Chapter 1141 Naraku first battle

“You are a step late, Inuyasha.” Naraku pressed Wushuang’s head and completely retracted him into his body, very fast, even if Inuyasha wanted to stop it, it was too late.

After absorbing Wushuang, Naraku smiled triumphantly, as if unable to see Inuyasha and other opponents in front of him.

He didn’t look a little ugly until he saw Mukuro.

Seeing that Naraku could no longer be stopped, Inuyasha snorted, and said, “Naraku! You have clearly separated Wushuang in order to abandon your love for Kikyo. In that case, why do you want to absorb Wushuang again?! It’s because of this. When you separated Wushuang, did you accidentally fly out important things?! For example, Wushuang’s heart?!”

Inuyasha thought of Wushuang’s core.

Naraku praised: “The way you know me very well is because of Mukuro? It is really troublesome for me to have such a person with you. Fortunately, he doesn’t seem to want to kill me with his own hands. When I grow up, I have you. regrettable.”

“Really? Interesting, I’ll see if you can grow up.”

Inuyasha wasn’t in the mood to talk nonsense with Naraku anymore, and slammed out his broken teeth. The shot was wounded by the wind. With the current distance between Inuyasha and Naraku, Inuyasha’s wind wound hits out, and Naraku is absolutely impossible to avoid!

But even so, there was no trace of tension on Naraku’s face.


When the blade of the wind wound was about to be cut on Naraku’s body, a purple enchantment suddenly appeared, protecting Naraku’s whole body. Inuyasha’s wind wound stood on it, like a strong wind blowing on a mountain, with a little effect. nothing.

“Why?!” Inuyasha was completely stunned, and said without blinking: “What a strong barrier! When did Naraku become so strong?!”

“I just started to transform soon, give me a little more time, I can transform to become stronger than Mukuro, but I don’t know if you have the life to see that day.”

Naraku said coldly: “Inuyasha, we end here today. When we meet next time, it will be your death date.”

Hearing Naraku’s meaning, he seemed to want to run away again.

The moment the voice fell, his body did rise slowly, and it was already more than one foot high from the ground.

When Inuyasha was about to fly up and catch up with Wushuang, Naraku said indifferently: “Inuyasha, don’t waste your effort. Although you and Mukuro have learned how to fly in the sky, you are not yet familiar with fighting in the sky. I absorb Wushuang. After that, I know all the history of your battles. If you want to win, I have to practice for a few more years.”

As soon as the voice fell, Naraku commanded a lot of the most violent victories to rush forward, entangled Inuyasha. Inuyasha waved his iron and broken teeth continuously, and in the meantime he chopped several wind wounds, but the result was no effect at all.

Naraku’s most violent victories seemed endless, no matter how much he killed, he couldn’t finish it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Naraku flew higher and farther, just about to slip away.

Mukuro’s toes touched the ground lightly, and flew to the top of Naraku’s head at an even more alarming speed. The finger popped gently, and it was easy to knock Naraku down from a place more than ten meters high. Although Mukuro didn’t use much power, the gap between him and Naraku’s strength still cracked Naraku’s enchantment.


Naraku fell heavily to the ground, causing a bruise and swollen face.

He angrily said: “Mukuro! What are you doing? Wouldn’t you not intervene in the battle between Inuyasha and me?!”

“It was originally.”

Mukuro said lightly: “But you have to provoke me, saying that as long as the transformation succeeds, you can defeat me?! Don’t you ask yourself hardship? I’m sorry if I don’t do something.”

Nairo was short of breath, and his face rose to the color of pig liver.

Inuyasha laughed and said: “Ahahahaha! Let you talk more and get into this evil star. In Ari’s words, you are a disaster from your mouth!” With that, Inuyasha swooped down from the sky, by With the momentum of falling, the broken teeth in his hand slashed fiercely on Naraku’s enchantment.

Naraku’s barrier was already cracked under the force of Mukuro’s finger, and the strong impact when he fell on the ground made the barrier overwhelmed. If I was slashed by Inuyasha again, the barrier would be shattered like porcelain.

Naraku was taken aback, and quickly used the gap between the broken barriers to avoid the attack dangerously and dangerously.

“Naraku, are you scared?!” Inuyasha sneered: “Even if you are an arrogant guy like you, as long as Mukuro doesn’t let you escape, can you do nothing? Naraku, you disappointed me too much!”

Inuyasha held his broken teeth high, and slashed at Naraku again.

Naraku was taken aback, and hurried back, while looking at Mukuro in the sky: “Mukuro, what do you mean now?! Want to kill me here? Then you can do it. It’s better to die by your hands than by Inuyasha. ”

Mukuro sneered coldly without answering.

Because he just wanted to keep Naraku, let Inuyasha teach him a lesson, as punishment.

If Mukuro really wants to kill him, can he live to this day? !

Moreover, from Naraku’s reaction, he actually knew Mukuro’s mind, but he was not 100% sure, so he dared not fight back.

He asked Mukuro, but Mukuro didn’t respond to him, which probably gave him some kind of answer.

He said coldly: “I understand, Inuyasha, it seems that Mukuro will not intervene in the battle between us. You can’t be my opponent just now. As long as I defeat you, I can leave!”

Naraku opened the enchantment again, then waved his right hand, and a large group of miasma rushed towards Inuyasha.

Inuyasha was taken aback, and quickly avoided the attack, and said, “Nara! Your strength has become much stronger, but do you think this kind of attack is effective for me? Kagura is the only one you can harm with the miasma. You can treat women if you have the ability. Start.”

Although Mukuro was high in the sky, he just heard Inuyasha’s words and couldn’t help landing.

Inuyasha clearly wanted to dig a hole for Naraku to jump down. As long as Naraku really dared to hurt Kagura, he was basically finished. Otherwise, it’s impossible for Inuyasha so many people to mention a Kagura without mentioning it.

Fortunately, Naraku is not an idiot. She rolled her eyes and said, “Do you really think I can only attack with a miasma?! I have so many ways to deal with you.”

Naraku suddenly stretched out strange arms and stab Inuyasha.

Inuyasha hurriedly swung his iron shattered teeth to meet him, but he used a handful of iron shattered teeth against so many weird arms, and Naraku’s arms could regenerate. Even Inuyasha could not easily break through. If Inuyasha attacked with wind wounds, Naraku again Will retract his arm into the enchantment, just like an unbreakable turtle shell.

Maitreya, Shan Shan and others watched by the side, and they couldn’t help but secretly anxious.

Maitreya gritted his teeth and said: “Or, I will suck into the wind cave? Forget it?! Anyway, it’s all dead, it’s better to die with Nairo.”

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