Chapter 1320 New trip

The blood in her veins also began to flow, and new vitality began to germinate in her dead body. At the same time, Tongzi coughed, and she opened her eyes. Although she was still a little weak, her gaze also contained unidentified doubts. But Hitomi was also literally resurrected. She came alive again.

Naraku’s demon energy can resurrect Hitomi as a monster, and the power of the jade of the four souls can naturally also revive Hitomi as a human being.

As for Kikyo, it is naturally the same. Naraku can create his own clone anywhere, and for the jade of the four souls, creating a human body is naturally a very simple matter.

After resurrecting both Kikyo and Hitomi, the light of the jade of the four souls held by Mukuro suddenly dimmed a lot. This jade looked as if it had turned into ordinary jade, and its spirituality was greatly lost. But Mukuro flipped his palm and put the jade away.

When Mukuro put away the jade of the four souls, Inuyasha, who was already excited, rushed forward.

He hugged the bellflower on the ground tightly. He was full of bellflower, so hard. His hands were trembling, and there seemed to be tears streaming from his eyes. “Kikyo! Kikyo! You’re back!” Inuyasha kept saying this, it was like a child in love. And Kikyo, also holding Inuyasha, also had some excitement on his gentle face.

But at this time, Mukuro coughed, “Ahem! In public, please pay attention to civilization.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha was stunned for a moment, but Kikyo reacted all of a sudden, and her face blushed.

She originally had clothes on her body. But the body resurrected by the jade of the four souls naturally has no clothes. It was just that she was resurrected, and she didn’t react for a while. Now that she heard Mukuro’s words, even she was naturally a little embarrassed.

But Kikyo quickly recovered her composure. She used her spiritual power to transform herself into a white witch costume.

Standing up from the ground, Kikyo held Inuyasha’s arm, and she said to Mukuro, “Thank you, Mukuro.”

Kikyo’s words fell, and the witch Hitomi also stood up from the ground. Although her expression was a little unclear, she also said to Mukuro, “Thank you, you brought me back to life.”

Facing the gratitude of the two of them, Mukuro smiled slightly, “You don’t need to be so polite. This is what the jade of the four souls should do. You two, originally made no mistakes, but were harmed by Naraku and the jade of the four souls. , This wrong result naturally has to be borne by the jade of the four souls.” He made a wish to the jade of the four souls.

At this time, Mukuro’s words fell, Kikyo hesitated for a moment, and seemed to want to say something.

But at this time, Mukuro said again, “Don’t worry. Everything in the world has yang and yin, and good and evil. Good and evil are one body. It all depends on how the human heart chooses. Even if a jade of four souls is eliminated, in the future Naturally, another five-soul jade or six-soul jade will be born. The important thing is how to use the jade itself. Just like this jade, it is half good and half evil, but if it is used to do good, then it is good. If it is used to do evil, then it is the source of evil.”

Mukuro’s words fell, Kikyo hesitated, and finally nodded to Mukuro, and then said, “I understand.” Mukuro’s words are quite reasonable. At least she has no way to refute Mukuro’s words. After all, she herself was resurrected by the jade of the four souls and got what Mukuro said, the good fruit of the jade of the four souls.

After Nara was wiped out, and Mukuro conquered the Jade of the Four Souls, everyone’s adventure seemed to end here.

Everyone returned to the village.

Kikyo and Inuyasha became close friends, and Kikyo naturally continued to work as a maiden.

Inuyasha is working with Maitreya and Kohaku to slay demons and demons. There are still many monsters in this world. Helping the common people slay demons and demons is not only to help them, but also to collect the goods they need in life. After all, even Inuyasha and the others need to eat.

And Mukuro went to Hyundai with Ari.

Of course, he also brought Kagura and Coral. At this point, the adventure in this world seems to end here. The rest is leisure time. In fact, Mukuro was originally prepared to relax in this world.

It was raining in the sky, and the sky was covered by hazy dark clouds in the sky.

In these dark clouds, thunder flickered from time to time, accompanied by thunderous thunders. The rain is heavy, but even so, the climate on the earth is still a bit sultry. This is a typical summer climate.

The heavy rain hit the leaves of the trees in the woods, releasing a rhythmic sound.

And some rain fell on the ground, muddy ground, splashed a little bit of mud. On such a bumpy and muddy mountain forest road, a carriage walked slowly. In this carriage, there are four people sitting.

A woman dressed as a young woman, holding a little girl who looks about three or four years old in her hands.

She also carried a cloth bag in her hand. A bearded man was wearing a worker’s suspender jeans. Both of them looked like ordinary people were born. The remaining one was a young man in a trench coat, a top hat and a cane in his hand. The young man’s top hat was slightly pressed down, blocking his face, he was sitting tightly, as if he was thinking or resting.

At this time, the abrupt, wheel of the carriage seemed to be hit by a stone, and the carriage shook.

The little girl who was held by the young woman was thrown away from her hand. At this moment, feeling the child thrown away in his hand, the expression of the young woman showed great horror. However, the luxuriously clothed young man sitting in the carriage, seemed to reach out his hand casually, and caught the little girl casually.

While talking about the little girl catching it, he seemed to stretch out his hand casually and held the young woman who was also falling over. The carriage swayed, but his figure was sitting steadily, as if he hadn’t been affected at all.

“Thanks…thank you!”

The young woman recovered from her horror, and she hurriedly said this to the young man.

The young man returned the little girl in his hand to the young woman and said, “It’s okay.” His voice was gentle and steady, as if it were the sea under the sun, warm and deep, boundless and vast, but it also seemed unfathomable.

This young man is naturally Mukuro.

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