Chapter 1113 Confident Inuyasha

Kagura swung two sharp wind blades, flew past Inuyasha’s feet, and landed on the ground.

Although the ground is ordinary soil, since it is Naraku’s castle, the soil here must have been reinforced. But even so, when Kagura’s wind blade smashed up, it still split the soil, and two grooves up to one or two meters deep appeared on the ground out of thin air. If such an attack hit Inuyasha, I’m afraid even Inuyasha could not bear it.

But Inuyasha didn’t take such an attack to heart at all, and even smiled disapprovingly.

With a cold snort, Inuyasha said, “Naraku’s clone is only this level. I’m not even afraid of Naraku. Wouldn’t I be afraid of you?!”

Inuyasha lifted the broken teeth high and slashed again fiercely.

Kagura stepped back again and said, “So it turns out that if you stab me, I will definitely die. But I am the messenger of the wind, why do I have to fight with you? As long as I keep away from you, you can do nothing. I am.”

16 After moving a certain distance from Inuyasha, Kagura shook his fan, and suddenly all the corpses of the demon wolf clan monsters on the ground stood up.

Although they wobbled when they stood up, like string puppets, they did stand up, and they were approaching Inuyasha.

Where did Inuyasha have seen such a thing, he couldn’t help being surprised.

He leaped two or three feet away, then turned his head and asked Mukuro, “Mukuro, what’s the matter?! Aren’t the idiots of the demon wolf clan dead?”

Mukuro said calmly: “They are indeed dead, but who said that the one who can stand up and fight must be alive? In addition to being the messenger of the wind, Kagura also has the ability to control the corpse. The recruit is called Zombie Dance, and you know that you can drive a corpse to fight.”

“Let the corpse fight?!”

Inuyasha’s face was very ugly, and he constantly waved his iron teeth to meet him.

But it was only the corpse that was attacked by him. The corpse didn’t feel pain or fear, and it rushed up continuously.

Even if Inuyasha chopped the corpse into several pieces, they could still stand up, making Inuyasha quite speechless. The battle didn’t last long before Inuyasha’s clothes were stained red with blood.

In the course of the battle, Inuyasha tried to use the dance technique, wanting to jump over the corpses and attack Kagura. But Kagura seemed to have been on guard. As long as Inuyasha dared to leave the ground, Kagura would immediately use her wind to control the wolf demon to catch up. Even Inuyasha would never want to get out easily. Moreover, while controlling the attack of the wolf demon corpse, Kagura would also make trouble with the wind blade from time to time, which added trouble to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha had no progress after fighting for a long time.

Just when Inuyasha couldn’t help it, Kagura suddenly stopped the corpses, and at the moment when all the corpses of the wolf demon fell to the ground, Steel Tooth appeared in Naraku’s city.

Gangfang saw the demon wolf corpse all over the floor and Inuyasha with blood all over his face, and his face became more and more ugly.

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and approached Inuyasha step by step, saying: “Inuyasha, your knife is so fierce that you killed so many of my men. I can’t spare you today!”

Gangtooth was really confused, and rushed towards Inuyasha at an astonishing speed with one kick of his feet.

In Mukuro’s view, his speed is nothing.

But compared with the previous him, both speed and strength have been significantly enhanced by several grades. He punched Inuyasha’s body, making Inuyasha too late to react and he flew out.

Inuyasha also vomited blood directly after hitting him, and the injury was serious.

“how come?!”

Maitreya also saw that something was wrong, and was surprised: “How could the power of steel teeth become so powerful?!”

Coral said strangely: “Could it be that Gangfang didn’t use all his strength when he fought Inuyasha last time?!”

“How can it be?!”

Mukuro said calmly: “Ari has already seen the reason. This is a conspiracy, a trap.”

Maitreya and Shan Shan were taken aback for a moment, then looked at A Li and asked A Li what was going on.

Ari stared at Guntooth and Inuyasha in the battle and said, “Mukuro is right. This is only Naraku’s conspiracy. I saw a fragment of the jade of four souls on Guntooth’s arm, but the fragment was black. That is a piece of jade of four souls polluted by the miasma. Only Naraku can have such a strong miasma.”

“That said, Mukuro’s previous reminder is indeed correct.” Maitreya said solemnly: “Naraku wanted to use Steel Tooth to make Steel Tooth and Inuyasha kill each other.”

During the conversation, the battle between Gunga and Inuyasha continued. After seeing that his companion was killed, Gangfang had completely lost his mind and attacked Inuyasha like a mad dog. Inuyasha saw that it was a trap, and knew that Steel Teeth was used, but it was not good for the killer. He could only use the Iron Teeth to fight against it. In fact, if the Steel Teeth hadn’t obtained the peculiar Four Soul Jade Shard, Inuyasha’s power could easily be used. Handle.

But with the power provided by the jade of the four souls, even Inuyasha could hardly resist.

In a short while, Inuyasha’s tiger’s mouth was shaken and cracked, his body was full of wounds, large and small, and the hands holding the broken teeth were already trembling.

“Go to hell!!” Suddenly, Gangya found an opportunity and rushed towards Inuyasha with his astonishing speed, knocking Inuyasha to the ground with a punch.

Inuyasha was lying on the ground, motionless, but never stood up again.

Mukuro sensed 477 that Inuyasha’s qi had indeed weakened to the extreme. If Gangfang attacked Inuyasha for a few more punches, it would surely make Inuyasha’s qi disappear. However, the ability of the monster to recover is indeed amazing. The moment Gangfang stopped attacking, Inuyasha’s injury seemed to have begun to heal on its own, and his qi gradually recovered.

Of course, for those who can’t feel angry, Inuyasha hasn’t changed anything, and it’s still half-dead.

After Gangfang knocked down Inuyasha, Kagura slowly stepped forward: “The young master of the demon wolf clan, did a good job. I didn’t expect you to really defeat Inuyasha. I thought at first that you could only consume Inuyasha’s physical strength. Since you killed Inuyasha, please hand over the jade fragments of the Four Souls you have on you. You have no use value.”

As soon as the voice fell, Kagura used a corpse dance, and controlled the demon wolf’s body to besiege Gangfang.

At this point, no matter how stupid Steel Teeth is, it can be seen that the situation is not right.

Just when he was about to fight back, a strong miasma appeared on his arm, causing his hand to turn black quickly. At the same time, due to the erosion of the miasma, he fell to the ground and struggled painfully, completely losing his combat effectiveness.

Mukuro walked slowly to Kagura and said, “It really turned out to be like this. Naraku’s strategy was indeed very successful. But Kagura, are you sure you want to work for Naraku?! Your heart is still on Naraku, which is equivalent to Naraku’s puppet. Don’t you want to be free?!”

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