Chapter 1146 The Struggle of the Hundred Ghost Bat

Mukuro took Shiori and flew at full speed, and soon rushed to the sky above the village with her.

They don’t have to approach or land, they already see the Hyakki Bats in front of them are fighting fiercely with Inuyasha and others. The fierce battle makes their hands, feet and minced meat fly in the air, and they can smell a strong smell of blood from far away. . Of course, judging from the situation on the battlefield, Bloodline basically belongs to the Hundred Ghost Bat clan, and some of them belong to humans.

As for Inuyasha and his party, although they were also injured, they were basically negligible.

Shiori saw the tragic situation ahead, her pretty face turned white with fright, and she grabbed Mukuro’s clothes tightly with both hands.

Mukuro patted the back of her hand lightly and said, “Relax and don’t be afraid.”

“I am not afraid.”

Zizhi quickly let go and said stubbornly: “I’m not afraid, I want to save my mother.”

Mukuro laughed and laughed, and at the same time admired the little girl.

Because she is indeed very afraid of the battle ahead, which can be seen from her pale and pretty face and the sweat on her face. If it wasn’t for saving people, she would definitely turn around and leave. But in order to save her mother, even if she was too scared in her heart, she had to force herself to rush forward, which is very rare.

Seeing that Zizhi is not afraid of danger, Mukuro took her forward while saying: “Don’t worry, I can protect you from death, but whether you can protect the villagers depends on your own ability.”

At the speed of Mukuro’s flight, they had already flown directly over the battlefield before they could speak. Because the barriers arranged by Zizhi are too large, those present can see their existence as long as they have eyes.

The old Hundred Ghost Bat was shocked and said: “What happened?! Why did Zizhi come here?!”

“Zizhi! Why are you here? Go! Otherwise there will be danger!” Zizhi’s mother hid behind Inuyasha and the others, urging anxiously.

Inuyasha asked strangely, “Mukuro, won’t you intervene in this matter?! Why did you bring the little girl here again?!”

After a pause, she turned back to Shiori’s mother and said, “Don’t worry, since Mukuro brought her here, there must be a reason. Mukuro is not an irresponsible person. Since he brought the people, he Before sending the person back, no one should think of hurting your daughter’s hair in front of him. Even if the monsters from all over the world come, it will be useless.”

Zizhi’s mother was taken aback and said, “Isn’t he a human?! Is he so powerful?!”

“He is so powerful, there can be no one in the world to be his opponent.” Maitreya raised his head and smiled: “Mukuro, you are not a big deal.”

Mukuro faintly said: “Don’t get me wrong, I have no intention to intervene so far. Bringing Zizhi over does not mean that I will intervene. Except for Zizhi, the task of killing ghost bats and protecting villagers still belongs to you. If you don’t have enough power, those Villagers like cowards can only die, so come on.”

When Mukuro talked with Inuyasha and they didn’t avoid it, even the old Hyakki Bat heard it.

He wiped the blood off his face, showing a grinning smile.

“It turned out to be like this.” The old Hundred Ghost Bat smiled coldly: “I really don’t understand why you people protect humans. In this world, the weak and the strong, everything should belong to the strong. From your decision to protect the weak. From the moment you are destined to lose!”

After the old Hundred Ghost Bat finished speaking, he immediately ordered his tribe to bypass Inuyasha and others and attack ordinary villagers.

Because the Hundred Ghosts and Bats can fly, they are very fast, and the number is more than Inuyasha and them, so it really caused Inuyasha and them a lot of trouble.

Mukuro said in mid-air: “Old guy, it’s a shame that you have a face and you are not ashamed. You have only now realized that Inuyasha and the others want to protect humans, they are not too stupid.”

“What are you talking about?!” The old Baigui bat turned his head and said angrily: “Do you know who you are talking to? Don’t think it’s safe to hide in Zizhi’s enchantment. Come out and fight me if you have the ability. One!”

Mukuro couldn’t help laughing, seriously doubting whether the old Hundred Ghost Bat has a head.

Because he said he didn’t care about Mukuro hiding in Shiori’s barrier, but letting Mukuro leave the barrier to fight him, isn’t it a contradiction? In addition, Mukuro has a way to break into Shiori’s barrier, but he doesn’t. As long as he is smarter, he should know what it means, but he still has to challenge Mukuro. I really don’t know where his confidence comes from.

If he doesn’t provoke him, Mukuro can’t really clean him up to protect the villagers. However, since he opened his mouth to seek death, it seemed impossible to let him go.

Mukuro said coldly: “Heaven’s sin, it is forgivable, self-inflicted, and you cannot live. This is what you asked for.” Mukuro is unwilling to destroy Shiori’s enchantment, so it is still a teleportation that appears in the old hundred ghosts. In front of the bat.

The old Hundred Ghost Bat probably didn’t expect that Mukuro’s offensive would be so sudden, and he was shocked. Panicked and said: “You…you…how did you come out?! Aren’t you trapped in Zizhi’s enchantment?!”


Mukuro smiled disdainfully, and said, “You use the word so wonderfully. Do you think that Ziori’s enchantment can really trap me? Don’t you think that I brought Ziori here, is here to threaten you? You? His imagination is so rich.”

“It seems that things are a bit different from what I thought. However, if you run out by yourself, you are dead!” The old Hundred Ghost smiled grimly, grabbed Mukuro with a paw, and made a piercing sound.

On the ground, Inuyasha and others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Hyakki Bat actively provoke Mukuro.

Inuyasha smiled relaxedly: “It seems that we only need to protect the villagers. That fool is looking for death by himself, and no one can save him.”

Maitreya sighed and said, “Oh, that idiot is too unlucky. It’s not good to provoke me, but I am going to provoke Mukuro. If Mukuro is so bully, Naraku doesn’t need to be scared to pee.”

Coral was dumbfounded and said, “You guys, this is gloating. If Mukuro hears what you say, be careful that he asks you to settle the account.”

At the same time, the claws of the old Hundred Ghost Bats had already grabbed Mukuro’s body severely, making dozens of hundreds of attacks in an instant, and the speed of the claws’ attacks was almost impossible to be seen clearly by ordinary people’s eyes.

Just relying on his speed, even if the power is insufficient, there will be amazing lethality.

But Mukuro was attacked by him, it really didn’t feel at all.

When he was out of breath, Mukuro said faintly, “Old man, have you played enough? If it is enough, shouldn’t it be my turn?!”

The old Hundred Ghost Bat’s face changed again and again, and he said sharply: “How is it possible?! You have nothing to do?! It seems that he is a very resistant human being. It is good among humans, but compared to me, it is still nothing. !”

The old Hundred Ghost bat roared, another paw caught Mukuro’s eyes, and shouted: “I want to see if your eyes are so strong!”

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