Chapter 1127 Fourth clone

Gangtooth was furious by Inuyasha, and he was so angry that he could not tear Inuyasha.

However, he thought about it, and in the end he didn’t refute Inuyasha, but encouraged him: “You are so capable, so go and cut Naraku’s clone.”

Gangfang was talking to Inuyasha, but his eyes were fixed on Mukuro. In other words, he believed that Inuyasha did not have the strength to clean up Naraku’s clone, even if Inuyasha’s strength was actually much stronger than him. Since even the Inuyasha in Gangfang’s cognition couldn’t do this kind of thing, of course he couldn’t do it after the iron shattered teeth became heavy.

Inuyasha is not an idiot, he yelled when he saw this: “Skinny wolf! Who are you looking at talking?!”

Mukuro interrupted the quarrel between them and said, “Be quiet. Let’s take a look at the front and see how powerful Naraku’s clone is.”

In fact, when talking to Inuyasha and Gunga, Mukuro had already guessed who his opponent was.

In Naraku’s life, he split up a lot of clones, but the actual number is not particularly large, and the ones who can chase Steelfang fled in embarrassment are even pitiful. So Mukuro recalled for a moment, and remembered that his opponent should be Naraku’s fourth clone-Juroumaru.

That Juro Maru was the fastest of Naraku’s clones, and he didn’t listen to Naraku’s orders. Mukuro felt that Naraku’s breath suddenly weakened before. It was probably because of the attack by Juromaru. Of course, everything now is just Mukuro’s guess. The specific situation needs to be known by the real opponent.

Just as Mukuro and the others were trying to catch up, Naraku’s clone had already caught up with the smell of steel teeth first, and stopped in front of Mukuro and the others. Although the guy has a human appearance, he is lying on the ground like a beast, with chains on his hands and feet, and a mask on his face. Although he has a mask to cover his face, there is always cold from his mouth through the mask, which looks very scary. There is no doubt that this guy is Juromaru! Behind Juromaru followed Naraku in white ape skin, but he was just a puppet, so he couldn’t dare to appear in his real form.

Naraku’s puppet said coldly, “Well?! Steel Teeth stayed here and didn’t leave. It seems that he has confidence in your strength. This is not a wise choice.”

Inuyasha said with an unhappy expression: “Huh! The skinny wolf was scared to run away by you, but that doesn’t mean I will do it too. Don’t compare him with me.”

Naraku stunned, and did not answer Inuyasha. Instead, he looked down at Juromaru and said, “Juromaru, I want to unlock your seal and fight as much as you want.”

As soon as the voice fell off, the mask originally worn on Ju Lang Maru’s face and the chains on his hands and feet fell off. The seal was unlocked, and a white light flashed, and Shu Lang Maru attacked Naraku first, splitting Naraku’s puppet in half.

Inuyasha was taken aback and said, “Isn’t he a clone of Naraku? Why did he attack Naraku?!”

“Is it because of this that Naraku locked him?! Could this clone not even judge the enemy or me?!” Maitreya was slightly surprised.

Kagura’s face solemnly said: “Danger, my intuition tells me that this guy is dangerous, so be careful.” As soon as Kagura’s voice fell, another white light flashed in front of Juroumaru and hit Kagura.

With the strength and eyesight of Inuyasha and others, I’m afraid that I can’t see the white light body clearly. Only Mukuro can see that it is a flying monster similar to a praying mantis.

He has the head of Jurang Maru, but he is much smaller, and his hands resemble the sickles of a praying mantis.

He went straight to Kagura, clearly wanting to avenge Naraku. He didn’t expect that even if he was irrational, even Naraku could attack, but he remembered to kill Kagura who had betrayed them.

From this point of view, Juromaru and Naraku’s position are still the same.

But since Mukuro is here, of course it is impossible for Juromaru to succeed.

Mukuro didn’t even need to move, but just used repulsive force to protect Kagura and others, and then bounced Juromaru back.

When the mantis-like monster was bounced back, Inuyasha and the others finally saw each other’s appearance clearly.

Inuyasha was surprised: “Mukuro, what is this?!”

Naraku’s puppet was lying on the ground and hadn’t completely disappeared. He said coldly, “Hey, you guys don’t even want to live today. Even Mukuro can’t protect you forever.”

Mukuro has not answered yet. The mantis-like monster has already replied first: “My name is Kageroumaru, and I usually sleep in the belly of Juroumaru. The reason why Naraku used a mask to seal Juroumaru’s mouth was to prevent I’m out… Hey, I only listen to Juromanu, Naraku is afraid that I will kill him.”

After a pause, he shouted again: “Come on! Julangwan! Get rid of all the people here! I want to eat them all!”

Maitreya took a step forward and was about to open the wind acupuncture point, but as before, Naluo had the most fierce victory by placing it all around.

If Maitreya keeps opening the wind acupuncture point, without waiting for Yulang Wan and Kage Lang Wan to be inhaled, the most violent poison will already make Maitreya die. Inuyasha was naturally furious, and was about to rush up with his broken teeth. But even though Inuyasha had begun to adapt to the weight of the broken teeth, it was still difficult to control flexibly, and his movements were very awkward.

Kagerou Maru took advantage of this opportunity and rushed towards Inuyasha like an arrow from the string, piercing his body directly.

Mukuro really couldn’t stand it anymore, so he had to step forward and said, “Inuyasha, leave this opponent to me. It seems that you won’t let your iron shattered teeth become lighter, and it does seriously affect your combat effectiveness. Waiting for this shadow man to be resolved. Maru and Jurou Maru, I’ll take you to another place.”

“Where?” Inuyasha was startled.

“Looking back on this question, the most important thing now is to get rid of Kageromaru and Kageromaru.” Mukuro faintly stopped in front of Inuyasha, blocking Juromaru and Kageromaru, and said, “By all means, this is probably my first time. As soon as the war starts, take the initiative to ask for intervention. In order to commemorate the first time, you do your best to let me see it.”

“You are the human named Mukuro. I heard Naraku tell you about you.” Kagerou Maru said: “Naraku 0.5 told me not to provoke you anyway. Just kill the people around you, but it seems to me. , You are just a fool. No matter how strong you are as a human being, how can you treat me? Human bodies are too fragile compared to monsters!”

Kagero Maru rushed forward and attacked Mukuro.

Mukuro didn’t bother to talk nonsense anymore, and reached out like lightning with his right hand, pinching Kageroumaru’s neck. At the moment Kagerou Maru was restrained, Jurou Maru also rushed up to save him. Mukuro kicked out and kicked Jurou Maru directly.

Kageroumaru yelled in panic, “How come?! You, a human, can actually see my movements?! And your power is still so great!” Kageroumaru tried his best to struggle, but it turned out a little bit. No use, Mukuro’s fingers are still holding him like iron tongs.

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