Chapter 1095 coral

With his own memory, Mukuro recognized at a glance that the village in front of him was the hometown of coral.

As for the disappearance of the atmosphere in the village, you don’t need to think about it as the Coral family. They have all been defeated by Naraku’s plan and have been invited to Naraku’s palace. In Naraku’s palace, they should die, and in the end only coral is left. If Mukuro and Inuyasha rushed over immediately, they might be able to save people in time.

Mukuro stopped a person in the stockade and asked, “Is anyone in your village invited to remove the demon?! How long has it been away?!”

The man recalled and said, “It’s been a long time, why?”

“That’s bad.”

Where did Mukuro have time to explain to them, he immediately dragged Inuyasha and Ari and the others, asked for directions, and left. When the people in the village saw Mukuro flying up, they panicked and regarded Mukuro as a monster. Because Mukuro’s actions were too abrupt, Inuyasha, Ari and others also couldn’t figure out what he wanted to do.

Inuyasha asked, “Didn’t you mean to find a companion?! Where do you want to take us?!”

A Li also asked: “You can always explain the situation to us, right?”

587 Mukuro said solemnly: “In the village just now, didn’t you say that four people left? The four of them have gone to Naraku, and then Naraku will kill them. If we rush over in time, we might be able to rescue them. Of course, it is also possible to capture Naraku alive. If it is later, it will be too late.”

Hearing that it was Naraku, both Ari and Inuyasha were shocked and quickly asked Mukuro to hurry up.

Actually, Mukuro didn’t want to fly faster, but at the current speed, both Ari and Inuyasha were almost unable to open their eyes, and couldn’t support such a speed at all. If they fly faster, the pressure from the air alone may cause them to be seriously injured or even killed.

Mobility was originally a good way, but when Coral and others were not gathered together, even if their strength was much stronger than ordinary humans, it was still insignificant in Mukuro’s view.

It is really not easy to sense their anger.

This is like a lot of fireflies flying in the night sky, which can be easily found. But one or two fireflies are flying around under the stars, and no one with the best eyesight will ever want to find them easily.

Mukuro flew for a while, and saw a huge castle appear in front of him.

Several powerful breaths appeared in the castle, seeming to be fighting.

Mukuro sensed the breath, although it only took two or three seconds to fly in, but he really couldn’t wait and moved in instantly. After entering the city, Mukuro saw that the Coral family was fighting at a glance, but except for Coral and Coral’s younger brother, everyone else had been killed.

“I’m late.”

Mukuro said helplessly: “Obviously, he has arrived at full speed, but there are still two people who died, maybe this is their fate. But since they are here, let’s see if we can catch Naraku.”

After a pause, Mukuro said to Inuyasha, “Inuyasha, Maitreya, go to the house to find Naraku, and I will stop the brother and sister.”

After Inuyasha and Maitreya rushed out, Mukuro stepped forward and stopped between the coral and Amber. At the same time, coral flying bones and amber chain scythes also flew towards Mukuro.

Kohaku was already under control. Even if he saw that the attacker was Mukuro, he did not respond. Coral was taken aback and quickly reminded Mukuro: “What did you rush in for? Get out of here!”


Amber’s scythe kills opponents by its sharpness. As long as the sharpness can’t cut people, Mukuro’s power is ignored by Mukuro. However, Coral’s attack is pure power, and the impact is very large, which surprised Mukuro a little bit. Although it is still impossible for Mukuro to be injured by such an attack, the impact seems to have been above Inuyasha’s broken teeth.

Mukuro grabbed their sister and brother’s weapon empty-handed and said, “Coral, you are very injured. You can’t fight with your brother anymore, or you will definitely die. If you don’t want to die, you will save your life and find and control you. The younger brother’s people take revenge.”

“The one who controls my brother… That’s right!” Huo suddenly realized: “No wonder the lake suddenly attacked us, who is controlling him? Are there people in this city?”

“Finally found out?! You are not too slow.”

Mukuro explained: “In this city, there is a guy named Naraku, maybe our enemy, that guy likes to play with people. As far as I know, he controls your brother like this, just for the guy to give us, let us each other Killing. So if you want to get your brother out of his control, the only way is to kill Naraku.”

“You are strong.”

Shanhu suddenly doubted: “If Naraku is your enemy, then his strength will not be much worse than you, right?! A powerful person like him needs to use us?!”

Mukuro thought for a while, and felt that Coral’s suspicion was not unreasonable.

After all, compared with Mukuro, the strength of Coral sisters and brothers is really not worth mentioning. If Naraku uses them to deal with Mukuro… Mukuro can’t think of how to describe this kind of thing.

Mukuro said helplessly: “The matter is a bit complicated, it is difficult for me to explain, wait to see if Inuyasha and the others can catch Naraku.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Inuyasha and the others had walked out of the house, and they all looked depressed, obviously not silly pig Naraku. Regarding this, Mukuro was not surprised, Naraku was now in a stage of transformation, and his combat power was infinitely close to zero. He saw Inuyasha and others appear, and it would be strange if he didn’t run away right away.

Inuyasha asked, “Mukuro, can you sense Naraku’s location? Use teleportation to take us there.”

Mukuro reluctantly shook his head and said: “There is no way, the current Naraku’s breath is too weak and difficult to find. And Naraku seems to be wary of it. He has made the most fierce victory to escape in different directions, so instant movement is not practical.”

Mukuro turned back to point to Coral and said, “If you have time to think about these things, it is better to save Coral first, or she will die because of excessive blood loss.”

At the moment, Mukuro carried the seriously injured coral on his back, then used gravity to bring Ari, Inuyasha and others, and flew towards the coral village. On the way, Mukuro suddenly remembered that while the coral family left the village, the village would be attacked by monsters and razed to the ground. Mukuro had forgotten this just now, and no one was left to guard it.

I just rushed back now, I’m afraid it’s already…

Mukuro accelerated again and rushed to the village where the coral lived. Just as Mukuro thought, the village had been razed to the ground, leaving many monsters and the corpses of villagers around.

The coral that had been seriously injured saw this scene and fainted directly.

Mukuro said helplessly: “We seem to have done something wrong. If Maitreya was left here just now, the ending might not be so miserable.”

Mage Maitreya looked down at the monster corpse on the ground and said, “It’s useless for me to stay. There is the most violent corpse here, and my wind cave can’t work.”

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