Chapter 1231 amulet

Before moving into the house by teleportation, Mukuro was actually quite curious.

In the original “Inuyasha”, all combat-capable people ran to see the cat demon’s corpse. Only Ari and Qibao were left in the room without combat-capable ones, so it was understandable to encounter danger. But now there are Kagura and Coral in the house, and their combat power is sufficient to deal with most monsters, even if Naraku is close, they can resist it for a while.

It is precisely because of this that Mukuro is so relieved.

He really didn’t know why A Li and others were still in danger.

He didn’t realize it until he saw the situation in the house.

It turned out that the cat demon hid his power in the heart of the nun. With the skills of Kagura, Coral, and Ari, there was no way to kill Naraku without hurting the nun. Especially Kagura and Coral, if they take action, the nun might not even be able to keep the whole body, so they will naturally throw a rat avoidance device.

Mukuro reluctantly said: “You are really helpless by this little trick. Even if you can’t think of a way to hurt the cat monster, you can look for its weaknesses and find a way to counter it.”

After seeing Mukuro, Kagura breathed a sigh of relief and said, “You can be counted in. With you, we don’t have to work hard to figure out a solution.”

Coral grumbled: “It’s easy for you to say that the cat demon completely hides his soul in the nun’s body. Even if there is a weakness, we can’t help him. Mukuro is the same for you, right? Is there any way you can not hurt the nun? Can attack the cat monster? If only Inuyasha was here, his dragon scales and iron teeth can absorb the power of the cat monster.”

Ari looked around and said, “Speaking of which, where’s Inuyasha? Mukuro, didn’t you bring him in?”

Mukuro said lightly: “Stop playing Inuyasha’s idea. He and Maitreya are both outside, entangled in the Mukuro bones of the cat demon, and can’t get out of them. In other words, if you want to save this nun, you have to On their own.”

That nun, to be precise, should be a cat demon.

He may have seen the embarrassment of Shan Shan, Kagura and others, and slowly showed a triumphant but icy smile.

“You look very embarrassed.” The cat demon said through the nun’s mouth: “You exorcists have great strength, and there is nothing to do with me, hahaha… I will ask you one last time. Do you want to attack me? If not, I can tear you to pieces.”

The controlled nun waved and gave orders to the skeleton cats. The skeleton cats suddenly rushed towards Mukuro and others like a tide.

With the strength of Coral and Kagura, it was not easy to deal with it. Even Kagura’s Dragon and Snake Dance can only be barely low for a while. At this moment, Mukuro was so thankful that he had rushed in in time. But now that he has come in, these skeleton cats don’t want to hurt the coral and their hair.

Mukuro snorted coldly, and a repulsive force burst out and bounced the skeleton cats away.

The bounced skeleton cat hit the surrounding enchantment, and suddenly it was like an egg falling on the rock, completely shattered. These skeleton cats do not have the self-healing ability of the cat demon. After their bodies are crushed, they really die.

Mukuro coldly snorted disdainfully: “A young man of this level dare to show it to shame, are you cat demon underestimating us?”

“What happened just now?” The controlled nun said in astonishment: “Just now it seems that a powerful force that has never been seen bounced them all away. You human being is a bit weird. But I am hiding in this nun’s body, you What can you do with me? If you have the ability, you will kill this nun.”

You can also tell from the nun’s expression that the cat demon hiding in his body is very proud.

And Mukuro also has to admit that he who likes violence can’t remove the cat demon from the nun’s body unless he kills the nun first and then resurrects the nun. Of course, Mukuro has no means himself, which does not mean that he is really helpless. For example, Inuyasha’s dragon scales and iron teeth are the nemesis of this cat demon.

Mukuro raised the index finger of his right hand, and a wave of qigong blasted into the sky with his fingertips, breaking the barrier that enveloped the house at once.

“Are you really a human?” The controlled nun couldn’t help but complain: “What power did you use just now? Why is it neither spiritual power nor demon power?”

Mukuro said indifferently, “Even if you say something like this, you can’t understand it, so why bother to ask?”

“That’s good.” The controlled nun continued to sneer: “In humans, your strength is really incredible, but so what? You have the ability to kill this nun with your strength. You human beings Isn’t the magician just that tune? There is always boring justice slogans on his lips to show his nobility.”

Mukuro said indifferently: “You first figure out one thing, I am not an exorcist, and I don’t need to prove how noble I am. I just do what I want. Moreover, I am not breaking the barrier to prove me. I have the ability to get rid of you, but I can kill you in other ways.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Inuyasha descended from the sky with his broken teeth high and rushed into the room, and Maitreya followed him in.

Even the cat demon who had been pestering Maitreya and Inuyasha rushed in.

After Inuyasha landed on the ground, he rejoiced and said, “Mukuro, fortunately you blasted the barrier, otherwise I don’t know when I will be able to enter. The cat demon outside can’t be killed, so I’ll leave it to you to deal with.”

Maitreya groaned: “Mukuro, isn’t that nun still being controlled by the cat demon? Opening the barrier without solving the opponent is not like your style.”

Mukuro said indifferently: “The art industry has specializations. It is better for that nun to give it to Inuyasha. Inuyasha’s dragon scales and iron teeth are just enough to restrain him. As for the cat monster outside, leave it to me.”

Mukuro gave Coral and others to Inuyasha and Maitreya to protect, and he took the initiative to face the cat demon.

When he flew up, the cat demon fell from the sky, like a big mountain. In terms of size, Mukuro’s tiny figure is like a beetle under the claws of a cat demon. The nun who was controlled by the cat demon suddenly sneered disdainfully when seeing Mukuro’s irresponsible force.

She said coldly: “You humans are really overweight. Even if you want to fight, see how big the difference between yourself and your opponent is. Such a huge difference in size can crush you into a ball of meat sauce.”

Mukuro estimated that the cat demon in front of him was more than a thousand catties. If such a heavy object was dropped from high altitude, it would indeed be enough to turn all the practitioners in this world into a mass of flesh. Of course, that was when there was no enchantment, but it would be too whimsical to want to kill Mukuro with just a thousand catties.

Mukuro said coldly, “Then use your eyes to see if this cat demon can really kill me.”

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