Chapter 1222 Looking for authenticity

“The place of authenticity is…”

The girl slowly got up and pointed in a direction. When Inuyasha and others turned to look over, the girl suddenly spread her feet and ran in the opposite direction at full speed. By the time Inuyasha and the others reacted, she had already run hundreds of meters away, and the speed at which she escaped could be regarded as outstanding among the monsters.

And she said this method of telling the location of the genuine product is equivalent to not saying it.

It is not certain whether she is telling the truth or not.

Inuyasha suddenly became furious, and chased up with her dance skills and said, “Innocent! Do you think you can run me on two legs? You dare to lie to me, I killed you!”

Shan Hu hurried to catch up and said, “Forget it? That’s a girl. Are you willing to do such a bad hand on a girl?”

Maitreya also chased up and persuaded: “She didn’t hurt us either. Just give her a lesson. There is no need to kill her.”

“Girl?” Inuyasha sneered disdainfully.

He suddenly accelerated to catch up with the guy, then swooped down and hit the girl in the face with a punch. As a puff of smoke spread over the girl, the originally cute girl turned into an uncle civet cat. Shanhu, Maitreya and others were dumbfounded when they saw the girl’s changes.

Especially Maitreya, he has always been a pity and cherishment, so he opened his mouth to help.

But the originally cute girl turned into an uncle civet cat, and he was desperate when he was consciously deceived.

Inuyasha smiled and said, “How is it? Do you still choose to let him go?”

Coral said lightly: “Do whatever you like.”

Maitreya said with a black face, “Kill him, you dare to pretend to be a cute girl and deceive my feelings. It is unforgivable.”

Inuyasha took care of Uncle Tanuki with a single knife, and then looked at Mukuro again.

Before Inuyasha could speak, Mukuro knew what he meant. Uncle Tanuki is dead, and of course it is impossible to know the location of the genuine knife from him. Among the people present, only Mukuro could find the knife with the sense of breath, so Inuyasha was the first to think of Mukuro. But because Mukuro can sense the breath, it doesn’t mean that he can find the knife for him.

Mukuro shook his head lightly, and refused helplessly: “It’s not that I don’t want to help you, but that even I can’t help it. I can sense that the aura of the murderous soldier is true, but it is necessary to have the aura of the murderous soldier. At first, the breath of the murderous soldier over there disappeared. If you want to find it, you have to wait for its breath to appear next time, but you don’t know when.”

“What should I do then?” Inuyasha said very anxiously, “You said it yourself. Spritemaru and Naraku have been getting stronger. I must catch up with them quickly. If I don’t quickly find the authentic knife, how can I? Don’t you want to be thrown farther by Naraku and Spritemaru? Mukuro, hurry up and find a way. If you are willing to think about it, there must be a way.”

“You really can count on me.” Mukuro gave a wry smile.

But what Inuyasha said is not without reason.

Although I don’t know what happened to the knife that caused the breath to disappear completely, Mukuro can still think of a way if he wants to.

He said lightly: “Let’s go to the sword and sword studio. The people who can cast this kind of fierce soldier are definitely not the general generation. The sword sword studio is also a swordsmith, maybe there will be clues. By the way, it is best to bring that one. Broken knife, maybe Dao Dao Zhai can see some clues from broken knife.”

Inuyasha nodded, immediately took the broken knife, and flew towards the place where Touzai lived.

With their flying speed, it certainly didn’t take long to find Dao Dao Zhai, and soon rushed into Da Dao Zhai’s house.

Dao Dao Zhai took the broken knife in Inuyasha’s hand, looked at the broken knife and said, “Can this knife really absorb the demon power of broken iron teeth?”

Inuyasha nodded and said impatiently, “I didn’t come here to chat with you. If you have a clue, tell me who is the guy who made this knife and where is it? Mukuro said this knife is defective. It’s a fake. I want to find the genuine one and absorb its power.”

Dao Dao Zhai did not answer Inuyasha, but slammed the broken knife with a hammer.

In an instant, the broken sword flashed a red light, and it turned into a dragon scale on Dao Dao Zhai’s hand.

Dao Dao Zhai replied: “I have indeed heard of it, but it is not a monster, but a human that casts that sword. I am actually surprised that humans can forge this kind of sword, but it seems that it is based on the scales of the monster. I know the existence of that human swordsmith, but I have not been in contact with him, so I don’t know his location…”

After a pause, Dao Dao Zhai said: “Inuyasha, I don’t recommend that you go find that knife. If your iron shattered tooth is no match for him, the demon power of iron shattered tooth will be completely absorbed and become a waste knife. Can’t recover anymore, have you considered the consequences?”

Without waiting for Inuyasha’s answer, Mukuro had already sensed the appearance of the real murderer’s energy.

That power is similar to the aura exuding from the scales in Dao Dao Zhai’s hand, clearly coming from the same monster. At the same time as the qi appeared, Mukuro had also accurately locked the opponent’s position.

Mukuro said lightly: “You have already experienced the power of defective products, Inuyasha, it is up to you to challenge the authenticity. I can only tell you that I have discovered the location of the authenticity.”

“Then you need to ask? Of course it’s going to be right away!” Inuyasha said without hesitation: “The sprite pill has the special ability to absorb demon power and then rebound. If you want to defeat him, the easiest way is of course to have someone stronger than you. Absorptive capacity. As long as I can absorb the power of that knife, what is the sprite pill?”

One can tell from Inuyasha’s attitude that he didn’t take Dao Dao Zhai’s words into his heart at all.

Mukuro didn’t care, and directly used teleportation to bring Inuyasha and others to the location of the murderous soldier.

When they showed up, they happened to see a monster that looked like a dragon but was basically human in appearance, and his body was covered with thick scales. Needless to think about it, this guy must be the guy who provided scale casting knives, and the dragon scales in Dao Dao Zhai’s hands were taken from him.

When Mukuro saw him, this guy happened to wreak havoc in a village.

Inuyasha said coldly, “Mukuro, don’t you want to take us to find the knife? How come out there are monsters destroying?”

Although Inuyasha was talking to Mukuro, his eyes were fixed on Ryujin.

When the dragon man tried to approach the village again, Inuyasha did not hesitate to cut the wound from the wind.

“Inuyasha, be careful.” Mukuro said lightly, “Don’t forget that it is the scales on this guy who cast the knife. He is not so easy to deal with.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, the dragonman didn’t know where he took out a shield to keep it out of the wind.

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