Chapter 1313 Baiyi Shishengwan

This figure is snow-white with a furry cloak, and looks tall and cold and handsome, just like a noble prince. He holds two knives in his hand, isn’t it the Sasa Pill! Shashengwan cut through the wall of flesh, rushed out directly, and then stood in front of the crowd, stab it directly, blocking the iron shattered teeth!


At this moment, looking at the killing pills that suddenly rushed out at a critical moment, Maitreya and the others were naturally quite pleasantly surprised. If anyone can stop Inuyasha now, then Sesho Maru is definitely one.

When I fell into Naraku’s stomach before, the first thing that came was the Sashengwan.

But along the way, everyone didn’t meet him. At that time, in fact, Ari and the others were worried about the Sashengwan. After all, Sesho Maru was only alone, no matter how good he was, I was afraid it would be difficult for him to deal with this demon. Unexpectedly, when everyone is now in a dangerous situation, he rushed out instead!

At such a critical moment, after Shisheng Maru rushed out to block Inuyasha, he immediately spoke again:

“What’s going on, what’s wrong with Inuyasha?”

His voice was as arrogant and cold as ever. Ari and the others shook slightly when they heard the words of Sesei Maru, and then hurriedly said:

“It’s Qu Ling! Qu Ling got into Inuyasha’s body and controlled him!”

Ari’s words fell, and Sashengmaru frowned slightly. He looked fiercely in front of him, and Inuyasha, who had lost his mind, seemed quite dissatisfied.

“It’s ugly! It’s shameful for you to be manipulated by something like Qu Ling, Inuyasha.”

Sai Sheng Maru said, the natural tooth in his hand furiously shot a knife and attacked Inuyasha.

And at this time, facing the offensive of the Sesho Maru, Inuyasha controlled by Qu Ling also held the iron shards in his hand, constantly resisting.

At this time, the unbelievable, Inuyasha’s movements, not only no longer under the Sesho Maru, but the knives and light intertwined, seeming to suppress the Sesho Maru!

“What’s wrong with the Shashengwan?! You, in a mere mere way, can’t even beat an inferior half-demon? Ahaha!”

Qu Ling laughed wildly, his voice was full of sarcasm. Facing Qu Ling’s ridicule, Shasheng Maru frowned. He just used his natural teeth to resist. It’s not that he can’t beat Inuyasha, the natural tooth is not a knife used to kill.

If he really wanted to attack, he would kill the current Inuyasha with a knife.

But this is not what he wants. So he can only resist with natural teeth.

After finally resisting a few more knives, Inuyasha, controlled by Qu Ling, seized an opportunity and stabbed it out with a single knife. The Sashiwan Maru couldn’t avoid it, and a hole was opened on his face on the spot, blood flowed down, and he was also hungry.

There was a cut on his face. At this moment, the frowning eyebrows of Sasheng Maru were loosened. He spoke.

“Interestingly, after being demonized, you are free from the shackles of the half-demon, so your actions become more agile? Humph! However, what I have to do is not to defeat you, I just have to hold you down.”

At this time, when Shasheng Maru said this, he threw the broken teeth on his right hand towards A Li!

“Take this knife and deal with Naraku!”

After the Explosive Tooth was thrown out, A Li caught the Explosive Tooth, and A Li nodded vigorously.

“I see.”

With that said, A Li seemed to really turn around and leave. Seeing A Li’s movements, Qu Ling shouted harshly.

“Want to go?!”

His words fell, Qu Ling controlled Inuyasha’s body and cut it out.

Unbelievable, at this time, he actually used the Underworld Broken Moon Break! However, at the moment when the knife was swung out, Shisheng Maru also grabbed the natural tooth in his hand, and slashed it out at Inuyasha!

The knife was slashed on Inuyasha’s body on the spot, and it was incredible. Inuyasha’s body was unscathed when it was cut by the natural tooth. Instead, Qu Ling who got into Inuyasha’s body made a terrible scream!

Obviously this has caused considerable harm to him.

And at this time, Shashengwan shouted sharply.

“It’s now!” His words fell, and it was unbelievable. A Li, who had been running away, suddenly turned her head back. She didn’t know when she had already bent her bow and set an arrow! The arrow of purification condensed by spiritual power pointed at Inuyasha’s body, and then Ari shouted loudly.

“Qu Ling, you are over!”

When this sentence fell, the light arrow in Ari’s hand screamed out, and the arrow penetrated directly through Inuyasha’s body. At this time, Qu Ling screamed, his body transformed from evil spirits immediately fell from Inuyasha’s Flying out of the body!

He had no choice but to be forced out of Inuyasha’s body by Ari’s purifying power. And at the moment Qu Ling was forced out of Inuyasha’s body, the already prepared Sesheng Pill was made up again.

Tian Shengya’s knife accurately slashed into Qu Ling’s body transformed by evil spirits, and completely beheaded him on the spot.

Natural Tooth can’t kill lives, but it can kill those evil and invisible ghosts. It can be said that Natural Tooth is the same as A Li’s purifying power, and it happens to be Qu Ling’s nemesis.

“Ah! No! How could I be defeated by a mere kennel?!”

Qu Ling screamed, and his figure disappeared. After Qu Ling dissipated, Inuyasha also immediately recovered his sanity and control of his body.


Seeing Sashengwan succeeded, the expressions of Maitreya and Coral were full of surprises and excitement.

It is not difficult to deal with Qu Ling. It is rare that Qu Ling hides in Inuyasha’s body, and the Sashiwan Maru must solve the problem of Qu Ling without harming Inuyasha. This is difficult. But he was smart, even when he was at war, he quickly reached a tacit understanding with Ari and the others with his eyes. As a result, there was a scene where Shashengwan deliberately sent a knife to kill Qu Ling.

What Qu Ling wanted to do was to hold everyone back. At this time, Shishengwan said that he would hold Qu Ling.

Let Ari purify Naraku’s core and the jade of the four souls. As a result, Qu Ling was naturally anxious, and when he was anxious, the flaws emerged. This is pure, IQ suppression!

After getting rid of Qu Ling’s control, Inuyasha’s expression was full of shame, but at this time, before he could speak, it was Sesho Maru who spoke.

“Inuyasha, you are much worse!”

His words fell, and Inuyasha’s face suddenly became dark. But he finally groaned, but said in a low voice:

“Thank you this time, hum.”

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