Chapter 1322 count

After the carriage that turned over to the ground was erected again, the coachman who was thrown out of the carriage was also lifted from the ground by an invisible force, and then landed on the seat again.

It was the horse that fell to the ground, which was also pulled by an invisible force, and stood up again.

At this moment, the coachman was sitting in his seat, he stared forward blankly, the heavy rain was torrential, it seemed that everything he encountered on the road was just his hallucinations.

“What’s the matter, Gries, let’s go. We are all going to the small town of Albany before dark.”

Just when the coachman was stunned, from inside the compartment, the gentle and steady voice of Mukuro rang.

This voice seemed to have strange magic.

The moment he heard this sound, the stupefied coachman’s body trembled, and he finally recovered, “Yes! Yes!” He repeated twice, and finally drove the horse back on his way.

Albany, an unfamiliar small town in Italy.

And when Mukuro went there, he went to this orphanage as the director.

Because the orphanage has been bought by him. Buying an orphanage sounds unbelievable. Generally speaking, orphanages are opened by the government or philanthropists, as well as ordinary people with a good heart.

For the rich, apart from being interested in the land of the orphanage, or wanting to get a good reputation, so donate money to the orphanage, there is really no reason to be interested in the orphanage.

At least this orphanage is like this.

Prior to this, the orphanage was looking for donations everywhere, because their funds were running out, and the orphanage was almost unsustainable. And under the difficult circumstances like this, Mukuro directly bought this orphanage for a hundred gold coins.

Inside the carriage, the carriage was moving slowly, Mukuro still wearing a top hat, holding a cane, and dressed as a nobleman.

In fact, he is indeed a nobleman now.

After coming to this world, Mukuro used a lot of money to bribe a declining Count in Italy, and the Count publicly declared that Mukuro was his long-lost brother. And now, he now passes his title to Mukuro voluntarily. Although in fact, this old guy is a white man, and Mukuro is an Oriental.

But even with such nonsense, as long as the money is spent, everything will naturally be fine.

Even now, Mukuro is not only a great nobleman with earl title, he is also a great capitalist with many factories and assets! As for, where does Mukuro get so much money? For Mukuro, if you want money, there are naturally means.

After buying a large amount of assets and capturing the identities of Italian aristocrats and upper-class people, what Mukuro did was to find an orphanage. This is the first idea that Mukuro has sprouted since he came to this world and inquired about the age in this world.

This world is now living in the eighteenth century.

In other words, it is not the time when the real Saint Seiya plot begins.

According to Mukuro’s various inquiries, information collection, and speculation, it is the era of the previous generation, and it seems that the jihad of Seiya and their previous generation has not yet begun.

It’s just that, on the earth, the underworld fighters have been resurrected one after another, and these resurrected underworld fighters have caused amazing destruction all over the world.

Caused the death of many innocent people.

It’s just like the three underworld fighters I bumped into on the road before. They are killing people, taking their lives, in order to use more lives as sacrifices, in order to resurrect more Pluto fighters, as well as those sleeping Pluto gods, and even Pluton Hades.

It’s just a pity that the three hapless guys met Mukuro and were naturally killed by Mukuro.

Now, let alone Pluton Hades, it is the twin gods of the Sleeping Gods Shupunos and Shinigami Tanadus, who may not be resurrected yet. Naturally, Mukuro is not afraid of the impact of killing two or three Pluto fighters.

What’s more, with the resurrection of the Underworld Warriors, there are also many Saints in the Sanctuary, taking part in the battle to strangle the Underworld Warriors.

Because of what happened before, the young woman and the little girl in the carriage were a little scared.

It was the middle-aged man with a beard, and looked at Mukuro’s gaze, a little frightened.

Although they don’t know what happened just now.

But the carriage suddenly overturned, Mukuro reached out and grabbed them, and then the carriage suddenly stood up by itself. All these scenes seem a little weird. At least it was beyond their imagination. This makes them a little scared.

People are always afraid of the unknown.

This is the same for anyone. In the carriage, in such a silent and stagnant atmosphere, the carriage drove slowly, and finally reached the small town of Albany when it was getting dark in the evening.

“Gu…Guests, Albany is here, you can come down.”

As the carriage stopped, the driver’s voice trembled.

Then the young woman with the child in the carriage and the middle-aged man with a beard all got off the carriage quickly. After watching them leave, Mukuro also slowly walked out of the carriage.

Walking out of the carriage, it didn’t rain anymore outside.

It’s just that the stones on the ground are still a bit damp.

The place where the carriage stopped at this moment was the entrance to the walls around the town. At the city gate, stood the town’s garrison officer. They check the IDs of people passing by at the gates, and at the same time collect taxes on entering and leaving the city gates.

After Mukuro got off the wagon, he peddled his cane in one hand and carried a suitcase in the other.

Walk towards the entrance of the town. As Mukuro walked over, the guard at the gate of the city immediately saluted Mukuro.

After all, Mukuro’s clothes are no ordinary people at first glance.

“Sir, where do you come from, are you going to enter the city?” the garrison officer said to Mukuro.

In his words, he was very polite.

As for his words, Mukuro didn’t say much, just took out a badge adorned with gold chains from his arms.

Seeing this badge, the garrison officer was immediately shocked.

He put his feet together and saluted Mukuro again, “It’s nice to meet you, Lord Earl!”

Yes, the one that Mukuro took out is the Medal of the Nobles, which symbolizes his status as an earl.

“Don’t be so polite, just call me Mr. Mukuro.” Mukuro said casually.

“Yes! Mr. Mukuro!” the garrison officer said immediately.

Aristocratic status, although it does not represent rights. In this era, there are still many nobles who have fallen.

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