Chapter 1319 Resurrected platycodon

“From now on, you will stay on the side of this world, and you are absolutely not allowed to go beyond! Otherwise, whoever is not obedient, I will suppress you.” After dividing the jade, Mukuro said. He left a sky trench in the middle of the jade of the four souls, blocking the two sides, separating the bright side and the dark side of the jade of the four souls. From then on, as long as it is not the will of both sides deliberately eroding the other side, the two sides of jade will continue to exist without disturbing each other.

“No! No, the jade of the four souls cannot stay in this world. The jade of the four souls is the source of ominous and misfortune. If it stays in this world, it will inevitably bring new disasters to this world. Disappeared in this world.” Cuizi’s will said again.

But her words fell, Mukuro snorted coldly.

He said, “Now the jade of the four souls is mine, and your fate is in my charge.” Mukuro’s words fell, and the will of the monsters in the jade of the four souls laughed, they seemed very proud, and After Cuizi’s will was silent for a few breaths, she said again, “I understand.”

“Okay, we can leave here.” After subduing the jade of the four souls, Mukuro said to Ari.

Mukuro’s words fell, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward. His palm stubbornly grabbed the space in front of him, grasping the barriers of the space in front of him alive, and then a terrifying force burst out, while the entire void was trembling. , Mukuro directly tore the space in front of him. Then he took the figure of A Li and rushed out directly from this gap in space.

When Mukuro and Ari rushed out of this void of reincarnation, the two of them returned to their original world.

The place where the two people appeared was the sky where Naraku fought before. Appearing here, the figures of the two people immediately fell downward, but Mukuro grabbed Ari, and the two people slowly landed smoothly.

On the ground, Inuyasha and Maitreya have been waiting anxiously to see the return of Mukuro and Ari.

Their expressions were filled with ecstasy, “Mukuro! Ari!”

They shouted so excitedly, they all rushed up.

But when Inuyasha and Maitreya pounced, Mukuro stretched out his fingers and flicked them towards their foreheads, bounced them all away. In contrast, when Coral pounced, Mukuro stretched out his hand. The same He hugged the coral in his arms.

“But… Damn it’s Mukuro, you are worse than Maitreya!” Inuyasha said bitterly, covering his forehead.

The Maitreya Master looked at Mukuro with envy, as if he didn’t understand how Mukuro made girls like him. But in response to the reaction of the two of them, Mukuro just coughed, and then said again, “I have solved the jade of the four souls. This jade will be kept by me from now on. It probably won’t mess up anymore. Ability.”

Mukuro said this, and immediately he said, “Now Naraku is dead, and the most important thing is to resurrect Kikyo and Hitomi, who were killed by Naraku. Take the things out first.” Mukuro’s words fell, and Inuyasha’s body trembled. , His expression was immediately full of incomparable excitement and tension.

Finally, it’s this moment.

His fate with Kikyo originated from the jade of the four souls.

Kikyo is a witch who guards the jade of the four souls, and he is a demon who wants to take the jade of the four souls. The two people gradually understood each other because of the fighting between each other. Even at that time, he almost got together with Kikyo. It’s just a pity that such a tragedy happened because of Naraku.

But now, the source of all these tragedies, Naraku has disappeared, and finally all the misfortunes can be over again.

With trembling hands, Inuyasha took out the beads that Mukuro had previously sealed Kikyo from his arms.

The size of the bead is about the same as the jade of the four souls, and it is crystal clear. And A Li also took out the bell that sealed Tongzi.

After watching the two of them take out these two things, Mukuro spoke again and said, “Put them all on the ground. I will release the seal first and release Kikyo and Hitomi.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha and Ari nodded.

Then they put the beads and bells in their hands on the ground in front of Mukuro, and after putting them down, under Mukuro’s gaze, they all stepped back slightly. Immediately Mukuro made a seal with one hand and said in his mouth:


As Mukuro’s words fell, the beads and bells on the ground immediately burst into an astonishing light. Then, in the light, the figures of Kikyo and Hitomi inside the beads and bells were released.

After being released, the weak Kikyo opened her eyes slightly, and she still had the consciousness of her own, but her injury was very serious, and if she left it alone, she was afraid that she would definitely die before a while. As for Hitomi, her body seemed to be dead, her eyes closed, motionless.

“Inu…Ya…cha.” Kikyo said with difficulty, opening his eyes slightly.

At this time, Inuyasha looked at her and quickly said, “Don’t…don’t say, you will get better soon.” Facing Inuyasha’s words, Kikyo’s face showed a difficult smile. But she nodded slightly. And Inuyasha immediately looked at Mukuro, his eyes seemed to be begging and urging.

Facing Inuyasha’s gaze, Mukuro smiled and nodded.

Soon Mukuro took out the jade of the four souls again, and to the jade of the four souls in his hand, Mukuro said, “As the master of the jade of the four souls, I order you to revive Kikyo and Hitomi!”

Mukuro’s words fell, and from the jade of the four souls, two voices sounded: “Yes.” These two voices originated from the will of Cuizi and those monsters. As these two sounds fell, two rays of white and black light burst out of the jade of four souls in Mukuro’s hand, and then the two rays of light combined together, bursting out amazing mysterious power.

Under the shining of black and white light, on the earth, the dying bellflower, her soul seemed to be injected with new vitality, her weak soul quickly recovered, and at the same time her original body collapsed like mud , And then from her body, a new body reappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is a new body, the formerly dead bellflower has really been resurrected under the power of the jade of the four souls. And on the ground, Hitoko, who was killed by Naraku’s contaminated mind, her body, her heartbeat that had stopped, resumed.

⑧ Saint Seiya

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