Chapter 1264 Sprite Maru Appears

He can only struggle desperately, nothing more.

But at this moment, the sky suddenly flew over a few of the most fiercely victorious.

Seeing the fiercest victory, a smile appeared on Bai Ye’s face.

After that, he just Kie Yin chanting, and then from the jungle not far from here, a demon gas suddenly rose into the sky.

It can be seen with the naked eye, a huge moth monster clutching a child!

The moth monster’s body constantly exudes an undisguised evil spirit.

“Xin Tai!”

In front of Gangfang, the young man who fell on the ground and was covered in wounds shouted in shock.

Then he even more disregarded his injury, got up from the ground all of a sudden, and madly chased after him.

On the other hand, Bai Ye conjured a paper crane and sat on the paper crane by himself.

He was smiling, and riding a paper crane also rose into the sky, heading in the opposite direction.


Watching the white night running away.

Gangfang cursed, but in the end he chased the moth monster.

Inuyasha subconsciously wanted to chase Shiraya.

“Don’t chase, Naraku’s clone, how many kills, how many he can make.”

“The key now is to deal with Sprite Maru, and then kill Naraku’s body. That’s it.”

Mukuro said.

Mukuro’s words fell, and Inuyasha snorted, but also nodded.

So everyone also hurried to chase the moth monster.

“it is as expected!”

“This moth monster is constantly exuding an evil spirit at 510. It is definitely deliberately attracting sprite pills!”

“Damn Naraku!”

Maitreya looked angry.

“I will suck him into the wind cave sooner or later!”

Using children as bait is really irritating.

The speed of the moth monster is very fast, and everyone can’t catch up for a while.

If this continues, I am afraid that Sprite Maru will really be attracted.

Seeing this, Mukuro frowned.

“Forget it, it seems that I still have to take action.”

Upon hearing Mukuro’s words, Maitreya and Inuyasha both showed surprise expressions.

As long as Mukuro takes the shot, the look is simple.

Although the speed of the moth monster is fast, no matter how fast it is, how can it be faster than Mukuro.

Mukuro just raised his hand, shot a wave from his fingertips, and directly struck the moth monster at a long distance.

This wave of qigong hit the past, directly piercing this moth monster, blasting it into scum.

The moment the moth monster was killed, the child caught by the moth monster immediately fell down.


The little child let out a cry of horror.

At this time, Mukuro’s figure disappeared from the place.

When he appeared, he had already held the child in his arms.


After the child was rescued, Mukuro’s figure flickered again and went straight back to the ground.

Falling to the ground, Mukuro put down the child in his hand.

The child of the demon wolf clan ran towards his elder brother excitedly.

“elder brother!”

“Xin Tai!”

The teenagers of the Demon Wolf clan also rushed forward, hugging his younger brother with an expression of extreme excitement.

The two brothers hugged each other, tears and noses all came down for a while.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Mukuro’s mouth curled up.

But at this moment, abruptly, from the forest next to it, a series of tentacles stretched out, and these tentacles directly grabbed at the two brothers.

But when the tentacles stretched out, Mukuro just flicked his fingers, and a fierce wind slashed out, directly cutting off all these tentacles.

At the source of the tentacles, it is not the sprite pills.

Following the breath of the jade fragments of the Four Souls, the sprite pill really appeared.

And he appeared in front of Mukuro grandiosely.

Looking at the look of Sprite Maru, Mukuro said.

“You are so courageous, you are not afraid that I will kill you now?”

Faced with Mukuro’s words, Spritemaru just said.

“Will not.”

“If you wanted to kill me, I would already be dead.”

With that said, his eyes still looked straight at the jade fragments of Four Emperors on the bodies of the two demon wolf clan youths.

It was placed on them by Bai Ye just now.


Accompanied by the shouting, Gangfang has chased up.

Behind Gangfang, Inuyasha and the others also caught up.

“Spirit pill! Do you dare to show up!”

Inuyasha grabbed the iron shattered teeth and shouted at the Kaijin Maru.

“You two are all right!”

Gang Fang shouted at the two little ghosts of the demon wolf clan.

“No… it’s okay, thank you.”

The older demon wolf clan said toward Gangya.

“One by one, they are all gathered.”

“Very well, it seems that this time is my chance to gather the Four Soul Jade Fragments.”

Kaijinmaru said with a sneer.

“You dream!”

Inuyasha retorted.

“This time is your death date!”

After the words fell, Inuyasha pulled out the broken tooth.

After pulling out the broken teeth, Inuyasha looked at Kaijinmaru, trying to see through his demon lair.

But the next moment, he showed an unbelievable look.

“How is it possible that there are countless demon dens?!”

When Inuyasha’s words fell, Mukuro spoke.

“Don’t forget, this guy is made up of countless monsters.”

“It’s not a weird thing to have more than one demon lair.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha immediately understood.

At this time, Gangfang roared.

“What are you stunned!”

With that said, Gangfang rushed directly towards the sprite pill.

“Five Thunder Fingers!”

The paw on his hand flashed with electricity, and he grabbed it with a paw on the spritemaru.

The terrifying power raged, after he rushed up, a claw, a fierce claw on the armor of the pill pill.

But it is unbelievable that the armor of the sprite pill was not damaged in the slightest.

Not only that, a large number of sharp spikes erupted from his body, attacking towards the steel tooth, and the steel tooth had to avoid it.

When Gangfang escaped, Inuyasha seized the opportunity, rushed up, and cut it down.

With this knife, Inuyasha seemed to be slashed.

However, unexpectedly, Sprite Maru’s armor was chopped to pieces.

A huge gap was exposed.

He attacked the demon lair!

“Huh! Now, even if you are immortal, it’s not so easy to recover.”

Inuyasha grabbed the dragon scale iron and sneered and said with a sneer.

And the manipulu who was hit by the knife also showed a shocked expression. He looked at the dragon scales and iron teeth on Inuyasha’s hand, and he couldn’t believe it.

“Mukuro is helping you again!”

Jinjingmaru subconsciously boosted Inuyasha’s power and attributed it to Mukuro.

At this moment, in the expression of Jie Jie Wan, there was a look of urgency.

In his opinion, if there is Mukuro’s help, I am afraid that Inuyasha may really grow to the point where he can easily kill him, even Naraku.

“The Jade of the Four Souls!”

His eyes once again looked firmly at the four soul jade fragments on Gangya and the two demon wolf clan youths.

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