Chapter 1126 Heavy knife

Mukuro sensed Inuyasha’s qi and moved instantaneously, so he appeared directly at Touzai’s house.

When he appeared, he happened to see Dao Dao Sai open his mouth and spit out a ball of flames, spraying towards Mukuro.

Inuyasha was originally sitting next to Totosai, watching Totosai casting a sword, so when Mukuro appeared, he noticed it the first time. As if he had seen a ghost, he even crawled to the side and fled to the side, his movements and reactions were very quick. Mukuro couldn’t help but stunned when he saw his reaction.

Given the friendship between Mukuro and Inuyasha, he shouldn’t be so scared, right? ! Mukuro didn’t think about it, but when he saw the flame, he subconsciously used the repulsive force to bounce back all the flames ejected by the sword blade.

Dao Dao Zhai’s beard and hair were immediately burnt, and he couldn’t help but jump up and shouted, “What are you doing?! Do you want to burn me?!”

“I want to ask you what else do you do?”

Mukuro said calmly: “I don’t have the ability to breathe fire. You spray these flames yourself. I just return them to you.”

Totozai blinked his ping pong-like eyes, and was speechless.

Inuyasha gratefully said from behind, “I knew that Mukuro would bounce your fire back, and the result was exactly the same as I thought. Fortunately, I hide quickly.”

Mukuro was a little bit ridiculous. It seems that Inuyasha’s understanding of Mukuro has indeed reached a new level after a long period of joint travel. Mukuro is now a Master with great ease, and he can avoid attacks on his own with his body instinct even in a normal state. Of course, he can do this kind of thing, of course it is impossible for him to be attacked.

But Mukuro doesn’t want to discuss this issue anymore.

He asked faintly, “Have Inuyasha’s broken teeth been cast?!”

It’s been quite a while since Mukuro went to find the Sashiwan Maru. It shouldn’t take long for Mukuro to reattach the broken iron teeth with the knives of the sword.

Mukuro lowered his head to look at the broken iron teeth in front of Totozai, and saw that the broken teeth were still leaned by the flames, the whole body was red, but it was indeed reconnected.

Dao Dao Zhai’s hammer also kept beating the iron teeth.

He replied: “It’s almost there, but Inuyasha may not be able to use it like before.”

After finally waiting for the Broken Teeth to cool down, Inuyasha reached out to grab the handle of Broken Teeth and couldn’t wait. But when his hand really caught the handle of the knife, his face couldn’t help but change again.

He yelled: “Daodaozai! What did you do to my broken teeth?!”

Mukuro watched from the side, and saw Inuyasha’s right hand trembling, as if he was carrying a heavy object, he couldn’t lift the broken teeth at all. He couldn’t use one hand, and he used the other hand as well, and as a result, he could only reluctantly lift the knife. It is obviously impractical to use such a heavy knife to fight.

Inuyasha brandished abruptly, gritted his teeth and said, “Such a knife can’t cut anyone!” Inuyasha’s appearance at this moment reminded Mukuro of the Sun Gohan who pulled out the realm of the world king in the original Dragon Ball.

Mukuro smiled and said, “You can’t use iron broken teeth flexibly, just because you are not strong enough, and because recast iron broken teeth have used your teeth, which are different from your father’s teeth, so the iron broken teeth can be used. Change. Bring your knife and I will try it.”

Mukuro took the broken teeth in Inuyasha’s hand, and immediately felt that his hand sank, as if a large stone fell into his hand. No wonder Inuyasha was so laborious and awkward. Of course, the so-called heaviness of Iron Broken Teeth is only relatively speaking, not too heavy to bear. At least in Mukuro’s view, if the weight before it was like a straw, it is now at best the weight of a chopstick, which is still not worth mentioning.

Mukuro danced a curtain of swords with iron shattered teeth with one hand, and then slashed towards Totosai’s head.

Dao Dao Zhai was taken aback, and quickly hugged his head and squatted down and said, “What are you doing? Even if I accidentally spit fire to you just now, you don’t need to retaliate against me like this!”

Under Mukuro’s control, the iron fragmented teeth slid past Totosai’s forehead, just to cut off the remaining hair on his head and the traces of the scorched hair.

Totosai probably also felt Mukuro’s movements, and he was taken aback for a while and said, “What did you do just now?!”

“Don’t you feel what I am doing?!” Mukuro said calmly, “Then your head can really be cut off.”

Inuyasha wiped Katozasai’s head and asked, “It’s so clean, Mukuro, how did you do it?! How can you use such a heavy knife so flexibly?!”

Dao Dao Zhai exclaimed excitedly: “Are you crazy? If something went wrong just now, I would have to die by your knife. This kind of joke is not funny at all!”

“No, no,” Mukuro quickly denied, “If you really die, you should die under Inuyasha’s knife, not mine. After all, the iron shattered tooth is Inuyasha’s knife. In fact, if you are not sure, I too I won’t experiment with you, and I won’t let you die before you can cast a knife for Inuya.”

“Are you going to break the iron teeth several times?!” Dao Dao Zhai shouted excitedly again.

Mukuro ignored the sword and knife, and directly handed the broken teeth to Inuyasha, saying: “Take it, and exercise slowly when you have time. You have learned some use of qi from me anyway, and your strength should be improved.”

Inuyasha had no choice but to leave with his broken teeth.

At Mukuro’s request, in order to allow him to exercise at all times, Mukuro kept him in the state of the demon sword with iron and broken teeth. After all, only the iron and broken teeth in the state of the demon knife can be so heavy. In the past few days, Inuyasha’s exercise hadn’t had much effect, but Mukuro felt the change in Naraku’s breath first.

Just now, Naraku’s breath suddenly weakened, and then returned to its original state, as if he was traumatized, even Mukuro didn’t know what was going on.

Maitreya noticed the change in Mukuro’s expression and asked strangely: “Mukuro, what happened?!”

“I guess so.”

Mukuro said uncertainly, “It seems that there is another problem with Naraku, but only he himself or the next time I see him will know the details.”

In the past few days in peace, Mukuro, who was traveling to a forest, suddenly saw Gangfang running out of the woods, but he did not follow his wolf demon boy behind him. This situation is usually only when Gangfang is chased and killed. Appear.

Mukuro hurriedly stopped Gangya and asked, “Gangya, why are you running for your life again?! Have you met a strong opponent?!”

Gangya saw Mukuro, and his eyes lit up: “You are right here. I just ran into a clone of Naraku. It feels very dangerous. Go and get him out.”

After speaking, Gangya turned around and wanted to leave.

Although the guy Gangfang is not very strong, he is very sensitive to danger. He feels that his opponent is dangerous, which has already explained a lot of problems.

However, the Inuyasha on the side saw him upset, and immediately sneered: “A clone of Naraku scared you so much, it’s really useless.”

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