Chapter 1339 Different Dimensional Space

In the flustered look of Sisyphus, Mukuro spoke again, “I mean very simple. Yes, as you guessed, the reincarnation of Pluton Hades is also by my side. But. , Like Athena, I want to reverse his destiny and let him have his own body, not just as a sad puppet for you and those in the underworld to use, to fight for life and death, so much meaningless .”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Saiqi and their faces were ugly.

Their gazes subconsciously looked at Aaron and Tianma on the side.

Tianma was exactly like a naughty egg. They just stared at Tianma’s body, stopped for a while, and immediately slid over, and then landed on Aaron who was holding the paintbrush.

Aaron’s eyes were too clear, as if there was no trace of impurities.

But precisely because of this, they became more certain that Aaron was the reincarnation of Pluton Hades.

Because the soul of Pluton Hades was reincarnated, he has always been looking for the most innocent boy in this era in this world! Use their physical bodies to reincarnate.

“Are you surprised, and can’t wait to pinch the signs of Pluton Hades in the cradle?”

The corners of Mukuro’s mouth were curved with a hint of sarcasm, “But sorry, in front of me, you can’t do this, and you have no chance to do it. I have already said that I will let them have their own lives. Of course, if you are not convinced, I can accompany you through the tricks.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Manigotte, who was standing behind Sage, sneered, “It’s just what I want, then come on!”

His words fell, and beside him, the other golden saints also exuded a strong fighting spirit. Only Sisyphus, with a nervous look on his face, then he said loudly:

“Assistant! Don’t be impulsive, everyone!”

However, Sisyphus’ words fell, and Sage reached out and stopped him.

He motioned Sisyphus not to say more. Then Saiqi looked at Mukuro and said, “Sisufers and El Cid both said that Mr. Mukuro’s strength is amazing. Then, I don’t know if I can ask Mr. Mukuro for some advice.”

When his words fell, Mukuro said noncommittal, “Come on, I won’t give you some pain. If you want to come, you won’t retreat.”

With that said, Mukuro’s words paused slightly, and then continued, “I heard that your sanctuary has a rule. Saint Seiya deals with enemies. If the enemy is only alone, then two people are absolutely not allowed to go together, and you must play alone. Fight alone. Otherwise, you will be deprived of the qualifications of the Saint Cloth and Saint Seiya, right?”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Saiqi nodded.

When Saiqi nodded, Mukuro said again, “But this rule doesn’t need to be placed on me. Let’s do it together. It can hurt me, even if it’s just a hair on my body, even if I lose, no matter what. Whether it’s Sasha or Aaron, take it with you.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the golden saints behind Saiqi were all furious!

For soldiers, it can be said that the greatest humiliation is this.

“Damn it guy, you are too arrogant! This is the first time I have seen someone who is arrogant than my Cardina!”

Cardina said quite upset.

“Yeah! Didn’t you put our Saint Seiya in your eyes too much?! Huh? As a god, you are so arrogant, hehe, it looks like, today, my Master Manigot, I have to teach you something. It’s reasonable to be a human being.” Manigote said equally unhappy.

After the words of Cardina and Manigot fell, although the other golden saints did not speak, it was clear that they all meant it. At this time, Saiqi looked at Mukuro, and then said to Mukuro, “Then Mr. Mukuro, please enlighten me.”

With that said, the small universe in Saiqi’s body was already burning. At the moment his small universe burned, all the golden saints and their small universes burned all at once, except for Sisyphus.

And at this time, watching Saiqi and the numerous golden saints, seeing a fight that would be impossible to stop, Sisyphus sighed, subconsciously wanting to burn his small universe, and also join the battle.

But at this time, Sage spoke to him and said, “Sisyphus, in the name of the pope, I give you orders… this battle, you don’t need to participate in this battle. If we die, your mission, Just follow Athena and protect Athena!”

That said. Saiqi then looked at Mukuro, and suddenly burst out from his body with an astonishing aura, the small universe in his body was burning, his eyes were round, and he shouted sharply.

“Come on! Outer gods from another world, let us go to another dimension to fight!”

Said this, Saiqi yelled, and from his whole body, an astonishing cosmic galaxy appeared, and then he threw his fist at Mukuro. With his fist swiping, he directly tore the space inside the house, and then brought Mukuro and all the golden saints except Sisyphus into the different-dimensional space.

In a different-dimensional space, it is as if you are in the boundless universe, where the darkness of nothingness and depth swallows everything, and there are torrents of space everywhere, scrolling everything constantly, wanting to be exiled to the end of time and space and light years.

This trick was originally a trick belonging to the Gemini Golden Saint Seiya. However, as the Pope, Sage had already read all the secrets of the Golden Saints in the Palace of Astronomy, after all, they had all comprehended their tricks.

After all, as a sanctuary, it has survived since the last jihad era, and it has existed for more than two hundred years.

In such a long period of time, if you don’t comprehend anything, it would be a little too inferior.


Exiled by Saiqi to a different-dimensional space, Mukuro just stood casually, and the surrounding void and dimensional force pushed him, but he couldn’t push his figure away at all.

And then, Mukuro raised his hand, just to Sage, and the many golden saints behind him, beckoned, “Come on, please use your full strength to please me, but don’t let this game be over. So fast.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and these golden saints all shouted, the metal boxes on their backs opened, and the golden saint clothes were instantly dressed! After wearing their golden saint clothes, their auras directly expanded one by one, raising them to an extremely astonishing level! For the Saint Seiya, in addition to defense, more of the golden saint clothing is used to amplify their small universe.

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