Chapter 1142 Mage’s determination

“Mille, are you really ready to die with Nai?! Is it worth it?!”

Maitreya suddenly said such a sentence, which made Mukuro quite surprised.

However, thinking carefully about Maitreya’s experience and the relationship between Maitreya and Naraku, this kind of thing seems reasonable.

When Maitreya was still young, his father died because of the curse of the wind cave. In order not to affect Maitreya, he had to give the childhood Maitreya to a monk to take care of him. Now that Maitreya is growing up, his life is constantly threatened by the wind cave. As long as Naraku does not die, he will be swallowed by the wind cave someday.

It’s a death anyway, and it’s not incomprehensible to fight Naraku desperately.

Naraku sneered when he heard the mage’s words, “Mage, you might as well give it a try, but before you absorb me, you will probably be poisoned by the most violent victory.”

Ari also stopped Maitreya and said, “Mage, there is still Inuyasha here, and Mukuro, you don’t have to go this way, let Inuyasha try again.”

Mukuro sighed secretly, disapproving of Maitreya’s doing this. He had been with Maitreya for a period of time. People were not grass and trees, and he couldn’t just watch Maitreya go to death. So once Maitreya opened the wind cave, Mukuro could only kill Naraku to stop him, but at this stage, Mukuro didn’t want Naraku to die.

At least before seeing Naraku in his peak state, Mukuro couldn’t let him curl his braids.

He pondered for a moment, and said: “Miracle, calm down, I can tell you clearly, that guy Naraku will die sooner or later, and he will definitely die before your wind cave collapses. Before that, take Naraku for entertainment. Have fun, or how boring the days should be.”

Shan Shan persuaded: “Since even Mukuro said so, don’t force yourself.”

Maitreya hesitated for a long time, so he let out a long sigh and dropped his hand. At the same time, the battle between Naraku and Inuyasha continued. Because Naraku’s arms can constantly regenerate, Inuyasha can’t help but Naraku himself can’t do anything to Inuyasha. In terms of flexibility, he is obviously far behind Inuyasha.

After several consecutive attacks with bizarre arms were ineffective, Naraku also began to become irritable.

He attacked Inuyasha with a large ball of miasma and said, “Inuyasha, this kind of battle is meaningless. None of us can kill anyone. If you have the ability, you can take this trick. As long as you succeed, I lose!”

The miasma that Naraku played was really terrifying, the strong miasma was even strong enough to threaten Inuyasha. But its attack speed is very slow, let alone Inuyasha, even if it is an ordinary person, it can easily get out of it. In other words, it was actually quite difficult to control such a large group of miasma with Naraku’s strength.

More importantly, there is even Naraku’s demon power in that miasma. Inuyasha probably felt it too, so when he saw Naraku’s attack, he was not afraid, but happily faced him.

Qibao jumped and said, “Why is Inuyasha this idiot fighting against Naruto?! Avoid the miasma! I don’t believe that I can’t win if I drag it until Naraku is exhausted!”

Mukuro held Qibao and said, “Shibao, shut up, you are the fool.”


Qibao asked strangely: “Even Mukuro agrees with Inuyasha and Naraku head-to-head?!”

“Of course, because Inuyasha has found a way to defeat Naraku.” Mukuro nodded and said.

Inuyasha rushed towards Naraku, slashing the wounds of the wind and attacking Naraku’s miasma. Naraku didn’t panic at all, but showed a cold smile.

Mukuro can fully guess his thoughts. After all, he has an enchantment and cannot be injured by Inuyasha’s wind injury. However, once the wind damage splits the miasma, the attack range will greatly increase, even affecting Ari and the others. Taking advantage of the chaos, he can take the opportunity to escape.

Even Mukuro, if you want to protect Kagura and the others from that kind of chaos, and at the same time hunt down Naraku, you have to be a little more serious.

But when the wound of the wind really hit the miasma, Naraku’s smile disappeared quickly.

Because, his miasma did not disperse due to the attack of the wind wound, but rolled back to himself, making the power of the wind wound even more terrifying.

Naraku yelled in panic, “What is this?! Why is this happening?!”

“That’s…Is it blasting?!” Maitreya was surprised: “Awesome! It turns out that Inuyasha has been waiting for this moment. Although Wind Wound can’t break through the barrier, blasting can. If it wasn’t for Naraku, he kept using it. Those weird arm attacks, Inuyasha must have killed him long ago.”

“Unexpectedly, when Inuyasha also used his brain, Nairo was over…”

“Inuyasha, attack with all your strength! We must break through Naraku’s barrier!”


Inuyasha’s explosion was like an indestructible awl, easily piercing Naraku’s barrier, causing Naraku’s body to fall apart.

In front of this force, even Naraku, who had become stronger, had no resistance. But just when everyone thought that Naraku died, a bunch of the most violent rushed down, wrapped the upper half of Naraku’s body, and then divided into several groups in midair, flying in different directions. For Inuyasha and others who couldn’t feel angry, they couldn’t tell which direction Naraku fled, so even if they learned the dance skills, they couldn’t hunt down.

They wanted to chase each other separately, but were stopped by Mukuro.

Mukuro said faintly, “Forget it, it is not that there will be no chance to kill Naraku in the future. Naraku’s body may also be an immortal body. You will catch up alone. If Naraku recovers, it is not Naraku’s opponent.”

Although Inuyasha and others were helpless, they could only admit their fate.

Inuyasha said annoyed: “Damn it, if I had killed him earlier, it wouldn’t be like this.”

“We will also take some responsibility later. When Naraku’s barrier is breached, Coral and I will be able to kill Naraku.” Maitreya was very frustrated. He didn’t seem to be unreasonable when he said that, as long as he took advantage of that momentary opportunity to absorb Naraku with the wind cave.

4.0 Naraku, whose body was torn apart, certainly did not have the strength to resist the wind cave. Even for corals, as long as the flying bones are used to smash Naraku’s heart.

However, it is obviously meaningless to say this now.

Mukuro said, “Forget it, take a break, and then continue to find Naraku’s journey.”

While Inuyasha and the others were resting, Mukuro used gravity to collect all the miasma scattered around, and then flew into outer space.

Naraku’s miasma is really corrosive, and if left alone, it will definitely have a very serious impact on the ecology. Anyway, cleaning up the miasma was just a small effort for Mukuro, and it was nothing.

After Mukuro left, Inuyasha stared at Mukuro’s figure dumbfounded: “So fast, Mukuro can fly to such a high place all at once. Does he want to fly out of the sky? What is out of the sky?!”

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