Chapter 1094 Peach fairy

The fat man turned around, stared at Mukuro coldly, and said, “First, a half-monster, and then a human. Why is it so annoying today? But you just want to challenge me as a human, aren’t you looking for death?!”

The fat man was really not polite at all, raising his hand and patted Mukuro.

I have to say that Fatty’s shots seem to have no tricks, and the attack methods are even simpler and clumsy than ordinary people, but his attacking power is beyond doubt. Before his palm touched Mukuro, Mukuro had already felt a very strong palm wind, as if a cold wind was blowing on his face.

Judging the power of this palm from these palms, Mukuro feels that if he is photographed firmly, even a person like Maitreya will die.

But Mukuro is not Maitreya, and he doesn’t even have to dodge such an attack.

When the fat man saw that Mukuro didn’t mean to avoid the attack, he smiled triumphantly and said, “Innocent!”


His palm hit Mukuro’s body firmly, and Mukuro immediately felt a very powerful impact. Even Inuyasha in his heyday, if he bears such a force head-on, he will probably suffer serious injuries.

But Mukuro’s body is stronger than Inuyasha, of course he is not afraid of such an attack.

Mukuro shook his head disappointedly, and said, “It turns out that you only have this level of destructive power. You dare to call yourself an immortal. Your cheeks are really thick. Let’s try if your cheeks can block my fists.”

Mukuro gave a fist lightly and hit the fat man in the face.


I have to say that this fat man’s body is indeed very powerful. With the help of the jade of the four souls, his body is like iron. Even Inuyasha, it is impossible to really hurt him without the help of iron shattered teeth. But in front of Mukuro’s fist, his body was as fragile as tofu, and his face was directly punched through.

Blood kept flowing from the hole in his face.

He was shocked and said: “How can you, a human being, have such a strong power?!”

Inuyasha once fought with Taoxianren, and was equally shocked to see this scene. Ari and Maitreya were behind Mukuro, and there was nothing to say. The strength of this kind of strength is really unimaginable for them.

However, Mukuro was a little disapproving of their reaction, because his punch was useless at all, otherwise the fat man’s head would have been blown.

Mukuro said faintly: “You don’t care about this kind of mess, you might as well worry about your own life.” Mukuro punched out again, punching a blood hole in Taoxianren’s stomach, making Taoxian’s heavy body directly Fly out.

But even so, Mukuro’s attack didn’t seem to have much impact on Taoxian.

He took out a piece of jade of four souls from his pocket, stuffed it into his belly button, and said: “The first time I met a human being as strong as you, although I don’t know why, but you are unlucky to find me. You are not my opponent at all. .”

The fragment of the jade of the four souls is quite complete. After being stuffed into Taoxianren’s belly button, Taoxianren’s body hardens at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the body seems to be cast from rock. After absorbing the power of the jade of the four souls, his body seemed to become heavier and his movements were slower.

And such changes seem to continue.

Mukuro didn’t bother to wait for him to change slowly, and punched directly.


I have to say that after Taoxianren’s body became like this, although his body became a little harder, it seemed to become brittle.

Before he absorbs the jade of the four souls, Mukuro’s fist hits at most and it makes a hole in his body.

And now with a punch, Mukuro is like hitting a rock, causing Taoxianren’s body to appear cracks, and the whole person is like a statue that has been beaten by wind and rain for countless years.

Mukuro said faintly: “It’s really useless. Actually, I think it would be better if you don’t borrow the power of the jade of the four souls, at least you don’t have to be like you are now.”

After killing Taoxianjin, Mukuro walked up to Inuyasha and said, “Inuyasha, in the future when you will be transformed back into a human being, I think you should be careful. It is not the way to have me solve the opponent every time.”

“It’s so noisy!”

Inuyasha depressed: “Anyway, you can easily kill your opponent, so what if you do it? You obviously have stronger power but let me charge, are you embarrassed?”

“Of course I am sorry.”

Mukuro confidently said: “After all, collecting the jade of the four souls is your task, not my task. Why should I help you all the time?”

After a pause, Mukuro continued: “Don’t talk about these meaningless things, there should be a Taoxian master in this place.”

“Master? What do you mean?” Maitreya, Inuyasha and others were shocked.

Mukuro replied indifferently: “To put it simply, the guy who eats people for longevity just now is not a monster. He is also a human being. He just takes such a shortcut because he thinks that normal training is too long. He kills the master who opposes him. And seal the soul of his master here.”

With a weak breath, Mukuro found the hapless fairy within a short while.

That guy probably saw the battle between Mukuro and Momoji very clearly, so he wasn’t surprised to see Mukuro, Inuyasha and others, and even greeted him actively.

“Obviously already half-dead, and still in the mood to tell us these nonsense.”

Mukuro said helplessly: “Although you have taught an unscrupulous disciple, you are also responsible for this fate, but since you are dead and your apprentice is already dead, I don’t bother to pursue you, what kind of ending do you want, You choose.”

“Thank you, if not for you, I would still watch my disciple do evil. Every day in these years has been a torment for me.” The fairy said weakly, “If you can, please save me. ”

Mukuro nodded, and hurriedly backed away, giving the position to Maitreya.

No way, he is an expert in combat, but he doesn’t know anything about super saving, so this kind of work is better left to Maitreya.

After Maitreya surpassed the immortal, Mukuro said lightly:

“Continue to look for the fragments of the jade of the four souls. Inuyasha will turn back to humans once a month. It is always a hidden danger for us. I think it would be better to find another companion.”

“Find a companion?!”

Master Maitreya said strangely: “Where else can you find a companion?!”

“As long as you have the heart, you can definitely find it.” Mukuro shrugged, without explaining anything.

In the next few days, Mukuro deliberately searched for the stronger human aura he had sensed on the road, and soon discovered a small village where more powerful humans gathered together. But I don’t know why, there doesn’t seem to be as many people in that village theoretically, at least when Mukuro first discovered them, there were four more powerful auras.

But after Mukuro came here, those breaths gradually disappeared.

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