Chapter 1133 The real body of the black witch

Mukuro and Grandma Feng walked forward quickly, and soon found the existence of the enchantment in the forest near the village. The enchantment is indeed very big, almost covering the entire forest, even if they know that the black witch is inside, it is not easy for ordinary people to find her.

Mukuro smiled and said, “The black maiden is timid to say it badly, and it is cautious to say it well. I don’t know how Kagura and Maitreya are.”

Granny Maple looked at Mukuro suspiciously and said, “If you want to know their situation, you have to go inside the barrier. How do we break the barrier?!”

“This kind of thing is not easy?!” Mukuro said, punching directly.


Mukuro blasted out with a punch. It didn’t seem to have much power, but after hitting the barrier, it was like a sharp needle piercing the paper, breaking the barrier at once.

Mother-in-law Feng was shocked and could not speak for a long time.

Mukuro shrugged and strode in.

In the deepest part of the forest, there is a wooden house. Maitreya, Kagura, and a woman face each other in front of the house.

That woman should be the so-called black witch, logically speaking, she is already a contemporary of Kikyo, but she is not old at all, she still looks like when she was young. You know, when Kikyo and the Black Witch fought, Granny Maple 16 was just a little girl, but now she has become an old woman.

Granny Maple was taken aback when she saw the young face of the black witch.

She amazed: “Why is this?!”

Mukuro said calmly: “It’s normal. She sells her body and soul in order to stay youthful. Although she still has a human appearance, she is actually a monster inside. Don’t believe me.”

Mukuro flicked his fingers and struck out a burst of energy, and the hair on the black maiden’s face was snapped.

After the hair was broken, the face of the black maiden was also displayed in front of Mukuro and others.

As Mukuro said earlier, her appearance is human, but some places have begun to be occupied by monsters. For example, the frame of her right eye is covered with blue snake scales, which is obviously part of the monster’s body. After this part was exposed to the air, the Black Witch was taken aback and quickly covered her eyes. But after a while, she appeared calmly in front of Mukuro.

She sneered: “Huh! What about the monster? As long as I am still me, it will be enough! What if the guy Kikyo beat me back then? She is now a dead person, only I is still alive, and the one who lives to the end is the real Winner!”


Mukuro said calmly: “Although you are alive, in everyone’s hearts, you are no different from the dead. Although Kikyo is dead, it still lives in the hearts of many people. Moreover, even if you live to the present, you will die today.”

After a pause, Mukuro turned around and said, “Kagura, Maitreya, stand back, Inuyasha and Ari are here, and then, hand over the battlefield to them.”

Kagura and the others turned their heads, and saw Ari and Inuyasha flying together. It seemed that Ari had escaped the control of the black witch. However, her face was still a little pale, and she was shaking when flying with the air dance technique, and the impact she was receiving was obviously not completely offset. And the injury on Inuyasha’s shoulder was not good, and his combat effectiveness was definitely not as good as in his heyday.

Granny Maple suggested: “Inuyasha is injured, and Ari’s condition doesn’t look very good. Wouldn’t it be better for you to help them solve the Black Witch?!”

“You’re right, but I can’t make a move.” Mukuro refused to drop Granny Maple.

If Mukuro really makes a move, of course the Black Witch can be wiped out at his fingertips, but does it make sense to do so? !

The black maiden was Kikyo’s enemy, and Inuyasha was Kikyo’s lover at the time. Ari was also the reincarnation of Kikyo. Knowing the black maiden is of great significance to them. Even if this relationship is aside, the black maiden and Naraku cooperate, and Inuyasha and Ari almost killed each other just now, it is necessary to leave the black maiden to them.

Inuyasha and Ari fell by Mukuro’s side, just in time to hear Mukuro’s words.

Inuyasha said solemnly: “Mukuro, thank you, I will take care of this guy myself. Whether it is for me or Ari, I must personally smash her into pieces!”

“I hope you can do it.” Mukuro said lightly, taking the initiative to step aside.

With such a heavy murderous Inuyasha, Mukuro can count the number of times he has seen it with one hand. Since he insists on fighting, then teach him the battlefield. Of course, if he can’t clean up the black witch, Mukuro will still save people. With the longer and longer acquaintance with Inuyasha and others, he no longer seems to be reluctant to help this kind of thing.

Seeing Inuyasha pulling out the broken teeth, the black maiden couldn’t help but laughed and said, “Hahahahaha… With your half-demon ability, you dare to say you want to smash my body into pieces?! You have been beaten by the reincarnation of Kikyo What else can I do?!”

“Wind wound!”

Without saying a word, Inuyasha cuts out his unique tricks.

The black witch was taken aback, turned around and fled.

However, how could her speed of escaping be comparable to Inuyasha’s wind wound? ! Just when she was about to be smashed by Inuyasha’s knife, the monsters of Naraku suddenly swooped down and blocked the attack of Iron Shards for her.

At the same time, a Nairobi puppet in white ape skin appeared next to her and said: “You must not be careless when fighting Inuyasha and the others. This is the last time I will save you. If you encounter this situation again, it will prove that you have not made peace. The value of my cooperation, the jade of the four souls, you would never have imagined.”

“Hmph, it was just my carelessness just now. This situation will certainly not happen again.” The Black Witch snorted coldly and said, “It’s too easy to clean up their little ones.”

Naraku didn’t say a word, only a strange arc was drawn from the mouth exposed under the white ape’s skin.

Needless to think about it, if Naraku doesn’t recognize the black maiden at all, if Inuyasha and the others are just young people, Naraku won’t have to work so hard to clean them up. However, the Black Witch still has utility to him, so he didn’t refute it either.

The Black Witch also ignored Naraku’s reaction, and walked towards Inuyasha on her own, and said coldly: “If you have the ability, you can cut it over again, but I can tell you clearly that my curse has not expired. If you dare to do that, you The woman behind will die immediately! If you don’t believe me, look at the color of the jade fragment on her body.”

Of course Inuyasha didn’t have the ability to see the color of the four-soul jade fragments, otherwise, he didn’t have to go back to the Sengoku era to find the four-soul jade.

But from Ari’s reaction, he could also see that the black maiden was telling the truth.

Maybe A Li’s state was wrong, because the curse was not really cleared.

He said with a sullen face, “Then I’ll hit until you are willing to release the curse for Ari!” Inuyasha hummed coldly, kicked hard with both feet, rushed up, and grabbed the black witch with his right paw. .

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