his hands and said in a contagious voice, “Yu’s Underworld Warriors, now the holy war has begun! You dedicate your lives to Yu, go and fight, and all the holy warriors are Kill, and then seize the head of the goddess Athena, dedicated to Yu! At that time, this earth, everything in the world, will be dyed with Yu’s color!”

Aaron said this, his face showed a sullen smile, and looking at this smile, the two columns of Underworld Warriors on the left and right were all in awe, showing awe and admiration.

They knelt down again, and then said, “Yes!”

“Aaron’s acting…”

Looking at Aaron’s “show” with a faint smile, Mukuro wanted to laugh somehow, but he resisted it.

Afterwards, his gaze also looked at the constellation diagram on the ceiling, especially the constellation diagram belonging to Pegasus, but his gaze was also accompanied by a faint joking smile:

“At this time, the Pluton Army is confined here, so Tianma and their actions should have already begun.”

A heavy cloud enveloped the earth.

The breath of death continued to radiate, and the dark and ominous clouds gathered and turned into a huge sky covering the whole world.

Under this sky, the original world seems to have fallen into hell and underworld.

Under such a scene, all in a wide range are broken ruins.

The earth collapsed and turned into barren wasteland. And in this piece of wasteland, stands a huge dark church.

This temple is the base camp of the Pluton Army on earth. At the same time, there is a huge Pluton enchantment gathered around here.

Any life around here, their power will be suppressed, even the gods are the same. Unless his power is above Aaron who is Pluton.

This place was originally Albany, but now it is not.

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