Chapter 1145 The hateful of poor people

At first, seeing these villagers being bullied by the Hundred Ghost Bats, Mukuro thought that he was also a human, but actually sympathized with them. Thinking that he wanted to kill Hundred Ghosts and Bats was effortless, he was already ready to make an exception, but the attitude of these villagers made him very disgusted. He has already promised to eliminate the Hundred Ghosts and Bats, what else do these villagers want? If they don’t even have the intention of taking risks, but want to stop being bullied by the Hundred Ghost Bats, then they would be too beautiful.

Mukuro said coldly to Shiori’s mother: “Do you want to save your daughter?! If you want, show us the way, if you don’t, then forget it.”

“I can show you the way, but can you really defeat the Hundred Ghosts and Bats?!” Zizhi’s mother still has concerns.

“If you think like the villagers, then you fend for themselves.” Mukuro turned around and left. He could ask Zizhi’s mother one last time, which was the last chance he gave.

Since she was still stubborn, Mukuro didn’t need to rush to help them.

As for the price, of course they will bear it.

“Mukuro, is it okay to leave them alone?!” Ari 470 said with some worry.

Mukuro said coldly: “Everyone in the world can be saved, only fools can’t save. They think that if you don’t mess with the Hundred Ghost Bats, the Hundred Ghost Bats will let them go, but is it that simple? They will one day. I died because of my innocence. Of course, if you want to save people, I have no objection.”

Mukuro snorted and turned and flew away.

Anyway, the aura of monsters is much stronger than that of ordinary humans. Even without the villagers leading the way, Mukuro can easily know the location of the Hundred Ghosts and Bats.

When he flew to the sky above the Hundred Ghost Bat clan, he happened to see the old Hundred Ghost Bat handing a bead into Zizhi’s hand. They were standing at the foot of a mountain. There was a big hole at the foot of the mountain. When the beads were handed to Zizhi, a barrier suddenly blocked the entrance of the hole, and the Hundred Ghosts should be hiding in it.

Although Mukuro is not ready to make a move, he knows that Inuyasha and others will definitely help, so just come here and wait. After confirming that Zizhi could arrange the barrier, the old Hundred Ghost Bats laughed with satisfaction, and then sent a large group of Hundred Ghost Bats to the direction of the village. Not long after the young bats flew out, the old Hundred Ghost bats also followed.

Needless to think about it, they must go to the village to kill.

Mukuro didn’t stop it, but flew to Shiori’s place and said, “Shiori, how do you feel now?!”

It was probably the first time in her life that Shiori had been away from her parents for such a long time. She was obviously a little bit scared in her expression. Seeing the stranger Mukuro appeared made her panic. How could it be possible to answer Mukuro’s questions.

Mukuro had no choice but to repeat the question again.

Zizhi asked timidly: “Who are you?! Why do you know my name?!”

Mukuro was startled slightly, then he remembered that he didn’t even tell Ziori his name, no wonder the little girl was afraid of life. Can’t help but explain: “My name is Mukuro, I’m here to help you, but because of your mother’s relationship, I won’t help you directly, I can only guarantee that you won’t have any accidents. Specifically, can you learn from the Hundred Ghost Bats in the future? It’s up to you to get out of the devil’s claws.”

“My mother?! What happened to my mother?!” Shiori looked nervous.

“She should be fine, if Inuyasha… uh, my companion, if I want to protect them.” Mukuro shrugged and said.

In this process, Mukuro has actually been paying attention to the changes in the qi of Hyakkibat and Inuyasha. The flying speed of those Hundred Ghost bats was indeed very fast, and they flew into the village in a short while. As they approached the village, Inuyasha’s qi suddenly became stronger, and even Maitreya and the others were no exception. They clearly had already started fighting. While their qi changed drastically, the amount of qi of the Hundred Ghost Bats quickly decreased.

Of course, the number of villagers has also decreased a lot.

“Can you tell me what happened to my mother?!” Zizhi asked timidly.

Mukuro thought for a while and replied: “To put it simply, I once suggested that your mother come and take you away and eliminate the Hundred Ghost and Bat clan by the way, but your mother disagrees. She is afraid of the Hundred Ghost and Bat clan’s revenge. So for the villagers. For the sake of his life, they can only sacrifice you. But after losing you, everyone in the village has lost value, so your grandfather has taken the tribe to slaughter the villagers.”

“That’s not my grandpa, I don’t have a grandpa like that.”

Shiori said nervously and anxiously: “Mr. Mukuro, can you take me back?! I want to save my mother and everyone.”

“Why?” Mukuro curiously asked, “Even if your mother is willing to abandon you for the villagers, you have to go back and save them? You should know better than anyone how everyone in the village treats you as a demon.”

“I know.” Zi Zhi nodded heavily, and said, “But I still have to go back. It is better to stay where there are people than where you are.”

Mukuro thought for a while, but it wasn’t too surprising, Shiori has no relatives or friends here. On the human side, even if the people in the village discriminate against her, her mother will always be there.

Her mother should be able to give her a great sense of security.

Mukuro sighed: “Forget it, since you choose to go back, I will send you back, but I still won’t save people. I save people who are striving for self-improvement, but I won’t save a group of timid guys who are afraid of death.”

“You are willing to take me back.” Shiori smiled happily, and suddenly asked worriedly: “Mr. Mukuro, I don’t know how to put the barrier, can you come in?!”

Mukuro thought she was going to say something, it turned out to be just such a small thing, and couldn’t help laughing.

He cried and laughed nonchalantly: “If you don’t even have this ability, I dare you to help you eliminate the Hundred Ghosts and Bats?!” With Mukuro’s strength, as long as he wants to, he can pierce Zizhi’s arrangement with a finger. Enchantment. But if the barrier is destroyed by such a violent method, Mukuro doesn’t know if Shiori will be injured, let alone if the beads in her hand will be damaged. If the beads were broken, Mukuro and Inuyasha would be a trip for nothing.

Of course this kind of thing cannot happen.

But even if it doesn’t destroy the barrier, Mukuro still has a way to take Shiori away.

Mukuro flashed into the enchantment with an instant move, and then forced the enchantment to rush out of the cave and flew towards the village: “Ziori, how about it?! This will bring you to your mother’s side.”

Zizhi looked around in surprise, with joy and excitement on his face: “It’s amazing, I know for the first time that people can fly in the sky. How did you walk into the enchantment just now? Why can’t I understand? ! If everyone in the village is as strong as you, there is no need to be afraid of monsters.”

“Even if you say this kind of thing, it’s difficult for you to understand, so don’t ask.” Mukuro shook his head helplessly.

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