Chapter 1340 Alliance of the Golden Saints

The small universe is a force that can directly destroy atoms. This is the most basic starting point for the power of the small universe.

And for these masters who have cultivated the small universe to an extremely high level, there is nothing in this world at all, they can’t break it.

This is the same even if it is a saint cloth made of star silver sand, or a underworld cloth made of gems of the underworld.

For the battle between Saint Seiya, the biggest role of the Saint Cloth is definitely not to protect one’s body. Want to use armor to protect one’s body, relying on the hardness of the saint clothing itself, this is originally a rookie performance, and a stupid idea.

Any master in the Grandmaster universe can easily smash the saint clothing.

What you can really use to protect yourself is definitely not armor, but your own little universe! In the same way, what can really be used to defeat the enemy is definitely not a sharp sword, it is also its own small universe.

This is especially true when it comes to a higher level.

The artifacts are only external, and what is truly powerful is their own internal power, that is, the power of the small universe.

And the saint clothing is just something used to amplify one’s own small universe. The golden saint clothing, all of them burst out from their bodies for a time with an extremely astonishing aura. However, facing each of these saints, Mukuro’s face only had a faint sneer, as if he didn’t care at all.

And looking at the expression that Mukuro showed, even the face of Pope Sage among these saints suddenly turned gloomy. He stared at Mukuro with cold eyes, and then roared:

“Don’t underestimate Athena’s Saint Seiya!”

As his words fell, the amazing small universe from Saiqi’s body burned, but he raised his hand, and in his hand, a little pale flame burned, and this pale forehead flame surrounded him. Point out!

“The corpse and spirit are buried!”

As Saiqi’s words fell, the astonishing corpse gas exploded, turning into a huge pale flame cyclone and whizzing out towards Mukuro.

The corpse and spirit are buried! The ultimate technique of burning the soul and using the accumulated corpse energy to completely destroy the enemy is a unique skill that can be ignited and killed by the soul of a god. At this moment, Saiqi made a bold move, coming up with such a killer move.

Except for Saiqi, the remaining Golden Saints, all of them did not hesitate at all, and they also acted outrageously.

On Hasgart’s burly body, an astonishing breath erupted. He roared sharply, his eyes rounded and angered, the golden little universe aura rising from his body, like a golden bull’s phantom, and then he punched it. Blasted out from the front.

“Titan Nova!”

As Hasgart’s words fell, a horrible light burst out, and the terrifying light roared out like a supernova explosion.

The Titan Nova, created by Hasgart, is the strongest trick of Taurus, which surpasses the great horn of Taurus that has been passed down from generation to generation. The golden fist light seemed to be torn, and the lightsaber like a piercing rushed towards Mukuro. The terrifying power rushed, as if trying to tear Mukuro’s whole person to pieces.

Regulus has a beautiful appearance and his age is the youngest among all the Golden Saints. However, at this moment, the atmosphere of the small universe emanating from him is not inferior to any other Golden Saints. . Not only that, the golden cosmic aura of his whole body was burning, as if there was a layer of golden flame rising on his body, the golden aura was blowing, his fists waved, and then his eyes stared hard. Mukuro said,

“Lightning ion light speed punch!”

His words fell, and from his fist, an astonishing light burst out, and the sharp light burst out, as if at this instant, he had already shook countless fists.

Lightning ion light speed punch!

The stunt that surpasses the speed of light fist, able to strike more than 100 million attacks with fists in an instant, is a unique stunt of his Leo Golden Saint Seiya!

Leo Golden Saint Regulus, his appearance looks beyond imagination.

It even seems to be about the same age as Tianma and Aaron. Very young, just a child at all. Even though he was wearing the golden saint clothing, his figure was still quite small compared to the others. However, even so, the astonishing burst of fist light exudes incomparable brilliance.

Dijel was wearing glasses, with the breath of a scholar, the breath of the small universe was burning, his long green hair was fluttering, and then his fists danced, and an incomparably amazing light burst out from his eyes.

He looked at Mukuro and said in cold words: “The forgiveness of the goddess of dawn!”

As his voice fell, from his hands, the atmosphere of the small universe burned, seeming to transform into the figure of a graceful and cold woman. This woman held a treasure bottle in her hand, and then from the treasure bottle, Spit out unimaginable freezing cold air!

The cold air rolled and hit Mukuro directly.

“Faced with this uncle’s stunt, and then cried out to die! Scarlet Poison Needle!”

Cardinal sneered beside Dettel. He stretched out a finger and swiped it at Mukuro. This blow was like a crimson light, piercing everything.

“Lushan Bailongba!”

457 “Galaxy Star Burst!”

Tong Hu and Shi Ang also roared, and then the small universe of the two people burned. They waved their fists and slammed them at Mukuro.

Behind the two of them, El Cid, who was defeated by Mukuro, closed his eyes, and then his eyes opened suddenly, and the fierce sword intent erupted from his eyes, and he roared:

“Get out of the sheath! My holy sword excalibur!”

As El Cid’s words fell, a sharply determined sword light broke out from his right hand! The golden sword light rose up, as if it could cut everything.

This sword was already used by El Cid with all his strength.

At this moment, under the leadership of Saiqi, the golden saints who were in the different dimension space all threw their fists at Mukuro, exploding their strongest tricks.

In an instant, an unimaginable small universe rose, and terrifying power surged like a tsunami.

Faced with so many golden saints joining hands, I am afraid that even Pluton would definitely not dare to welcome them.

However, Mukuro looked at them with a slightly interested expression on his face, as if he had found some interesting toy. At this moment, so many golden saints have joined forces, and finally, they have reached the point where Mukuro can take a high look.

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