Chapter 1213 White Boy’s Hidden Means

Maitreya released the seal on his hand and pointed the wind acupoint towards Bai Tongzi.

During this process, Bai Tongzi seemed to be unaware of the power of Maitreya’s wind cave, and he was not nervous at all, but showed a scornful smile. Given the relationship between Bai Tongzi and Naraku, it is of course impossible for him not to know the power of Maitreya’s wind cave. Even if he is sucked in, there is only a dead end.

He is still unscrupulous in this situation, and the only explanation is that he is relying on it.

Although Maitreya said that he was willing to end up with the white boy, his actions were far from the usual. Asking him to help Nairo get rid of the white boy, in fact, he should still be unwilling in his heart.

At the moment when Maitreya hesitated, Bai Tongzi’s whole body suddenly shattered. Inuyasha and others couldn’t help being surprised when they saw this scene, even Mukuro was no exception.

Bai Tongzi has an immortal body. It’s not surprising that there is a way to crush his body, but why does he want to do this? After the body is crushed, he is not afraid of Maitreya’s wind cave? But after the body was shattered, he would not have the power to resist the power of the wind cave. Shouldn’t it be more dangerous?

Inuyasha and the others froze for 16 times, without any action at all.

Mukuro was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted and said, “Kagura! Ari! Maitreya! Be careful!”

Mukuro’s reaction was fast enough, and within half a second he remembered what he had seen in “Inuyasha”. In the original “Inuyasha”, Kagura has always been controlled by Naraku, who should have been conspired by Shirato in this battle. Now that Kagura is rescued by Mukuro, Mukuro doesn’t know if she will be attacked by Shirabo, but there is always nothing wrong with being careful.

After Bai Tongzi’s body was shattered, the shattered body immediately disappeared, and appeared behind Maitreya again in the next second.

At the same time he appeared, an enchantment enveloped both the White Boy and Maitreya Master.

Bai Tongzi proudly said: “Unexpectedly? After the body is shattered, I can actually choose where to repair it, as long as the distance is not very far. In this enchantment, I see what you can do, just kill you , No one here can threaten me.”

“White boy!” Inuyasha was worried that Maitreya might have an accident, so he rushed up and pointed at Bai boy with broken teeth.

I have to say that Inuyasha’s broken teeth are a great threat to other monsters. After the Master’s King Kong gun was broken, even Naraku did not dare to take it lightly. But Bai Tongzi is different from Naraku. Even if threatened by Inuyasha, he just hides behind Maitreya silently, and has no intention of running away.

He sneered and said, “Mukuro, what do you want to do? If you have the ability, you can break the King Kong spear. I don’t know if I will die. Anyway, Master Maitreya is dead. If you don’t attack, there is no way. Save the Maitreya Master. By the way, if the Master dares to use the power of the wind cave in the enchantment, he will also be absorbed.”

It can be said that Master Maitreya has fallen into a dilemma.

He didn’t want to die with Bai Tongzi, so he was unwilling to use the power of the wind cave in the enchantment, but without using the power of the wind cave, he was not Bai Tongzi’s opponent at all. The only good news is that Bai Tongzi didn’t dare to push Maitreya too tight, just maintaining the status quo.

He sneered: “No one believes that Master Maitreya will become my shield. Inuyasha, it seems that you can’t kill me today. Let’s see you again if you have a chance.”

Bai Tongzi used the enchantment to fly with Maitreya, as if he wanted to use Maitreya as a talisman to escape.

Seeing this, Mukuro couldn’t stand it anymore.

He stepped forward and said faintly: “Bai Boy, stay. Your death date is today. This is your life. Even if it is me, I don’t really want to go heaven-defying.”

Mukuro’s saying this is of course foolish, but it is not necessarily a lie in “Inuyasha”. Because in “Inuyasha”, Bai Tongzi died in today’s World War I. If Mukuro lets him leave, he can’t imagine any changes in the future. Mukuro doesn’t want any changes to affect the decisive battle between Inuyasha and Naraku.

You know, Bai Tongzi gained new abilities as the sprite pill became stronger.

If Bai Tongzi is let go, and Bai Tongzi and Sprite Maru join forces, Naraku will most likely lose to both of them. In this way, the final battle with Inuyasha and the others will be Sprite Maru, not Naraku. The one who hated Inuyasha the most was Naraku, and it would be a pity for them if they couldn’t handle Naraku.

Bai Tongzi’s face changed, and he stopped and said, “Mukuro, what do you mean? Do you have to intervene if you are not a nosy person? Should I be proud that you are forced to do it?”

“You can think like this.” Mukuro said lightly, getting closer to the white boy.

Bai Tong broke the jar and said: “Huh, you are more than ten thousand times stronger than Inuyasha, but what can you do? Maitreya is in my hands, the more destructive you are, the more likely Maitreya will be injured. You have the skills. Try to break through the barrier. I won’t necessarily die, but Maitreya will definitely be broken into pieces because of your attack.”

Mukuro didn’t answer Shirato, just smiled.

Ignorance is really scary.

Weakness can really limit one’s imagination.

He really thought Mukuro would be like Inuyasha, unable to control his own power?

Mukuro didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him, walked to Bai Tongzi’s junction and punched out.

Maitreya in the enchantment jumped 367 in surprise, and quickly closed his eyes as an ostrich: “Mukuro, stop! I don’t want to die! Don’t you teleport? Use teleportation to save me!”


At the speed of Mukuro’s punching, Maitreya’s fist had already hit the barrier before Maitreya’s words were finished.

Bai Tongzi’s barrier seemed strong, but it was as fragile as a piece of paper in front of Mukuro’s fist, and it fell to pieces in an instant. And because Mukuro only used his fists to attack, his power was very easy to control. While smashing the barrier, he didn’t hurt Maitreya and Baitong. Seeing this scene, Bai Tongzi in the enchantment was completely stunned.

He said in amazement: “Impossible? You can only use your fist… Is your fist stronger than Inuyasha’s burst?”

Maitreya slowly opened his eyes and said, “Hey, am I still alive?”

Mukuro said faintly: “White Boy, you are wrong. It’s not that my fist is stronger than Inuyasha’s burst, but as long as I want, the power of a finger can be stronger than Inuyasha’s diamond gun. For example, so.”

Mukuro’s figure shook lightly and moved at high speed behind Shirato, and then put the index finger of his right hand on Shirato’s spine.

Mukuro’s power exploded in Shirato’s body, causing Shirato’s body to crack like a statue falling from a high altitude, and finally shattered.

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