Chapter 1223 The strength of the dragon

The shield in the dragonman’s hand is only two or three times the size of an ordinary person’s head, which can be said to be insignificant compared to his huge size. When he took out such a small shield to withstand wind injuries, on the surface it could only protect his own head. Seeing such a small shield, Inuyasha suddenly sneered disdainfully.

Of course Mukuro could understand what Inuyasha was thinking.

He felt that the dragonman’s shield could not protect the whole body, as long as part of the wind wound power passed through it, it would be enough to tear the dragonman into pieces.

Seeing his attitude, Mukuro lost interest in continuing to remind.

Anyway, he already had his own thoughts, and even reminding them was useless.


When the wind damage hit the shield, the shield suddenly exploded with astonishing attraction, completely absorbing the wind damage. Even with the amazing power of the wind wound, it could not leave a trace on the shield, let alone hurt the dragon. Inuyasha was already dumbfounded when he saw that the dragon was unscathed.

He was shocked: “How is it possible? My wind injury was completely absorbed?”

“What’s the matter?” Mukuro said lightly: “Don’t forget that this guy’s scales cast a defective product, which is enough to absorb your wind injury completely. If 16 is not a defective product, bear it. Without the power of the wind wound, you may lose. The shield in that guy’s hand is also made of his scales. Isn’t it normal to have the same ability?”

Inuyasha snorted uncomfortably, and was speechless.

Maitreya said solemnly: “And that shield doesn’t look like a defective product, so its absorption capacity must be stronger. Inuyasha, don’t attack indiscriminately like last time, or your wind injury will really be lost.”

In fact, Inuyasha had already had a similar experience when fighting against the mirror of Shenmou before.

So after hearing Maitreya’s words, he dared not move, and didn’t know what to do.

The reason why he was so impulsive the last time he wanted to come was only because the uncle civet cat knew it was a miscellaneous fish.

He said solemnly, “Mukuro, what do you do now? Are you here to clean up this guy?”

“There is a weakness in that dragon man!”

At this moment, a human holding a knife rushed out of a room and shouted: “I am the swordsmith who casts knives and shields for the dragon people. In order to forge the strongest shields and knives, the dragon people Pulling off his scales, there should be a place on his body where there are no scales. That is his weakness!”

“Damn it!” As soon as the dragon man saw that human being, he was as angry as he saw an enemy: “I killed you!”

He kicked his feet and jumped high, actually wanting to go over Inuyasha and kill the man directly.

Inuyasha hurriedly greeted him, put a knife on the claw of the dragon and said, “Your opponent is me!”

I have to say that the scales of the dragon man are really tough. He obviously resisted Inuyasha’s iron teeth with his hands, but because his hands were covered with scales, he was not injured, but there were white marks on the scales.

Inuyasha was taken aback and said, “You…”

He was thrown away by the dragon man before he came forward. The dragon man waved the shield in his hand again, and shouted coldly, “I’ll give it back to you!”

At the moment when the dragon man’s voice fell, the wind wound flew out of his shield and attacked Inuyasha.

Inuyasha’s face changed, and he quickly flew high into the sky with his air dance technique, finally avoiding the attack of the wind. At the same time, Kagura also took the opportunity to use the wind to rescue the human being.

Longren stared at Inuyasha coldly and said, “It’s not dead, a dog monster can fly, it’s interesting.”

Inuyasha said with a solemn expression: “What kind of monster are you? Why can your shield be used for wind damage?”

The dragon man looked at the shield in his hand and said proudly: “This shield is made of my scales. It can absorb the demon power, and then bounce it back. When you attack me with the wind injury, I will use it. Absorb it and give it back to you. Or if you try again, I can give it back to you again.”

“You mean that your shield can absorb attacks, but not demon power?” Inuyasha suddenly smiled.

What he said sounds difficult to understand, but it is actually very simple.

Therefore, the absorption of demon power is just like the previous knife, which can absorb the original power of the broken teeth. As long as the most original strength is absorbed, the broken teeth can no longer be wounded by the wind. But if it only absorbs the power of the wind wound, not the original power, then at best it will only absorb the energy of an attack.

In other words, the absorption of the shield will not affect the use of Wind Wound.

Inuyasha probably already understood this, and said with a sneer: “Then try to see if your shield can absorb my wind injury again.”

Without hesitation, Inuyasha slashed the wounds of the wind and attacked the dragon.

The dragon man did not doubt that he had him, and continued to absorb it with a shield.

Maitreya wondered: “Why does Inuyasha do that? Even if the absorption of the shield cannot weaken the power of the broken teeth, it is not a smart way to give the opponent the power of wind damage.”

Kagura guessed: “Inuyasha should have his reasons for doing this, he sometimes impulsively, but he is not a fool.”

Mukuro has already seen the purpose of Inuyasha, nodded and said: 483 “Inuyasha is really not an idiot, you will understand when you read it.”

The dragon used a shield to absorb the wounds of the wind, and then bounced back to Inuyasha and said, “Stupid half-demon, taste your own power!”

Inuyasha seized the space in which the dragons fought back, slashed out and said, “Blow!”

Inuyasha once again slashed the wound of the wind, the wound of the wind swept the wind wound of the dragon man, and attacked the dragon man. The power did not know how much stronger, and the attack range was much larger. The dragon man was taken aback, even if he wanted to evade, it was too late, so he could only use a shield to resist. However, the power of blasting had clearly surpassed the shield’s endurance limit, and it fell to pieces all at once.

The power of the blast smashed the shield and blasted the dragon, causing the dragon to be seriously injured and dying.

Inuyasha said coldly: “Weakness? Huh, I don’t need something like that, I can break your shield directly.”

After a pause, he turned his head and said to the human being: “The dragon man has been cleaned up. Come here quickly and talk about what happened.”

However, when Inuyasha looked over, the human was no longer there.

Mukuro smiled faintly: “Inuyasha, you idiot, haven’t you seen it yet? You have been used by that human being.”

At the same time, the human bypassed Inuyasha, ran to the seriously injured and dying dragonman, and killed the dragonman with the knife in his hand.

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