Chapter 1323 Orphanage

But there is a saying that a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and the poorest nobles are also nobles.

Moreover, although Mukuro did not follow, but looking at his clothing, as well as his superior temperament and majesty, he knew that he was definitely not an ordinary person. It is a person who has lived in people for a long time and has a non-trivial status.

For such a big man, why he came to this small town alone is not clear to the defensive officer, but what he knows is that he can never offend the other party.

“I don’t know what Mr. Mukuro did when he came here? Is there any help?”

The defensive officer said to Mukuro again. Facing the guard’s humble appearance, Mukuro said in a calm voice, “Do you know the orphanage in the southern town of Albany?”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the defense officer raised his head subconsciously, showing a rather surprised expression.

Of course he knows!

The orphanage in the south of the city was bought with a hundred gold coins. It is said that the buyer’s room came from Rome, a great nobleman with the title of earl!

Is it? !

Thinking of this, the garrison officer took a peek at Mukuro subconsciously, and then he hung his head down more respectfully.

This era is the eighteenth century.

In the original history, there was actually no country like Italy in the eighteenth century. At that time, the Italian region was dominated by scattered city states, and only the Habsburg dynasty briefly ruled most of the region.

However, in this world, Italy has already appeared.

And because of the existence of gods and saints, history is actually quite different.

“I bought the Seongnam Orphanage.” Just as the defense officer was guessing like this, Mukuro said.

His words fell, and the defender’s heart trembled, and he nodded subconsciously.

Then he moved in his heart and quickly said, “Honorable Mr. Mukuro, if you can, you want to go to the Seongnam Orphanage. If you can, let me lead you. My name is Urs. Yau Lowe.”

“Okay, I will trouble you.” Mukuro said.

With that said, Mukuro seemed to take out a purse from Kabuto in his windbreaker casually, then took out a gold coin from the purse and handed it to the guy in front of him.

“This is even if you do it as a reward for showing me the way.”

Looking at the gold coin Mukuro was holding, the garrison swallowed, his eyes straightened!

His salary is only four silver coins a month.

And one gold coin can be exchanged for twenty silver coins.

This small gold coin is equivalent to his salary of almost five months.

At this moment, taking the gold coin from Mukuro’s hand, the garrison officer’s heart almost jumped in ecstasy.

He shouted for his wit in his own heart.

Then he hurriedly put the gold coin in his arms and hid it, then respectfully said to Mukuro, “Honorable Mr. Mukuro, please give it to me.”

With that said, he took Mukuro into the town. When passing by the door, this person said to the remaining colleagues, “Look at this, I will take Mr. Mukuro to the Seongnam Orphanage.”

Faced with this person’s words, the rest of them naturally nodded.

They all looked at him with envy. The latter, at this time, whispered, “When I come back, you will have a share.”

Although his position is half a level higher than the others, he naturally understands this kind of humanity.

Obtaining such a promise from this person, the expressions of the rest of the people are naturally happy.

Albany is just a small town.

The permanent population is about 50,000. It’s not too big, and it’s not a small town.

The town is built on a canyon between mountains, surrounded by towering city walls. This can prevent the enemy from attacking. At the same time, there is a river coming down from the upper reaches of the town, and this river is the source of drinking water for the town.

On the streets of the town, because it had just rained, the ground was very wet, there were many puddles and water stains, but the streets were generally very clean. Law and order seems to be good.

The garrison officer who led Mukuro kept talking, and he was doing the work of a tour guide for Mukuro. Under his leadership, the two of them traveled all the way to the south of the city. They walked for about ten minutes, and they finally ended up at the Chengnan Orphanage. The Chengnan Orphanage itself is only in a small ordinary residential house.

In fact, this orphanage is just an orphanage established by Christian believers with the help of the church. It has something to do with the church, but it is just a personal charity of this believer. But now, Mukuro has used a hundred gold coins to buy the orphanage, including the orphanage’s house. In the orphanage, the original staff were hired by him with high salaries, and they continued to work in the orphanage to take care of the children in the orphanage.

When he came to the door of the orphanage, Lol knocked on Mukuro’s door.

Soon, there was a rapid sound of footsteps, and then the door opened.

The door was opened by a young woman with braids. “It’s Mr. Lore?!” Seeing the guard at the door, the woman was taken aback for a moment, and then she subconsciously said, “Is there anything wrong?”

When her words fell, Lore said quickly, “This is Mr. Mukuro, from Rome, who bought your orphanage.”

Lol’s words fell, and the woman’s heart flicked. She looked at Mukuro subconsciously, shock and panic in her expression. Then she subconsciously said to Mukuro, “Master Earl?”

Mukuro nodded slightly, and then said, “Just call me Mr. Mukuro.”

Mukuro’s words fell, but the woman immediately hurriedly made a lame etiquette for Mukuro. Seeing her, Mukuro smiled slightly, but said, “You’re welcome, I don’t like cumbersome etiquette, just be natural.”

“Yes! Yes!” With that said, the woman hurriedly greeted Mukuro and Lore in.

At the same time, she shouted towards the inside of the house, “Mr. Yalikili! The Lord Earl is here, and the Lord Earl who bought the orphanage is here!” In the woman’s cry, soon, the house rang. Panicked footsteps, and then an old man with a kitchen shovel in his hand, has hurriedly walked out, along with an old lady and a woman of the same young age.

In addition, there are more than ten children, big and small.

These children are obviously the orphans taken in by this orphanage.

Looking at these orphans, Mukuro’s gaze seemed to sweep randomly. Only at the first glance, his eyes locked on three of them. A little girl with short lilac hair. A little boy with blond hair, and a boy with brown hair.

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