Chapter 1232 Power Crush


Mukuro punched upwards, powerful force exploded on his fist, and the dazzling golden light exploded the cat monster.

Because of Mukuro’s fist, the cat demon, weighing a thousand catties, fell into the air and fell apart in the air, turning into bone fragments in the sky. Those bone meal spilled at the feet of Mukuro and others, and gathered in the direction of the nun. It seemed that they wanted to regroup again, but the speed was already very slow, and it took less than ten minutes to think of success.

Inuyasha and Maitreya were the ones who had seen the cat demon reorganize their bodies, and couldn’t help being surprised when they saw the cat demon’s sufficient speed.

Because when they smashed the body of the cat demon with wind wounds, the cat demon would reorganize at an astonishing speed. But this time, his reorganization speed turned out to be countless times slower. If there is any difference between his previous body crush and this time, then only Mukuro will attack with his own power.

Inuyasha was surprised: “Is it because Mukuro’s anger destroyed his body and made his injury too serious to recover easily?”

Maitreya said: “I can only guess like this, otherwise I can’t explain why the same attack has such a big difference, but I didn’t expect that even Mukuro would not be able to kill him all at once.”

Mukuro said lightly: “It’s easy to kill him all at once, just blast him into the underworld, but there is no need to use such a powerful combat power for him. But having an immortal opponent is really troublesome, and I don’t have time. Rubbing with him, just give him a good time.”

While Mukuro stated that he wanted to kill the cat monster, Inuyasha and others were very curious.

Of course they believe that Mukuro has such an ability, but it must be difficult to achieve results just with fists, so they are very curious about what Mukuro will do.

The controlled nun didn’t believe in Mukuro at all, and sneered unceremoniously: “You humans like to make excuses. Is it so difficult to admit that you don’t have the ability? If you have the ability, you will destroy my body. If you don’t have the ability, behave. To die.”

Listening to the nun, the cat demon’s soul seemed to be hiding in her body.

The cat demon who fought with Inuyasha and Maitreya were just remote-controlled corpses.

However, after Mukuro’s corpse was punched by Mukuro, it became extremely difficult to reorganize the body. The so-called immortal body was nothing compared to Baitong. Since the corpse of the cat demon is the shell he left behind, can’t he discover this? Mukuro really doesn’t know where his confidence comes from.

Mukuro said lightly: “You will know immediately if I have the ability to destroy your body.”

Mukuro used a gravitational force to gather all the cat-monster bone meal on the ground to help them regroup. But because the injury was too serious, even if the bone meal was aggregated by Mukuro, they wriggled for a long time before slowly gathering together, which looked very difficult. Even if the cat demon queen is re-formed, his Mukuro bones are full of cracks.

Inuyasha said strangely: “Mukuro, why are you helping him?”

The cat demon hiding in the nun’s body sneered and said, “You actually helped my body reorganize. You human being has some ability, but you will only make yourself die faster by doing this!”

Under his control, the cat demon’s body leaped forward again with teeth and claws.

Mukuro snorted and answered Inuyasha’s question by the way: “I help you reorganize the body just to make it easier to clean you. Otherwise, it would be too troublesome for me to collect a bunch of bone meal to destroy.”

Mukuro’s right hand lifted upwards, and a powerful force carried the cat monster’s body up in the air, flew towards the blue sky, and quickly turned into a black spot. Such a huge cat monster turned into a black spot in an instant. It can be seen how fast he flies to the sky, and his current distance from the ground is already very scary.

The cat demon hiding in the nun was taken aback and said, “What kind of power is this? God!”

Inuyasha said cleverly, “So that’s it! Mukuro, do you want him to fall to death? Falling from such a high place makes him uncomfortable.”

Maitreya doubted: “Such a huge body, falling from such a high place must be uncomfortable, but he didn’t die when he was hit by Mukuro’s fist. Can falling like this really kill him?”

Mukuro nodded and said, “It’s still better for Maitreya to be smarter. Yes, in the case of the cat demon, he cannot fall to death if he is already a corpse. Just experience the taste of the sun. There is no monster in this world that can survive in the sun.”

As soon as the voice fell, Mukuro flew into the air with a dance technique, and suddenly disappeared.

Maitreya said dumbfounded: “What did Mukuro just say? No monster can survive in the sun?”

Inuyasha said: “Listening to what he said, it seems that I want to send the cat demon into the sun. Can this kind of thing be done?”

At the same time, Mukuro has taken the cat demon to outer space…

Mukuro said lightly: “You cat demon is already a corpse. The environment of the universe shouldn’t be able to harm you. It’s luck.”

The cat demon panicked and looked around and said, “It turns out that the sky is such a world. You, a human being, have a way to bring me to such a place. But as you said, this kind of environment can’t kill me, you take me. What’s the point of coming up?”

“You know right away, Guipai Qigong!”

Mukuro didn’t even save his energy, and directly used an instant turtle-style qigong to hit the cat demon towards the sun, and then returned to the earth.

He didn’t even have to wait for the result.

Because with the abilities of the cat demon, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of the attack of the turtle school qigong.

When Mukuro returned to the ground, they found Inuyasha and others still staring at the blue sky dumbfounded, but with their abilities, they should never see the sky.

Mukuro asked curiously, “What are you looking at?”

Inuyasha woke up like a dream: “A blue light flew to the sun just now. Is it your turtle style Qigong?”

Shan Shan sighed, “That cat demon is really strong, and he didn’t die even after being hit by Inuya 1.4.”

Mukuro was startled, and then he knew what was going on. With the light of tortoise school qigong, it is not surprising to see it on the ground. As for Coral’s doubts, it is purely unnecessary.

Mukuro said lightly: “Of course it is impossible for the cat demon to hold the turtle school qigong, but I don’t know how much force it takes to successfully kill him. If it causes too much damage to the place, it would be bad. Compare that. Next, it will be easier to send him to the sun.”

After a pause, Mukuro said to the nun again: “It’s your turn now.”

“Mukuro, wait! This opponent is mine!” Inuyasha quickly stood up to stop.

“Of course it’s yours.” Mukuro took it for granted: “Only your dragon scales and iron teeth can easily destroy him. I have fought in the sky for so long. You haven’t done anything yet. I didn’t even say you, so hurry up.”

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