Chapter 1263 The power of the five thunder fingers

“But after I kill the Sprite Maru, he will be the rest.”

His words were full of decisive fighting spirit.

Comprehending the ability to peep through the demon lair, and the true meaning of dragon scales and iron teeth.

Now Inuyasha’s strength has been greatly improved.

He was full of confidence in killing Spritemaru and Naraku.

“Well, no matter what, it is always good for you to have such confidence.”

Looking at Inuyasha, Mukuro said.

But when he said this, Inuyasha nodded.

“Of course.”

“It is my mission to give Spritemaru and Naraku the end.”

“Besides, under your exercise, I am already different from what I used to be.”

With that said, Inuyasha was a little proud in his expression.

Seeing his smug look, Mukuro laughed blankly.

Inuyasha, this guy is really easy to drift off.

Compared with him, Douya Wang and Shashengwan seem to be much colder.

This personality is probably brought to him by his human blood.

Thinking about this, Mukuro said again.

“Let’s go quickly.”


Inuyasha nodded.

“If you go late, maybe that thin wolf is really dangerous.”

“That guy, huh, if it just died like this, it would be boring.”


Although Inuyasha hated Steel Teeth very much, he was obviously worried about the safety of Steel Teeth at this time.

At this point, Ari nodded naturally.

If it was really Naraku’s conspiracy, it would be a very bad thing to use Gangfang alone.

Following the smell, everyone caught up again.


Everyone finally caught up with the Lord.

Gangfang was facing a huge monster.

In front of him, there was a little demon sitting down.

And beside that huge monster, it really was a dreamy white night of Naraku’s clone.

“A dreamy white night!”

When she saw White Night, A Li said in surprise.

“That bastard!”

Inuyasha said angrily.

“Oh, all the nasty guys are here.”

Bai Ye said calmly.

But with that said, he looked at Mukuro.

“Of course, not including Mukuro.”

Hearing Shiraya’s words, Mukuro couldn’t help but want to laugh.

This is Naraku’s mouth loss, so did Shiroya inherit this?

Holding back a smile, Mukuro said.

“Don’t worry, for the sake of your acquaintance, I won’t make a move this time.”

“That’s good.”

Bai Ye nodded awkwardly.

Bai Ye always looked bored.

This guy, in fact, has always been relatively calm even in Naraku’s clone.

Even more, it doesn’t matter that it’s calm, it doesn’t matter that it sees everything through.

They are different from Bai Tongzi.

They are ambitious.

Some wanted freedom, and some even wanted to counterattack Naraku.

And he is different.

As a clone created by Nairobi, he has no chance to betray Nairo.

In fact, he was very loyal to Naraku, regardless of whether Naraku believed it or not.

It was precisely because he was loyal to Naraku that he saw everything through instead.

He will only do what Naraku wants to do, and he will help Naraku.

But there is no such extreme desire.

This is also the fundamental reason why he seems rather calm.

“Damn it, I killed you!”

Inuyasha growled.

He catches up and wants to draw a knife.

But at this time, Gangya shouted sharply.

“Stop! Stupid stupid dog!”

He said sharply at Inuyasha.

When his words fell, Inuyasha was of course quite unhappy.


His expression was stagnant, and his face was annoyed.

Is this a joke? !

He kindly offered to help.

As a result, he was even slapped in the face so unceremoniously by the other party.

When encountering this kind of thing, even the best-tempered people will be quite upset.

What’s more, Inuyasha’s temper is not very good.

He wanted it subconsciously.

At this time, Gangya said in a deep voice.

“These things are related to me, and I’m coming to solve them!”

“This is a matter of the Demon Wolf Race.”

Gangfang said so.

He looked at the demon wolf clan teenager lying down on the ground in front of him.

Bloodline and scars are everywhere on the boy’s body.

It looks very miserable.

And at this moment, Steel Fang’s expression was filled with unprecedented killing intent.

“I will kill the enemies who harm the demon wolf clan!”

He shouted sharply.

Accompanied by such words, Gangya stretched out his right hand.

From the palm of his hand, a terrible breath came out.


Looking at Gangya’s palm, Mukuro showed a slightly concerned gaze.

At this moment, the breath exuding from Steel Tooth had reached a very astonishing level.

I’m afraid, it’s no weaker than Inuyasha’s full shot.

Steel teeth actually have potential.

“Boy, is this your strength?”

“It’s useless, my sharp claws are now stained with the demon wolf clan, a lot of blood, and now, it will also be stained with your blood.”

In front of Gangya, the big monster standing beside Bai Ye smiled grimly.

However, his words fell, and Gangya just said coldly.

“Die, idiot!”

Then accompanied by such an astonishing breath, the electric light violently screamed, and from the steel tooth’s hand, there appeared a bracelet and five finger grips tied by a chain. Between the finger grips, the electric light flickered.

And he then brazenly shot at the big monster in front of him.

Lightning raged, and the terrifying power instantly tore the big monster in front of him to pieces!

one move.

He only used one trick.

Five Thunder Fingers!

Watching Gangya make a move, he killed the enemy with one move.

Inuyasha showed shocked expressions.

Maitreya and Shan Shan also looked at the five thunder fingers on Gangya’s hand with shocked eyes.

The two attendants of Gangya proudly said it.

“This is a weapon that condenses the demon wolf clan, the souls of the ancestors of the past!”

“Huh, that’s all.”

Inuyasha spoke with disdain to the two little servants of Gangya.

However, even though he said so, Inuyasha’s expression was also full of attention.

After killing a big monster with one blow, Gangfang looked at Bai Ye coldly.

“That guy is dead, now it’s your turn.”

However, when Gangya’s words fell, Bai Ye was not afraid, instead he just spoke.

“That kid, don’t you care anymore?”

“You know, if you kill me, that child will not survive.”

As he said so, his gaze crossed the steel teeth and looked at Mukuro.


Mukuro snorted indifferently.

“Don’t worry, I said that if I didn’t take action against you, I would naturally not take action against you.”

How could Naraku not care about Mukuro all the time.

It’s just that no matter how much he cares, there is no way at all.

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