Chapter 1212 The stronger white boy

Inuyasha’s wind wound smashed into the white boy’s enchantment, and it was useless as usual.

No, the situation is worse this time than usual.

Because before hitting the white boy with a wind wound, the white boy would be forced back because of the impact of the wind wound. Inuyasha knew this, and he still wanted to use the wind wound to attack Bai Tongzi just now, it must be based on this consideration. But even with the impact of the wind on his head, Bai Tongzi didn’t even move this time.

Inuyasha was taken aback, and quickly backed away, finally avoiding the white boy’s knife dangerously.

Inuyasha said in surprise: “White boy, you…”

Bai Tongzi said triumphantly: “Inuyasha, are you surprised? Just like you saw, I am stronger, and your wind injury is no longer useful to me. Moreover, if you attack me, the only unlucky one will be in the end. yourself.”

“What’s the meaning?”

As soon as Inuyasha’s voice fell, Bai Tongzi suddenly rebounded from the wound of the wind and attacked Inuyasha, using the sprite pill’s ability to absorb demon power and then rebound. Inuyasha was taken aback and hurriedly avoided, but the ground was still damaged by the force of the wind’s rebound. If Inuyasha hadn’t already mastered the sky dance, he would definitely lose his footing.

He floated in mid-air with a dance technique and said: “It turned out to be a wind wound, you have the same ability as the sprite pill?”

“You can say that.” Bai Tongzi proudly said: “As the sprite pill becomes stronger, I also become stronger. No matter what method you use to attack, I can return the attack to you as it is. You can also try Without demon power attack, as long as you can break through my barrier without demon power, then I will admit defeat.”

Inuyasha’s face changed, and his mood became very bad.

The current situation is indeed very unfavorable to him.

If he uses regular physical attacks, it is almost impossible to break through the barrier. If he does not break through the barrier, he will naturally not be able to injure the white boy hiding in the barrier. However, if he uses the power of iron crushing teeth to attack, he may be absorbed by the white boy and rebound. It is a trick like a diamond gun.

Therefore, Inuyasha didn’t dare to attack at all before he was uncertain about Shirato’s abilities.

Bai Tongzi obviously saw this too, and unceremoniously provoked, “Inuyasha, are you afraid?”

“It’s so noisy!”

Inuyasha cursed irritably: “If you have the ability, you can bounce back and show me again, wounded by the wind!”

Bai Tongzi said contemptuously: “It’s the wound of the wind again? There is nothing new, Inuyasha, don’t you know that the wound of the wind is useless to me?”

Mukuro looked and shook his head secretly, feeling that Bai Tongzi was going to be fooled, because Inuyasha said that just now, it was obvious that he wanted to lead Bai Tong to take the wind. Even if the wound of the wind had no effect on Bai Tongzi, since Inuyasha did this, he must have his reasons. Bai Tongzi couldn’t even think of this, which shows that he has really been dazzled by the increased power.

To be too arrogant when the power is not truly invincible is not necessarily a good thing.

When he absorbed the wound from the wind, Inuyasha clearly smiled triumphantly.

However, Bai Tongzi didn’t seem to realize that he had been in the trick, and proudly bounced back the wound from the wind.

It was this moment that Inuyasha was waiting, and once again he broke the wound and said: “If you have the ability, you can absorb this trick as well, and explode!”

The wind wound that Inuyasha slashed again engulfed Bai Tongzi’s attack, turned into a blast and blasted Bai Tongzi’s enchantment, and its power was more than a hundred times stronger. Even the Dragon Bone Spirit, whose strength was far above Inuyasha, was finally defeated by the blast, let alone the White Boy? When Blast went back, Bai Tongzi’s face changed obviously.

However, the range of Blast’s attack is really large, even if Bai Tongzi wants to evade, he is really powerless.

“It’s over!” Maitreya said excitedly: “As long as you defeat the white boy, and then enter the cave to kill the sprite pill, Naraku will not want to live anymore. Our long-term pursuit of Naraku can finally come to an end.”

Kagura poured cold water on Maitreya and said: “Don’t be so optimistic, you shouldn’t forget that Bai Tongzi has an immortal body, right? Even if he is hit by the blast, he will not die. So unless we have a way to combine Bai Tongzi and Jingjingwan Defeated at the same time, otherwise there is no point at all.”

Maitreya was startled, and had to smile wryly: “In any case, defeating Bai Tong is always good news.”


The explosion turned into a series of tornadoes, rolled back onto the barrier of Bai Tongzi, and immediately left cracked “scars” on the barrier… The Bai Tongzi in the barrier changed his face when he saw this scene. NS.

However, the barrier of Bai Tongzi had not completely cracked, and the power of the explosion was completely exhausted, and Bai Tongzi gradually showed a relaxed smile.

He sneered: “Inuyasha, it seems that this is your limit. I am really disappointed. Use your King Kong gun and let me see the power of your strongest trick.”

Inuyasha’s face was ugly, and he was speechless.

Inuyasha is not an idiot. Judging from the result of Baitong’s blasting, it is certain that the diamond gun can break through the barrier, but then? Bai Tongzi has an immortal body, even if the King Kong gun breaks his body to pieces, it has no further meaning.

Seeing Inuyasha’s dilemma, Mukuro said indifferently, “Inuyasha, step back, and hand the White Boy to Master Maitreya.”

Master Maitreya was startled, pointing to himself and said, “Am I? But there is the most fierce victory here. It’s not that I am afraid of death. If the white boy is replaced by Naraku, it doesn’t matter if I die with him, but is it worth it to exchange me for the white boy? ”

“Look carefully before you talk.” Mukuro pointed to the most fierce victories and said playfully: “Look at the state of the fiercest victories, do you think they are still protecting the white boy?”

All the time, the most fierce victory has always been Naraku’s ultimate magic weapon to restrain Maitreya Wind Cave. As long as there is a clone to attack Inuyasha and the others, the most fierce victory 3.0 must be next to him. But the fiercest victory this time was different from before. They did not closely follow Bai Tongzi. When Bai Tongzi endured Inuyasha’s explosion, they even retreated quickly.

“What’s going on?” Maitreya asked suspiciously.

Mukuro said lightly: “It is obvious that Naraku thinks that Baidongzi’s growth has threatened him. If Baidongzi continues to survive, it will be very unfavorable to him, so Naraku wants to use your hands to get rid of Baidongzi. After all, Baidongzi It is an existence with an immortal body, even if Naraku wants to kill him, he will have to use his hands and feet. But if Maitreya takes your action, things will become simpler.”

“Huh, it was actually used by Naraku.” Maitreya said uncomfortably, “but killing Bai Boy is also good for us, I’m not welcome.”

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