Chapter 1132 Sinister Black Witch

“Enchantment?! That person is hiding in the enchantment?!”

Maitreya was taken aback, and at the same time blamed himself in annoyance: “No wonder Kagura and I can’t find it in the village. It turns out that guy is hiding in the barrier. We just flew to the sky and looked at it with our naked eyes. If the barrier is special We really can’t see the barrier of blindness. That person thinks of this method is really insidious.”

Kagura’s pretty face blushed slightly, and said: “I am too sloppy. If you carefully sense the fluctuations of spiritual power and demon power, you may find something wrong.”

Both Maitreya and Kagura are strong in the monster world, and they should be able to discover the existence of enchantments, and being deceived by such a simple technique makes them feel complacent.

Of course, there are also factors in this because Maitreya and Kagura learned the air dance technique, and the improvement in their strength made them overconfident.

Mukuro interrupted their self-blame and said, “Don’t hold a review meeting anymore. Save your time and energy to find the barrier. Now that you know the goal, it should be easy to find out with your abilities.”

Both Maitreya and Kagura did not deny, nodded heavily and rushed out of the room, as if to wash away their shame.

Before Mukuro could tell them, he had already seen them run far away.

Granny Maple looked at Kagura’s back and said earnestly, “Mukuro, you do have the skills, Kagura seems to have been integrated into your small group.”

“This kind of thing is not important. People are not plants. After getting along for a long time, they can naturally blend in.” Mukuro smiled and said: “Mrs. Maple, let’s go, let’s go see the guy who cursed Ari, that guy and you related.”

“What?!” Mother Maple exclaimed in surprise, unable to believe Mukuro’s statement.

However, having gone through so many things, Maple’s mother-in-law has trusted Mukuro instinctively, so even if Mukuro’s statement sounds weird, she still keeps up.

When leaving, Mukuro left a clone with four fists and stayed beside Inuyasha in case of any accident.

After Mukuro’s body left, Shanhu and others followed. Only Mukuro, Inuyasha, and Ari were left in the room, and Ari was unconscious.

At this moment, Ari suddenly stood up, pulled off the bow and arrow on the wall, bent the bow and pointed it at Inuyasha.

“It really turned out to be like this.”

Mukuro frowned and said, “Inuyasha, did you see that? Naraku’s real purpose is you. It may be that you get the demon power of the dragon bone spirit, strengthen the iron shattered teeth, and make your own strength a lot stronger. Naraku has already felt that Threatened. He didn’t dare to show up on his own, so he cursed through other humans to let Ari kill you.”

You know, although A Li seems to have no power to bind a chicken, she is just a very ordinary middle school student, but her body contains powerful spiritual power.

That is a strange kind of energy in the world of Inuyasha. It seems to be the root of the power of the witch. Although that kind of energy is ineffective to humans, it can cause huge damage to the monsters.

In other words, if you were hit by Ari’s arrow, even Inuyasha would be life-threatening.

Inuyasha has known Ari for so long, and of course he also knows this.

He panicked and said, “Mukuro! Why is this? What do those guys want to use Ari for?”

Inuyasha’s pupils were shrinking, speaking very anxiously. Mukuro rarely sees such a flustered Inuyasha, maybe Ari’s arrow reminded him of the battle with Kikyo.

Mukuro lazily said, “Isn’t it obvious already?! Naraku used a black witch to curse Ari, and then controlled Ari’s attack. Naraku likes this kind of trick best, as long as you two kill each other, the guilt and resentment in your heart will be enough. It will pollute the jade of the four souls. For Naraku, there is no better news than this.”

“Naraku!” Inuyasha gritted his teeth with anger.

“Don’t think about revenge, save your own life.” Mukuro said indifferently, “Ari’s strength is not a joke. I was really hit by her. Even you will see your dad instantly. .”

“Inuyasha, run away!”


As soon as Ari’s voice fell, the arrow in his hand flew out, flying towards Inuyasha like a meteor.

Inuyasha was taken aback and hurriedly hid to the side, but was still pierced through his shoulders and nailed to the wall. This is because A Li still maintained his consciousness, but his body didn’t listen to his orders, so he changed his angle forcibly at the last moment. Otherwise, Inuyasha is probably already dead by Ari’s hands.

However, Ari did not stop because of this, but took out another arrow and aimed at Inuyasha again.

Inuyasha is now nailed to the wall by Ari’s arrow. Although the only thing behind him is a wooden wall, he can break free with a little effort, but if he does that, the room will inevitably collapse… With Ari’s physical fitness , There is absolutely no way to save his life in the collapsed room, which makes Inuyasha throw a rat.

Since Inuyasha could not evade, once Ari’s arrow was shot out, only death was waiting for him.

Mukuro stood up and sighed: “Fortunately, I left a clone here, otherwise it’s really troublesome, Inuyasha, you have to train your own speed.”

Mukuro slowly walked between Ari and Inuyasha and said, “Ari, stop, you are also the reincarnation of Kikyo at any rate, and your own strength is not bad, otherwise you wouldn’t have taken your soul back from Kikyo. With your strength, you can completely resist the opponent’s control, as long as your will is firm enough.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Ari released his hand and let the arrow in his hand fly towards Mukuro.

Of course Mukuro knew that the archer was not Ari, but Mukuro’s words strengthened Ari’s resistance and made the black maiden trouble, so he wanted to kill Mukuro.

But if she really thought that Ari’s arrow could hurt Mukuro, she would be too naive.

Mukuro didn’t even have the interest in moving the position. He raised the index and middle fingers of his right hand and easily clamped the arrow shot by Ari.

Then he said lightly: “Black Witch, I know you can hear me, stop it, Ali is not someone you can really control, and you can’t use her hand to hurt us.” After a pause, he turned his head back. Said to Inuyasha: “Inuyasha 1.5, I can only help you get here, and the rest is up to you.”

As soon as the voice fell, Mukuro’s clone disappeared.

On the other side, Grandma Feng walked to the place where the barrier was with Mukuro, and asked curiously: “You said that the person who cursed Ari is related to me? What’s going on here?!”

Mukuro replied: “Strictly speaking, it is not related to you, but to your sister Kikyo. That is the black maiden who fought with your sister back then. She wanted to avenge your sister and also to obtain the four soul jade fragments. , So I cooperated with Naraku. But there is no time to explain to you in detail, the black maiden is very sinister, if they don’t hurry over, maybe Kagura and the others will suffer.”

Granny Maple nodded and agreed with Mukuro’s statement, and the speed of the two people’s feet increased a little.

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