Chapter 1314 The light of justice

Indeed, this time it was really thanks to Sesho Maru. If it weren’t for Sesho Maru to appear in time and the controlled Inuyasha ran away, it would really be possible to force Ari and the others to desperately. The consequences are simply unimaginable.


Faced with Inuyasha’s gratitude, Sesho Maru gave a cold snort, seemingly disdainful.

At this time, he looked at A Li. Ari knew it, nodded, and immediately threw the broken teeth in his hand, and the Shashengwan caught it. After catching the broken teeth, Sesho Maru immediately spoke.

“I can smell Naraku’s core, it is very close to us. And the jade of the four souls seems to be there too. Now, the last obstacle is gone, it’s time to solve Naraku.”

The words of Sesei Maru fell, and everyone nodded.

At this time, everyone’s expressions were filled with excitement!

Now that Qu Ling has been solved, the core of Naraku and the jade of the four souls are close at hand, and a powerful and reliable combat power such as the Sesei Maru has been added. Now it can be said that victory is at your fingertips!

As the words of Sesho Maru fell, Ari’s expression was abruptly shaken, she raised her head as if she had sensed something.

And when A Li raised his head, a ray of light seemed to echo her gaze, piercing the flesh wall above, and directly piercing through a channel, shining through the next 560. Illuminate the chaos below. This beam of light seems to be a ray of hope.

And being illuminated by this light, Ari murmured.

“This light, this is!”

She could feel that this light radiated from the jade of the four souls.

And this light, she is very familiar and kind! It is her own power of purification. At this time, Ari could understand that it was the time before that, when he shot at Kikyo, the arrow used by Kikyo, the light of that arrow, although not able to defeat Naraku, remained in the jade of the four souls. Inside, among the jade of the four souls, the light that originally belonged to Cuizi echoed!

And now, after the slaying pill killed Qu Ling, among the jade of the four souls, the evil will that belonged to the monsters had retreated. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the power that belonged to the light recovered some.

So Cuizi’s will, controlling this ray of light, was guiding them.

“Light! Walk along this ray of light, and you can find the core of Naraku, the jade of the four souls!”

Ari said so. A Li’s words fell, and everyone rushed along this ray of light.

Following this path of light, everyone quickly reached the end of the light.

There, it was indeed the core area inside Naraku’s body. Here, there is nothingness everywhere, and a large number of spider silks like blood vessels protrude from the surrounding nothingness and extend to the body of Nairobi in the center.

Yes, in the center of this core area, there is a figure of Naraku, which is obviously the real body of Naraku, and this big spider is just a shell transformed by Naraku using demon power, just like Naruko and Spritemaru.

In front of Naraku’s body, there was a bead floating. This bead is not the jade of the four souls.

The whole body of the jade of the four souls is basically black, only a little bit, blooming with white light.

Although the white light is scarce, it is so firm, and at this time, the white light is constantly recovering, even dispelling the black light, which shows that Cuizi’s will is slowly recovering in the jade of the four souls, and overwhelming the evil monsters. Of resentment.

“Found it, Naraku’s real body! There is also the jade of the four souls. Now we only need to defeat the real body of Naraku and purify the jade of the four souls, I believe Mukuro will be able to return.” Ari looked at this four-soul jade Yu said so.

In her expression, she was extremely firm. At this time, she seemed to be no longer the ordinary weak girl, but a determined witch. And beside Ari, Inuyasha also stretched out his hand and pressed his chest:

“Banji can also be resurrected.”

At this time, with the arrival of everyone, Naraku, who had always closed his eyes, finally opened his own eyes, and his icy gaze looked at everyone.

“Unexpectedly, I really didn’t expect that you could come here.”

Naraku’s words sounded, his voice was cold and ruthless, and he couldn’t hear the joy or anger. He just stretched out his hand, grabbed the jade of the four souls, and put it into his chest.

As the jade of the four souls was placed in his chest, an incomparably astonishing breath erupted from Naraku’s body. At the same time, his body began to change suddenly. Naraku’s body swelled, and it seemed to be a big circle, and his body was also intertwined with a lot of monster energy, turning into a dark armor.

Naraku, dressed in pitch-black armor, looked at everyone with cold eyes, and then he stretched out his hand, from his body, a large number of spider silk turned into a row of tentacles hanging down like ten thousand, rushing!

These spider silks whizzed and drew fiercely towards the crowd.

However, in the face of Naraku’s attack, it was not even necessary for the three of Ari, Maitreya and Coral to take action. The two brothers Inuyasha and Sesumaru who stood at the forefront directly attacked.

The iron shattered teeth slashed out, the wound of the wind whistled out, and the stern light of the knife cut off a large number of spider silks in front of it. And the thunder light that smashed the teeth shattered, tearing everything in front of you! Even the terrifying demon power passed along the spider silk, completely destroying the surrounding large areas of spider silk.

At this moment, the two brothers Inuyasha and Sesumaru joined forces to shatter and destroy Naraku’s attack.

The dog Admiral crossed the world, defeated many monsters in his life, and was called the leader of the monsters! And now Inuyasha and Sessumaru, anyone can say that they are better than blue. What’s more, when the two of them joined forces, even in the face of an enemy like Naraku, there was no need to fear at all, and it was not worth fearing.

Following Inuyasha and the others smashed the spider silk that Naraku had hit, the crowd then suddenly rushed towards Naraku directly.

In the face of the people rushing over, Naraku’s tentacles roared out again, but his attack was of no use at all. Everyone joined hands and directly shattered Naraku’s body!

After Naraku’s body was shattered, it was unbelievable, but he was reunited again. And at this moment, after fusing the jade of the four souls, Naraku’s immortal body seemed to have reached a very astonishing level.

“It’s useless! It’s impossible to kill me by your means. This is the power of the jade of the four souls.”

Naraku roared, he said so, and once again rushed to everyone. For a while, the two sides fought and smashed into a ball.

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