Chapter 1112 Bird of paradise extermination

You know, the reason why Mukuro didn’t use the qigong wave attack just now, but rushed into the beak of Bliss, was just worried about destroying the fragments of the jade of the four souls. Now that he had grabbed the jade of the four souls, he didn’t have to worry about this kind of thing anymore. After raising the Qi to its limit, a white flame enveloped Mukuro’s body, and at the same time it exuded a very strong impact.

This impact was nowhere to be released in the bird of paradise, and it exploded the bird of paradise to pieces.

After the bird of paradise was crushed to pieces, Mukuro also appeared in front of everyone with a white arrogance shrouded in it.

Gangfang saw Mukuro’s appearance and couldn’t help but stunned: “What is that? Why is there a white light on that human body? The feeling he gave me was completely different from just now.”

“Of course it’s different. He doesn’t know how much stronger he is now.”

Relying on his knowledge of Mukuro, Inuyasha deliberately ostentatiously said: “He is a type that can adjust his strength at any time. The white light must have appeared after he has increased his strength. In fact, it is not his full strength, I remember him. It can turn into blond hair, and it feels stronger than it is now.”

Mukuro slowly reduced his breath and landed on the ground.

At the same time, Ari, Maitreya and others have also landed. Their strength is far inferior to that of Mukuro and Inuyasha, even if they just stay in mid-air for a long time using dance art, it is a great burden for them.

Mukuro threw the fragments of the jade of the four souls in his hand to Ari, and said, “Take it away, and keep it.”

A Li nodded and took the fragments of the jade of the four souls.

It was only at this moment that Mukuro realized that Ari was not wearing the jade of the four souls around his neck as before, but placed it in a bottle.

When worn on the neck before, the jade of the four souls was hemispherical, because the fragments of the jade of the four souls collected by them were enough. But at this moment, there are only a few pieces in the bottle.

Mukuro hadn’t paid attention to this kind of broken things before, and now he can’t help but be surprised when he sees it.

“Ari, what’s the matter?” Mukuro couldn’t help asking.

“What’s the matter?” A Li was shocked.

“Does this kind of question still need to be said?”

Mukuro pointed to the bottle in Ari’s hand and said, “You can see for yourself how many fragments of the jade of the four souls are left. Where are the fragments of the jade of the four souls collected before?!”

Ari showed an awkward expression, he hehe smiled and said, “Didn’t you say that you are going to find the Sahomaru a few days ago? At that time, Naraku took the opportunity to sneak attack and snatched all the four soul jade fragments from our hands. But you were there. , We can grab it back anytime, so don’t worry.”

“That’s why you didn’t tell me? Your hearts are big enough.” Mukuro was speechless.

But after thinking about it, Mukuro felt that Ari’s words made sense.

As long as Mukuro is really interested, what is a mere Naraku? !

Even if Naraku really gets the complete Four Soul Jade fragments, Mukuro can easily clean up Naraku. They don’t have a hierarchy at all, so even if the Four Soul Jade fragments are snatched away, Mukuro is actually not nervous. feel.

Mukuro sighed, and had to say, “Forget it, the matter on the steel tooth side has been resolved, I think we should continue to search for Naraku’s whereabouts.”

The fragments of the jade of the four souls fell on Mukuro’s hands. Steel Fang had no ability to snatch at all, and he didn’t even dare to snatch it. After Mukuro separated from them, Steel Fang did not dare to catch up.

After continuing to search for Naraku’s castle for a few days, Mukuro and Inuyasha finally found a clue.

Leaning on Inuyasha’s dog nose, they were slowly following Naraku’s stench. Before long, Mukuro sensed the existence of a barrier in front of him. The barrier seems to have a blind eye in it, even Mukuro can sense the existence of energy, but it seems that there is no difference.

As he approached the barrier, Mukuro felt the gas of Gangfang approaching again.

“Trouble now.”

Mukuro sighed, “Inuyasha, do you smell any special smells?!”

“I smell those sick wolves, what’s the matter?!” Inuyasha asked strangely: “Is there something wrong?!”

“It’s really wrong.” Mukuro frowned, and said, “The idiot of steel teeth seems to have been used by Naraku. If we continue to move forward, we will probably step into Naraku’s trap. But since we have come here, if we give up temporarily I’m really not reconciled. Choose for yourself.”

“Do you still have to ask about this kind of thing?! Of course it is to catch up.”

Inuyasha was very impatient, and replied without thinking, “I finally found the position of Naraku, how can I easily give up?”

Mukuro knew that Inuyasha couldn’t give up easily, so he didn’t bother to talk more…

Anyway, even if it is really misunderstood by Steel Tooth, it’s okay.

On the way to Narok Castle, Mukuro said faintly: “As long as you keep chasing, the probability of being hit is quite high. You can be mentally prepared. If something really happens, Ari and Coral, you stay away. , Don’t be nosy.”

Both Ari and Coral nodded, although they didn’t know what would happen, they cooperated very well with Mukuro.

Maitreya protested dissatisfiedly: “Hey! Why don’t you remind me?!”

“Because you will definitely not interfere.” Mukuro blocked Maitreya back with a single sentence.

Inuyasha said uncomfortably, “Huh! I feel like I’m going to die. Don’t be kidding. Neither Naraku nor the skinny wolf can be my opponent.”

While talking, Mukuro and others have moved closer to Naraku’s castle.

Probably because the distance was close enough, the barrier that Mukuro could not catch with the naked eye also appeared in the front.

Mukuro hit a wave of qigong far away, destroying the barrier and said, “Just rush in, don’t waste time.”

Inuyasha nodded, pulled out the broken teeth, and flew in with all his strength using the dance air technique.

After rushing into the city, Mukuro and others did not see Naraku, but saw a barefoot woman slowly coming out of the house with a fan in her hand. In front of the 3.1 women, there were many corpses of the Demon Wolf tribe, and the blood completely stained the ground.

“What’s going on?!” Inuyasha was taken aback.

“I just said that? Naraku mostly set a trap here. The current situation is the best proof.” Mukuro said, “Anyway, let’s solve the woman first.”

Inuyasha snorted coldly, slashed at the woman with a knife, and said, “Although I don’t know why you have the smell of Naraku, since Mukuro asked me to do it, then I will get rid of you first!”

Inuyasha flew directly above the woman and slashed her head with a knife.

The woman swiftly avoided, and at the same time fanned out a few wind blades to attack Inuyasha and said, “My name is Kagura, and I am Naraku’s clone. Whether it can be solved is up to you, huh.”

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